Would you say you're happy?


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I\'m happy, but I\'ve had my struggles with depression - bipolar specifically - and PPD after having my daughter, and those two things can make a beautiful thing not so beautiful. When I use \"beautiful\", I mean the good things in life. On a branch off thought, I too often take for granted the life I\'ve been blessed with, in comparison to my quality of life before meeting my husband, and just considering the notion that I could have wound up in a very different reality all together unless my parents had adopted me. So it\'s a dynamic web of happy strings and blessed strings and it\'s-complicated strings...

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Well at the moment I feel at peace, yes.  It is a wonderful feeling. 


However, I have a dissociative disorder.  I've read that people with dissociative disorders are often misdiagnosed as being Bi-polar....so yeah, I'm moody.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring.  I have learned to rejoice in the peace when I have it.  And in a culture (both general American and LDS cultures) that put much emphasis on happiness, I'm grateful to remember that Isaiah called the Savior, "Man of Sorrows, Man of Grief".  Jesus wasn't happy ALL the time either.  So I must be doing okay.  :)

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*sigh* If only we really could just tell ourselves so and it would happen, but the human mind is a logical one and will reject such things if they do not have a good reason. I suppose one could beat their mind into submission by continually thinking the idea and saying it like a mantra, but the problems with that are obvious.


And therein lies the pull of Satan, as I said in an earlier thread. He offers immediate pleasure instead of slow but steady improvement and joy through hard work.


Therein lies the problem...  ;-)




My mind is a very logical one.  I'm a programmer after all.


So, I'm not sure if I mentioned this on this forum before.  Last year, my town in the Philippines got hit by an earthquake, and then a few days later by a typhoon.


Our house is a single-story house right next to a 2-story apartment.  The earthquake hit and the 2-story cement wall next-door fell right on top of our roof.  I call my family and they exclaim, "Oh, we are so blessed.  God is truly good.  A 2-story cement wall fell on our roof and the roof did not cave in!  Praise the Lord!".


A few days later, Typhoon Yolanda hit.  I call my family again and they exclaim, "Oh, we are doubly blessed!  God is truly truly good.  We were able to avoid flooding because our roof did not fly off as the cement wall held it down!  Praise the Lord!"


I also have a rice farm in the next island over.  It was a few kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake.  The farm is tilled by 2 families.  The earthquake hit and both their houses were like matchsticks flat on the ground.  I call both families and they exclaim, "Oh, we are so blessed.  God is truly good.  All of us are alive without too much injury!  Praise the Lord!".


A few days later, the typhoon hit.  I call them and they exclaim, "Oh, we are so blessed.  God is truly good.  Since our houses are gone, we were staying at the big church which is a very safe place to be.  All the houses are already flat, so there was nothing left for the typhoon to destroy!  Praise the Lord!"


When you grow up with people like that, it becomes easier to shake off whatever crappy thing there is and find the silver lining because that's just what we all do.  We all get to just find a way to Praise the Lord!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I suffer from chronic, clinical depression.  Between the depression and the medications, I don't think I know what happy is.  I always wonder if Jesus was happy on earth.  We know he was apparently a "man of sorrow" and "acquainted with grief"  and eventually received a "fullness of joy."   Do I have to wait until after the resurrection too?  I teach gospel doctrine class and I will admit, there have been times in that class when I have been teaching and have really felt joy.  The gospel is true.   I just wish I could feel its joy at least occasionally outside of church.    

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Not to be too much of bummer but "Things could be a lot worse" never makes me feel better.  I always think "It's gonna get worse??!!!!!! :eek:


LOL.  I'm with you.  That phrase has never made me feel better either.

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