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I'm trying to make a radio with house hold things. I started a capacitor...stupid thing.

I'm also starting to read a book "Gunpowder Empire." Anyone heard of that?

Today is my first day at work!

I want root beer, but haven't seen Pirates 3 yet.

My sibs are playing Cruisin' World, and that horn is annoying me.

I've got a Dithmarschen flag above my bed with St. George killing a dragon. It is red.

I'm playing a game of mafia on another board, and I hope to win. Should we start a mafia thread here too?

I think I'm addicted to anime. Is that bad?

Especially if I don't want to watch anything on TV this summer or fall?

I think I have my dad's shirt in my closet. That would explain me having two orange shirts.

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I'm trying to make a radio with house hold things. I started a capacitor...stupid thing.

I'm also starting to read a book "Gunpowder Empire." Anyone heard of that?

Today is my first day at work!

I want root beer, but haven't seen Pirates 3 yet.

My sibs are playing Cruisin' World, and that horn is annoying me.

I've got a Dithmarschen flag above my bed with St. George killing a dragon. It is red.

I'm playing a game of mafia on another board, and I hope to win. Should we start a mafia thread here too?

I think I'm addicted to anime. Is that bad?

Especially if I don't want to watch anything on TV this summer or fall?

I think I have my dad's shirt in my closet. That would explain me having two orange shirts.

1) awesome!!!!

2) nope sounds intreging....

3)huza!!! i need a job...

4) you shall see it O_O wether you want to or not! I love ninjas more than pirates, and i watched that dadgum movie twice!! watch it.....

5) cruisin' world?

6) sweet. Dragons are awesome, even if they're being killed....

7) lol yeah! is it anything like the card game?

8)no! O.O! anime is awesome!!!! very amusing! but then again it depends on the anime it is.....no yaoi in my opinion is good....i wish i had cable to watch anime :'(

9) nice, i have the same issues with my sis's clothing, and she's smaller than me >_>

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Sorry to rain on anybodies happiness here but as an engineer and scientist - I do not believe there is any such thing as "Randomness". Even complex systems have parameter limits. Interesting to see what parameter limits are doing to some people. ;)

The Traveler

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Sorry to rain on anybodies happiness here but as an engineer and scientist - I do not believe there is any such thing as "Randomness". Even complex systems have parameter limits. Interesting to see what parameter limits are doing to some people. ;)

The Traveler

indeed, it makes humans entertaining to a sense! I don't remember where i hear it, but "slinkys are like humans, it's fun to watch them fall down the stairs!" Slinky slinky everybody loves a slinky....
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