Animal Heaven


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Guest Yediyd

All creatures will be resurrected. Since I don't think animals can "sin," I think it'd be fair to say they'll all dwell in the Celestial Kingdom with God, Jesus and the Church of the Firstborn.

Yeah! I'll get to see Rex, Gideon and Fancy again! Sure do miss them!

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Somthing I've always wondered...were do animals go?

I mean, their family....

Well in the case of my dogs and cat we are their family I hope they will be part of our celestial family - I have a lady in my branch that is convinced they will be - my first dog Sally was my best every friend so I hope we get to see her. When she died she had a blessing that promised we would - along with the fact she had been as loyal and wonderful a companion as anyone could hope for and it promised she would die surrounded by love. It was a beautiful blessing - I do know she had a great respect for my husbands priesthood and she would occasionally in her old age come upto him and put his hand on her head.


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Guest Yediyd

There better be animals in heaven, else where would I go to get a good steak? Heaven wouldn't be perfect if there weren't a great porterhouse available.

Hate ta bust yer bubble...but...meat was never supposed to be food...doubt it will be in Heaven, specially since the lion and the lamb will be buds in the millenial kingdom.

Better get used to boca burgers! ^_^

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*feels better*

Good. I love my animals and would not be looking forward to heaven without them...

I have 8 animals, close to each other in age so I had been wondering....

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There better be animals in heaven, else where would I go to get a good steak? Heaven wouldn't be perfect if there weren't a great porterhouse available.

Hate ta bust yer bubble...but...meat was never supposed to be food...doubt it will be in Heaven, specially since the lion and the lamb will be buds in the millenial kingdom.

Better get used to boca burgers! ^_^

Boca Burger! :wow:

I like that word....

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Guest Username-Removed

I got my Cat when I was 5 years old. She died when I was 20 years old on my mission. She was incredible. I hope I can see her again. :fingerscrossed:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Yediyd

:wow: What is it with all these cat pictures :wacko: OK, God I got the picture. I'm willing to admit, "There is a cat in my home." As I said, "It is THEIR cat."

I am SO PROUD of you, Dr.T!! You have just completed the first step in your recovery!!

Now, just admit that you are powerless over your kitty,and get a sponcer. I will be happy to sponcer you! I have been cat-free for YEARS, now.Posted Image

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There better be animals in heaven, else where would I go to get a good steak? Heaven wouldn't be perfect if there weren't a great porterhouse available.

i agree 100% :D

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There better be animals in heaven, else where would I go to get a good steak? Heaven wouldn't be perfect if there weren't a great porterhouse available.

Hate ta bust yer bubble...but...meat was never supposed to be food...doubt it will be in Heaven, specially since the lion and the lamb will be buds in the millenial kingdom.

Better get used to boca burgers! ^_^

i disagree....and there is a difference between the family pet and dinner

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Guest Yediyd
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She tries to rub up against my legs. Darn cat :angry:

Get a squirt bottle and every time it does that, squirt it right in the face. Not a cat lover, I take it?

All kidding you guys really think we will eat meat in Heaven? Adam and Eve didn't in the garden, and we won't in the millenium, and G-d tells us to only eat it sparingly in the W. O. W. , He sent manna to the children of Isreal and only sent quail after they complained, but he was angry with them and many got sick and died.

This is why I assume G-d never intended for us to eat I wrong? I LOVE Boca Burgers!! :D

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All creatures will be resurrected. Since I don't think animals can "sin," I think it'd be fair to say they'll all dwell in the Celestial Kingdom with God, Jesus and the Church of the Firstborn.

Joseph Smith stated that he thought his dog and horse would be in heaven with him...

As to whether animals can sin or not, I have to disagree with you CK. I think that some animals do sin against what little light they have. Did you ever see the movie "The Ghost and the Darkness"? It was about two lions that got to liking human flesh. Pretty weird movie and one that made me think that animals can be evil if they choose.

I currently have a "cat of perdition" living in my house... :D

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As I understand it, your resurrected body won't need to eat at all. Any eating would be purely for pleasure. Jesus ate with his disciples after his resurrection, but it was to show that he was indeed alive again and not because he needed to feed his body to remain alive.

The resurrected body is an interesting concept. According to my understanding, it will be restored to a perfect form. My question would be, what is considered to be the perfect form for everyone's body? At what approximate earthly age would the average person's resurrected body restored to? Would we get to choose that form? What if we grew tired of the same look all the time and wanted a change? Would I be able to keep my spare tire or would I be forced to be skinny and rippling with muscles like Hulk Hogan? Not everyone's view of perfection is the same, what if someone doesn't like someone else's idea of their perfect form?

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As I understand it, your resurrected body won't need to eat at all. Any eating would be purely for pleasure. Jesus ate with his disciples after his resurrection, but it was to show that he was indeed alive again and not because he needed to feed his body to remain alive.

Good news for me! One of my greatest pleasures is eating something that tastes wonderful...

I'm hoping to look like Hulk Hogan but eat like Rosie O'Donnell! :wow:

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Guest Yediyd
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As I understand it, your resurrected body won't need to eat at all. Any eating would be purely for pleasure. Jesus ate with his disciples after his resurrection, but it was to show that he was indeed alive again and not because he needed to feed his body to remain alive.

Good news for me! One of my greatest pleasures is eating something that tastes wonderful...

I'm hoping to look like Hulk Hogan but eat like Rosie O'Donnell! :wow:Posted Image

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