Spirit world and the Celestial Kingdom


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Ive been thinking and my mind can't grasp the thought that there will be no evil there. I know Satan will be bound, but to have no worries, negativity, etc. is awesome, but difficult to comprehend. What will happen to our minds and will we remember the bad stuff from this earthly time? If we do, what will we feel? I'm not sure I've read much about this. Does anyone have any thoughts? Does Satan still have influence in the spirit world right now? I know some spirits reject the work done on their behalf in the temple; is that because of temptation/ Satan or is it their clear mind saying no, without any influence from Satan?

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I've thought about this too.

I don't know what would make someone reject the gospel in the spirit world. My hope is that once we get there everything will make more sense? Maybe things are still just as unknown there as it is here? Maybe everything doesn't become perfectly clear. Maybe some people are still fearful of it (I know people know who are mortified of the LDS church and think it will get you a ticket straight to the lake of fire).

Do you think there are others there trying to spread different teachings the way it is here? And our spirits have to try to decide which one is true, just the way we do in this life?

I do think we'll remember things from this life. When people say "there will be no more pain or sadness" I have never really believed that. I don't think we'll have physical pain, but I do think we may feel sadness or disappointment.

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I do think we'll remember things from this life. When people say "there will be no more pain or sadness" I have never really believed that. I don't think we'll have physical pain, but I do think we may feel sadness or disappointment.

I agree. There are accounts in scripture of God shedding tears for us. We will probably still be subject to the same emotions and worries we can be subject to here.

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Part of my belief structure goes like this:

We are here, in part, to learn WHO we are.

What we love, are good at, where our talents like.

So... As an example or six:

The astrophysicist or mathmetician... Goes on to start designing the layout of star systems, spin of galaxies, rate of decay in suns.

The artist painting real sunrises...

The explorer traveling to distant parts of the universe...

The librarian cataloging everything ever written, where nothing is lost, in planet sized libraries...

The geneticist designing new species and traits...

The consummate party planner & extrovert gathering spirits from all over to celebrate, making introductions, bringing people together across time & space (If you could have dinner with anyone, Thursday past...)

The warrior who joins the army of heavens...

The cooks who create new foods to go into dishes one can only imagine....

The parent giving new childhoods to those who had theirs reft away from them, filled wi laughter and love, excitement and possibility, stability and strength so they can grow into who they are meant to be...

None of this, to my knowledge is doctrinal.

But it's MY interpretation of "like Gods"

With all of the challenge & excitement of doing what we love.

Challenge, difficulty, and even sorrow aren't inherently evil.

Even if they can be annoying or frustrating, and even if one needs to take breaks, or do so,etching different for a time.

Just as I believe very few people's true concept of perfection = boring.


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I've thought about this too.

I don't know what would make someone reject the gospel in the spirit world. My hope is that once we get there everything will make more sense? Maybe things are still just as unknown there as it is here? Maybe everything doesn't become perfectly clear. Maybe some people are still fearful of it (I know people know who are mortified of the LDS church and think it will get you a ticket straight to the lake of fire).

Do you think there are others there trying to spread different teachings the way it is here? And our spirits have to try to decide which one is true, just the way we do in this life?

I do think we'll remember things from this life. When people say "there will be no more pain or sadness" I have never really believed that. I don't think we'll have physical pain, but I do think we may feel sadness or disappointment.

I do wonder if we truly live forever up there... if so... what are we doing?

What are my dead family doing?

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I agree. There are accounts in scripture of God shedding tears for us. We will probably still be subject to the same emotions and worries we can be subject to here.

I think that there will be those emotions, but where do the negative ones/ sorrows come from? God cried because of wickedness, if there is no Satan, where will the sorrow, etc. come from? Also, if we remember our lives, even the bad stuff, will it still affect us similarly i.e. a wayward child and the sorrow if they never return?

Do you all believe the Atonement gets us through trials/ sorrow by giving an eternal perspective that one day it will be gone or there will be relief so you're not sad anymore? Why did Christ descend below all things besides to gain experiences/ knowledge concerning everyone's trials, sorrows, etc?

On a different note, is there a difference between remembering not and forgetting?

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Ive been thinking and my mind can't grasp the thought that there will be no evil there. I know Satan will be bound, but to have no worries, negativity, etc. is awesome, but difficult to comprehend. What will happen to our minds and will we remember the bad stuff from this earthly time? If we do, what will we feel? I'm not sure I've read much about this. Does anyone have any thoughts? Does Satan still have influence in the spirit world right now? I know some spirits reject the work done on their behalf in the temple; is that because of temptation/ Satan or is it their clear mind saying no, without any influence from Satan?

The second estate test is one of seeing if we will do the things we are asked to do, it is a test of action. The first estate test was one based in belief. We all passed the first estate test, there is no need to repeat that part again alone. In other words, the spirit world test must include some test of action. Will those spirits do the things they need to do to accept the gospel and covenants done vicariously for them. So, the rejection of the work likely is some form of lack of action. It may not be a clear mind saying "no" but more like "it's not worth the effort". I think despair will continue for those who despair, they won't look for help even when the help is offered. All of the action verbs we use here to describe someone who is righteous probably still applies in the spirit world, like knock, ask, follow, pray, ponder, serve, sacrifice, etc.

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I do wonder if we truly live forever up there... if so... what are we doing?

What are my dead family doing?

Same thing we wer doing before we came here, the same thing we are doing now, and will continue to do the same thing until we stop progressing.

"this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the imortality and eternal life of man"

When we die, we the same spirit we have now will be taken with us. This spirit will be just as obedient as it was when it departed, if our life was good we will be "added upon" or "improved". We will contineu to work out OUR eternal life, which eternal life is to know God.

We are attempting to ascend Jacobs Ladder.

3 And this is the manner after which they were ordained—being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works; in the first place being left to choose good or evil; therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceedingly great faith, are called with a holy calling, yea, with that holy calling which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such.

Exceeding faith and good works... In the presence of God?

26 And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon; and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate; and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever.

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The second estate test is one of seeing if we will do the things we are asked to do, it is a test of action. The first estate test was one based in belief. We all passed the first estate test, there is no need to repeat that part again alone. In other words, the spirit world test must include some test of action. Will those spirits do the things they need to do to accept the gospel and covenants done vicariously for them. So, the rejection of the work likely is some form of lack of action. It may not be a clear mind saying "no" but more like "it's not worth the effort". I think despair will continue for those who despair, they won't look for help even when the help is offered. All of the action verbs we use here to describe someone who is righteous probably still applies in the spirit world, like knock, ask, follow, pray, ponder, serve, sacrifice, etc.

While mortality is a time for action by faith, what you say gives no explanation for the millions who die as children, handicaps, etc... They do not need a test of action? Belief was enough. They were able to excercise faith in the presence of God unto life and salvation by being IN the presence of God? Than mortality would be utterly pointless. As what ever consisted of in the 1st estate was enough to make a man perfect, as was Christ.

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While mortality is a time for action by faith, what you say gives no explanation for the millions who die as children, handicaps, etc... They do not need a test of action? Belief was enough. They were able to excercise faith in the presence of God unto life and salvation by being IN the presence of God? Than mortality would be utterly pointless. As what ever consisted of in the 1st estate was enough to make a man perfect, as was Christ.

It's not just a "test of action", the second estate test is one of action when a person is in a fallen state, thus requiring faith and dependence in the Lord. The Fall of Adam is the necessary beginning of the second estate test. The second estate test is a way to stratify those that are faithful. The second estate test is a way to determine the award and eternal standing of all the "A" students of the first estate test. The test would not be given for those that don't need the test. What exactly was the criteria for those individuals, we don't know. I am assuming it was based in God's knowledge of the level of faith they had shown to that point but we do not know why they don't need the second estate test.

I didn't give an explanation for those that "die as children, handicaps, etc." because I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about those that undergo the second estate test which continues on through the spirit prison in the spirit world. Those that are in paradise have come unto Christ' rest.

D&C 137; " 9 For I, the Lord, will judge all men according to their works, according to the desire of their hearts.

10 And I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven."

Christ was perfect but not yet perfected. He grew in stature amongst man and God while here.

Part of the purpose of this life, too, is to receive a body. There is a point in that. Mortality isn't pointless even if it didn't include the test.

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