Why Did David Choose 5 Stones?

Guest Yediyd

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I have said this before but I think this is another good time to say it again. I believe in choice - and I think there is another side to things. Everybody says they want to go to heaven or the CK. I think there are people that have convinced themselves that they want to go to heaven and spend their whole lief working and even making sacrifices to get into heaven.

But I believe that at what many call the great judgement of G-d many good people will have a real good view into heaven and will turn and say - This is not what I thought. This is not what I want. This is not for me - and they will look to G-d and he will tell them there is a place suited just for them and that if they look around the other kingdoms of glory they will find just what they have always wanted.

Many people think happiness is finding something that suits them. They find a church that suits them, they get a job that suits them, they find a partner that suits them. It is all about them and them being happy. I am sorry but I do not think that is what the CK is all about. If we have not learned to enjoy work and enjoy things like home teaching, temple work, enjoy taking care of and helping others, doing good to your enemies. If you would rather sit in a tropical place and be fed grapes by beautiful maidens (or hansom studs) and be on constant vacation - I don't think you will have much fun in the CK.

I also do not think G-d will force anything of those that do not what it. I think we will all want exactly what we get.

The Traveler

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We cultivate what we admire, whatever that may be, and ignore what we despise.

What's psychologically important to us determines our actions. Everything we do is preceded by a moral (or immoral) thought.

The Celestial Kingdom is not for people who do good things, but for people who enjoy doing good things as well.

Our values affect our decisions, and decisions determine destiny. As Traveler said, we will all get what we want, and not everyone wants the Celestial Kingdom. :hmmm:

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Guest mamacat

what if i want to devote myself to one handsome stud, in meek and humble service, helping him to be happy, and feeding him peeled grapes in a tropical place for all eternity???

does my my wish to enjoy this life of service count as a 'pass go' through the gates of the celestial dwelling place?


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I have said this before but I think this is another good time to say it again. I believe in choice - and I think there is another side to things. Everybody says they want to go to heaven or the CK. I think there are people that have convinced themselves that they want to go to heaven and spend their whole lief working and even making sacrifices to get into heaven.

But I believe that at what many call the great judgement of G-d many good people will have a real good view into heaven and will turn and say - This is not what I thought. This is not what I want. This is not for me - and they will look to G-d and he will tell them there is a place suited just for them and that if they look around the other kingdoms of glory they will find just what they have always wanted.

Many people think happiness is finding something that suits them. They find a church that suits them, they get a job that suits them, they find a partner that suits them. It is all about them and them being happy. I am sorry but I do not think that is what the CK is all about. If we have not learned to enjoy work and enjoy things like home teaching, temple work, enjoy taking care of and helping others, doing good to your enemies. If you would rather sit in a tropical place and be fed grapes by beautiful maidens (or hansom studs) and be on constant vacation - I don't think you will have much fun in the CK.

I also do not think G-d will force anything of those that do not what it. I think we will all want exactly what we get.

The Traveler


Very well put. That falls completely in line with us "being our own judges" and that we would be in more anguish dwelling with a just God with a remembrance of our own filthiness (or comfort level?) than to dwell with the damned souls in hell (paraphrase).

I have always thought that the last judgement will not be some great courtroom type setting. I believe it will be kind of like a PPI, only with the ultimate Presidency!, and that we will more or less choose where we feel comfortable. It may even be that those that are truly humble will say "I belong in such and such kingdom" and then the Savior will say, much like he taught the Pharisees, "no, come on up to the head of the table. Your endurance and desires with my grace have allowed that." (Luke 14:10)

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Guest Yediyd

It may even be that those that are truly humble will say "I belong in such and such kingdom" and then the Savior will say, much like he taught the Pharisees, "no, come on up to the head of the table. Your endurance and desires with my grace have allowed that." (Luke 14:10)

Sixpack...you made me smile. :)
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