Jesus And Lucifer...

Guest The Incredible Piff.

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hey you know Hebrew? Where do you get these original translations? I have a Tanach at home, but am still learning how to read it. Very interested in your responce.


I know very little Hebrew - I do know a couple of Jewish Rabbis that help me. I do not trust a lot of Christians that claim to know and study Hebrew. I perfer someone that lives a language.

The Traveler

Huh? what is your problem? I don't care whether you "trust" me or not! I'm studieing Hebrew because I love the language and for my own personal reasons. It has nothing to do with any "agenda". Yeeesh...lighten up, dude!

Interesting how you interpret my opinion. May I state it again in a slightly different manner?

It has always been my advice to anyone trying to learn anything that they seek out one or more experts (the best they can find) to assist them. If you want to learn about math seek out experts in math. If you want to learn about money seek out experts in investments. I am sorry that I thought you were serious in your desire to learn Hebrew – I take back my advise and ask your forgiveness.

The Traveler

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Guest Yediyd

Interesting how you interpret my opinion. May I state it again in a slightly different manner?

It has always been my advice to anyone trying to learn anything that they seek out one or more experts (the best they can find) to assist them. If you want to learn about math seek out experts in math. If you want to learn about money seek out experts in investments. I am sorry that I thought you were serious in your desire to learn Hebrew – I take back my advise and ask your forgiveness.

The Traveler

Well, It seems that I owe YOU an apollogy! I took your message to me, not as advise, but as a negative comment on my attemp to learn Hebrew...Obviously I was mistaken, I misstook your message and I now offer my humble apollogies and ask for your forgiveness.

btw...I have found a place in my community called the Jewish family servises...I see a young man there who is Jewish and speaks fluent Hebrew...Thank you for your advise, and again...I am sorry I misstook it for something that it was not.


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Guest Yediyd

Sounds like a great opportunity Yediyd. I may have done that with Traveler's post in the past too. :blush: Internet is sometimes hard to read the tone and becomes easily misinterpreted. face is red! :embarrassed:

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Actually, you can't pronounce my name from the pre-existance.

Luke, I'm honored that you've chosen me to use as your sparring partner. Just don't get carried away. B)

Note: The above was in response to Luke's comments, which has since replaced with an emoticon.

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I care nothing for glory.

I glory in knowledge and testimony, and enjoy improving both traits as I interact with the fine members of this board. That includes you too, Luke. B)

Note: The above was a response to comments by Luke which he has since deleted. The subject of claiming glory came up.

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For heavens sake Luke, how childish can you get!? Why don't you just email/pm Heather and request that your entire profile be deleted and quit with the deleting of your posts.

Or else just start another topic and apologize for being such a dweeb!

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