Why Did David Choose 5 Stones?

Guest Yediyd

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Guest Yediyd

LOL. That is interesting. I don't know what the significance is, if any. If you come up with anything. Please let me know. Thank you

It was just an impression that I had while I was reading the story...but I'll check into it and get back to you.

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I'd say that because Goliath was a man instead of a beast or rock or some other object David had been practicing on, and could dodge one stone. So he took some "reloads".

David had perfect faith that the Lord would deliver him, but I doubt he thought that it would be the first stone.

It is also interesting that the stone isn't what killed Goliath. The stone apparently stunned him. Then David took Goliath's own sword and cut off his head.

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Probably because he was a Philistine, like Goliath, and the Philistines were enemies with Israel.

David's mighty men rocked. Ambidextrous, skilled with multiple weapons...no one ever talks about them but they were Israeli Special Forces back in the day. ;)

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2Sa 21:19 And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew [the brother of] Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear [was] like a weaver's beam.


1Sa 17:51 Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.

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I'm assuming not the same battle, but a later one, or later in that same battle?

The victory of David over Goliath was the beginning of the end for the giants, wasn't it? Well, actually Israel had triumphed over them earlier, under Joshua, but then because of wickedness they were no longer supported by the Lord as they became more and more intrenched in sin.

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This may seem odd to some but as a boy, I was taught by an expert how to use a sling as an accurate and deadly weapon. Since that time I have never seen expert use of a sling demonstrated in any movie or video. There is a distinct body, arm and hand motion that is used to create force and accuracy to launch the stone. The closest action that I have seen that is similar is the overhead slam technique used by many professionals in tennis. The swinging around your head in a twirling motion is not the correct or the most deadly and accurate motion possible.

There is no question in my mind that David was an expert. He selected five stones. This is the reason I believe he selected five stones. Each stone he selected had a distinct characteristic in flight. David was making sure he was prepared. However, when he reached for a stone in his pouch he expected that G-d would have a hand in the stone selected in the final battle.

Like so many things with G-d we need to go into battle prepared for more than one thing we think may happen – then in the heat of the battle allow G-d to direct us as to which of our preparations will be utilized.

The Traveler

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Guest Yediyd

Good point Traveler.

David is one of my favorite examples of the principle that by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass.

One stone saved a nation.

One improper roof-top encounter ruined a soul.

won't David get a chance at exaltation after he goes to Hell for awile to attone for murdering Uriah?

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I doubt it. Here's what the Lord says about David's spiritual standing:

David’s wives and concubines were given unto him of me, by the hand of Nathan, my servant, and others of the prophets who had the keys of this power; and in none of these things did he sin against me save in the case of Uriah and his wife; and, therefore he hath fallen from his exaltation, and received his portion; and he shall not inherit them out of the world, for I gave them unto another, saith the Lord. (D&C 132:39, emphasis mine)

The other cool thing that David's fall teaches is that there are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents. Solomon, the product of David's affair with Uriah, went on to be a mighty king and spiritual leader before his own fall (also related to women).

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Guest Yediyd

I doubt it. Here's what the Lord says about David's spiritual standing:

David’s wives and concubines were given unto him of me, by the hand of Nathan, my servant, and others of the prophets who had the keys of this power; and in none of these things did he sin against me save in the case of Uriah and his wife; and, therefore he hath fallen from his exaltation, and received his portion; and he shall not inherit them out of the world, for I gave them unto another, saith the Lord. (D&C 132:39, emphasis mine)

The other cool thing that David's fall teaches is that there are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents. Solomon, the product of David's affair with Uriah, went on to be a mighty king and spiritual leader before his own fall (also related to women).

THat's what I mean, CK, he won't stay in Hell, but cannot be exalted? where will he go?
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Guest Yediyd

Telestial Kingdom? Terrestrial Kingdom? Who knows?

I don't think murderers will be granted admittance to the Celestial Kingdom. :hmmm:

I think you are right, it just makes me sad...David was a man after God's own heart, too...If he can lose favor with God....it scares me! 'course, I've never killed anyone.

not that I havent thought about it....just 10 min alone with my x-husband and no consiquences...that's ALL I want!!!!!

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Telestial Kingdom? Terrestrial Kingdom? Who knows?

I don't think murderers will be granted admittance to the Celestial Kingdom. :hmmm:

I think you are right, it just makes me sad...David was a man after God's own heart, too...If he can lose favor with God....it scares me! 'course, I've never killed anyone.

not that I havent thought about it....just 10 min alone with my x-husband and no consiquences...that's ALL I want!!!!!

I will offer a different opinion with a short story. I was talking to an individual that attempted to read the Book of Mormon a while back when the President asked all the members to do so. They said that because of their young children and things they just could not get it done. However, there were quite upset because of all the bragging of other members about the blessings they had received. The sought council of the L-rd and the spirit taught them that they did indeed lose blessings for not following as the president asked. Those blessings were lost for ever but because of their repentance they had been for given and if they were obedient new blessing could be obtained.

I believe this is true of David. Through repentance they can receive blessings. There is nothing from which man cannot repent - but lost blessings are lost forever but that does not mean that new blessing cannot be obtained. I expect to meet David in the CK along with many others that desire to be with G-d but have struggled. I believe anyone that repents will be forgiven. But I suspect that Abigail and other choice ladies will be given to another.

The Traveler

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It's tempting to believe that, Traveler, and I almost do.

However, in D&C 132 when the Lord says that David has fallen from his exaltation and received his portion...that sounds pretty final to me. All the wives which were given to David by the Prophet Nathan have been sealed to others more worthy. Seems like David will at the very most remain single forever in the lowest degree of the Celestial Kingdom, and at the very least be a ministering angel in either the Telestial or Terrestrial Kingdom.

But, I'd be happy to be proven wrong in the next life if David is in the CK and if I make it there as well. ;)

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Guest Yediyd

It's tempting to believe that, Traveler, and I almost do.

However, in D&C 132 when the Lord says that David has fallen from his exaltation and received his portion...that sounds pretty final to me. All the wives which were given to David by the Prophet Nathan have been sealed to others more worthy. Seems like David will at the very most remain single forever in the lowest degree of the Celestial Kingdom, and at the very least be a ministering angel in either the Telestial or Terrestrial Kingdom.

But, I'd be happy to be proven wrong in the next life if David is in the CK and if I make it there as well. ;)

Have to go along with you on that one, CK.

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We have to remember that there are 3 degrees of glory. Being saved in the Terre or Tele Kingdom is still way better than being left in hell. And being saved in those kingdoms is as much a part of Christ's work as the CK is.

David has lost his exaltation thru his actions. He will be forgiven, but saved in one of the lesser kingdoms.

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I believe that anyone that wants to live with G-d in the CK will do so. I believe that is the work and Glory of G-d. In another thread I talk about the hassle of repentance - That is the hard part. The damage done to other by sin has been fixed by the atonement, the only thing left is repentance - if a person can repent they will be forgiven. And when that day comes I believe many will be surprised with who has stayed the course in hell and repented. Other wise I see no purpose or reason for G-d to provide hell.

The Traveler

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Guest Yediyd

I believe that anyone that wants to live with G-d in the CK will do so. I believe that is the work and Glory of G-d. In another thread I talk about the hassle of repentance - That is the hard part. The damage done to other by sin has been fixed by the atonement, the only thing left is repentance - if a person can repent they will be forgiven. And when that day comes I believe many will be surprised with who has stayed the course in hell and repented. Other wise I see no purpose or reason for G-d to provide hell.

The Traveler

Wow, Traveler that is a comforting thought! THIS is what attracted me to the LDS church! I was raised Baptist...Turn or burn! No second chance after this life, and no chance for those who have never heard of Christ because "the trees and rocks would proclaim Christ so that they are without excuse." I wanted (and now do) to believe that my God was a loving and understanding God. One of judgment, to be sure...but one who loves me enough to make a way that I could come back to him. I had these thoughts in my head LONG before I ever heard LDS doctrine...and when I DID hear that doctrine, it fit with what was already in my heart...it didn't take long for me to convert and the more I learn, the more I am SURE that I made the RIGHT choice!!!
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Guest Yediyd

btw, Jason...just so you know...God is the same God today that he was when Brigham Young was president of our church and when Abraham was preparing to kill his own son...Nothing that you quote from old discourses will shake my faith in those Prophets or in the Prophets of old. Jonah was a Prophet of God...he sinned and repented, but that didn't change the truth of his message. Same with Baalim, he beat his donkey for not obaying him...even though that donkey saved his life...the angel in the way was prepared to kill him. He too, was a prophet of God....and so meny other intances!!! what about in the new Testiment....when Annanias and Saphira lied to Paul about their tithe? God dropped them dead in front of the whole congregation...and Paul proclaimed their guilt. My God hasn't changed...Only men have. So, yes...I am new to LDS...but my testimony is strong, and if you wish to shake it...you are going to have to try ALOT harder!!!(this in responce to a comment in another thread about why the old discourses were brought up..."to enlighten new converts")

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I believe that anyone that wants to live with G-d in the CK will do so. I believe that is the work and Glory of G-d. In another thread I talk about the hassle of repentance - That is the hard part. The damage done to other by sin has been fixed by the atonement, the only thing left is repentance - if a person can repent they will be forgiven. And when that day comes I believe many will be surprised with who has stayed the course in hell and repented. Other wise I see no purpose or reason for G-d to provide hell.

The Traveler

Wow, Traveler that is a comforting thought! THIS is what attracted me to the LDS church! I was raised Baptist...Turn or burn! No second chance after this life, and no chance for those who have never heard of Christ because "the trees and rocks would proclaim Christ so that they are without excuse." I wanted (and now do) to believe that my God was a loving and understanding God. One of judgment, to be sure...but one who loves me enough to make a way that I could come back to him. I had these thoughts in my head LONG before I ever heard LDS doctrine...and when I DID hear that doctrine, it fit with what was already in my heart...it didn't take long for me to convert and the more I learn, the more I am SURE that I made the RIGHT choice!!!

I don't know, it just doesn't sound right to me. The reason for the other degrees of glory is to provide a place for those don't measure up to CK material. The way is strait and narrow, as the Savior said, and while all are invited and have an opportunity, there are certain things (like pre-meditated murder) that have such a consequence that the CK is not attainable anymore. I have to go with D&C 76 and 132 where murderers spend time in hell and then are saved in the Telestial Kingdom. The Terre and Tele are as much a part of the Savior's work as the CK is, as they are degrees of glory.

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Guest Yediyd

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I believe that anyone that wants to live with G-d in the CK will do so. I believe that is the work and Glory of G-d. In another thread I talk about the hassle of repentance - That is the hard part. The damage done to other by sin has been fixed by the atonement, the only thing left is repentance - if a person can repent they will be forgiven. And when that day comes I believe many will be surprised with who has stayed the course in hell and repented. Other wise I see no purpose or reason for G-d to provide hell.

The Traveler

Wow, Traveler that is a comforting thought! THIS is what attracted me to the LDS church! I was raised Baptist...Turn or burn! No second chance after this life, and no chance for those who have never heard of Christ because "the trees and rocks would proclaim Christ so that they are without excuse." I wanted (and now do) to believe that my God was a loving and understanding God. One of judgment, to be sure...but one who loves me enough to make a way that I could come back to him. I had these thoughts in my head LONG before I ever heard LDS doctrine...and when I DID hear that doctrine, it fit with what was already in my heart...it didn't take long for me to convert and the more I learn, the more I am SURE that I made the RIGHT choice!!!

I don't know, it just doesn't sound right to me. The reason for the other degrees of glory is to provide a place for those don't measure up to CK material. The way is strait and narrow, as the Savior said, and while all are invited and have an opportunity, there are certain things (like pre-meditated murder) that have such a consequence that the CK is not attainable anymore. I have to go with D&C 76 and 132 where murderers spend time in hell and then are saved in the Telestial Kingdom. The Terre and Tele are as much a part of the Savior's work as the CK is, as they are degrees of glory.

Personally, I can't say one way or the other...because I just don't know...but even in the degrees of glory...I have hope for loved ones who refuse to accept the truth of the gosple here on Earth....THAT is a comfort to me and was not taught in the church that I came out of.

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