am i twisted backwards?

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I wasn't always in the mindset of denying myself marriage but i have experienced the road up to it. It isn't that i am afraid of commitment nor that i do not love the women back but i do not think my feelings or devotion to a certain person can only be shown through marriage. I honestly believe my actions shall always show more than an official government document ever could. As for one foot out the door that could come off derogatory however given the amount of positive responses here i will not take it as such, even with marriage people opt out all the time i believe it is about personal accountability, if you are truly going to commit to someone then let them know that and follow through with it. I would never lead any women on with future aspirations of eventually splitting up yet it does happen unfortunately and a divorce is much more messy

That post apparently was less offensive in my head then how it came out... My apologies for coming off as derogatory it was not my intent.

God wants us to be in a long term committed relationship... He has give us a strong biological foundation (sex drive/bonding hormones) to encourage that. However biological system is only part of the whole. There is the whole mental, emotional, spiritual, social aspects that are all part as well.

Such relationships are hard no matter how well together we have it. For many people the biological aspect is all they think about (or primary focus) and as long a that is good nothing else matters, they think the rest of the relationship will just happen... But when the biological aspect ebbs (and it almost always does) between the two then they are left with a whole lot of unresolved issues.

Living the Law of Chasity forces the biological into the back seat... Its not gone, its not powerless. But it does force a person to answer the question is this the person I am willing to commit to and do everything I can to make it work (note this doesn't mean they will be successful at it just that they are determined to try) Before taking actions that trigger the biological bonding and the potential for kids.

Edited by estradling75
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As other people put it God made us this way to have those urges for a reason he also gave us Agency to chose right and wrong. Marriage is part of Gods plan and as other have said having that attraction is essential in fulfilling his plan.

There is a lot of things that feel good or right but doing them isnt always good for us. I trust that God knows better then me whats the best thing for us. Just as parents teach and set rules down for children, to keep them safe ad so they become positive members of society God sets down commandments and teaches us.

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