Friday The 13th

Dr T

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Today is Friday the 13th. So what? I don't give it a second thought but on MSN today it covered fears of people especially on this day. I'm curious what everyone's fears, big and small, if any, are.

I don't give it a second thought unless there is something of real importance going on for me personally like tax preparation at 11 am today....eeekkk :rolleyes:

Well I guess we faired pretty good for it being Friday the 13th. They only wanted both arms, left our legs alone. :P

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How do they justify that Palerider? Have they experienced some coincidental occurrence and then generalize it every Friday the 13th?


Wow Aphrodite. LOL-none were on Fri. 13th Lets blame global warming.

I don't believe they did have anything bad happen.....they were just concerned that something would....
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Perhaps it's not this Friday the 13th you need to worry about ;) Friday, April 13, 2029 an asteroid (MN104 I think is the name) will come closer to the Earth then anything in over a thousand years. It'll come closer to us then our moon...closer then many of the satelites that orbit the Earth. For a while it was thought that the asteroid would hit us. We now know that it wont, however it is unsure how the Earths gravity will effect the asteroid. Depending on how our gravity effects the asteroid will determine if (when) the asteroid comes back around. One of the computer models set up shows that the gravity could be such that the asteroid will swing back around a second time. This second time the results are much less sure. When did the ocmputer think that second time could be? Friday, April 13th, 2035.

Yes, I'm a science geek. ;)

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Hi Jikei,

I'm familiar with that asteroid. I read about destroying it and the amount of projected particles and sizes they might be and the potential impact on the Earth on the second approach that you referenced. That is interesting stuff. I didn't remember it being on Friday the 13th. We'll have to see what happens.

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That's interesting Push. Thank you for that link. The power of superstition amazes me. I've been to hotels that "do not have" a 13th story. The elevator goes, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, etc. Push, do people stay away from your black cat? About three years ago, someone at work came to me and told me, "I saw, three black cats in a row, cross my path recently." :unsure: She was so sure it meant something really bad was going to happen to her. I thought, :hmmm: "Better go look for four white cats to counter the negative ramifications for those three" :doh:

Hi Doc..pleased to hear you liked the link. People who know Pushka well are very careful when approaching her, she can be pretty mean! She lets you stroke her for a few seconds, then she attacks you and yells out, lol. On the other hand, when she's in the mood she'll sit on your lap or beside you on the bed for hours, and she recently followed me and my daughter on a walk in the nearby countryside...that was cool, I took some photos of her looking really scared when she saw a dog in the She's actually got quite a lot of ginger mixed with her black fur, so she's not technically a black cat at all.

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