I feel stuck and depressed and i don't know what to do?


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Hi, this is my first time on the forums. I'm 16 years old and I've been a member of the church for almost 4 years now. My dad isn't a member and my mom is inactive and they got a divorce recently. one of my best friends left for a mission a few months ago, and even though i'm really happy for him, I've felt very lonely since then. I'm really shy so I don't have a lot of friends. just moved to a new place, so I'm going to a new school and I haven't found my place yet... 

I've been depressed this entire summer. even my psychologist agrees with me. i've been stressed with school work  and self-esteem issues and I've been sleeping excessively. depression runs in the family. people tell me "hang on, it'll get better" and I know it will eventually, but that's not really why I'm posting here.


I'm posting here because I feel so frustrated and hopeless with my relationship with Heavenly Father. i really wish i didn't have to say that. i'm not a bad person, but i don't follow the commandments perfectly. i feel like the depression has had me loose interest in being as righteous as i used to be. and now I feel like He won't help me because im not doing everything I'm supposed to? i need help, but i feel like He isn't answering me. it's so frustrating. i've tried and tried to get myself out of this mess but i keep failing. i wish i could feel like He's here for me, but i'm sorry, i don't, and i don't know if that's my fault or not. all i know is that i just want to feel happy again. any advice? 

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Depression is a thing that does not have a one cure all thing.

You can't be perfect and striving for something like that when you are in such a state will only make it worse.

Placing the blame on yourself is the worst thing you can do, i know I am not the best to answer at it from a religious angle, I don't have one, I can't commit to the church because in times of deep depression I simply drop it like a stone.

Mental illness will be with me when I die and is hand in and with depression, so I at least understand what you feel. Ultimately you need to find out what will make you happy, and reach for it.

You can't blindly hope for things to get better because the world is cruel, you need to work at it.

I wouldn't think God would want us to be idle and wait around.

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The great thing about the atonement is that you don't have to worry about being perfect, so don't sweat it. (That doesn't mean we don't try  ;) ) Just try your best, keep moving forward and trust in Christ.


Maybe you would appreciate listening to this:



There have been plenty times in my life when I have felt the need for help from my heavenly father, and my prayers seem to not be answered.


Sometimes the answer is, now is not the time, you will grow better for this struggle, I have already given you guidance...etc

I've heard this from others many times before, but it's not until I experienced it myself that it has become real to me. I can promise you that your prayers will be answered.

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I'm posting here because I feel so frustrated and hopeless with my relationship with Heavenly Father. i really wish i didn't have to say that. i'm not a bad person, but i don't follow the commandments perfectly. i feel like the depression has had me loose interest in being as righteous as i used to be. and now I feel like He won't help me because im not doing everything I'm supposed to? i need help, but i feel like He isn't answering me. it's so frustrating. i've tried and tried to get myself out of this mess but i keep failing. i wish i could feel like He's here for me, but i'm sorry, i don't, and i don't know if that's my fault or not. all i know is that i just want to feel happy again. any advice? 

How do I say this, how do I correct this thinking? All of us are sinners before God. Every last person now living on this entire planet has fallen short. By the strict rule of the law (and your standard) they should be cut off from God's presence, to be "angels to a devil". But this is clearly not how it works. I have the best news in the world. The Lord will help you even though your not perfect! What's more, all your effort in this life can never make you perfect. What you will find is that every time you try you will fall short. Again, and again, and again, you will not be able to do it. But guess what? You never needed to do it. Satan put's this lie into your head. Your imperfection is not keeping you from God, instead it is the false walls disbelief you have built up that keep you from him (not him from you). 


Here is how Paul in the New Testament explains it:



Obviously, the law [all the rules] applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are.


But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. (Romans 3:19-22 NLT)

Humbling ourselves before God and placing all our faith in Jesus Christ is all that is required! Through Christ's atonement we imperfect people can be made right. Not because of what we do but because of what he did, and because we trust in him.  But faith is not simply believe that there is a God or that Christ suffered on the cross. True active faith is much more powerful. It is believing to the core of our being that Christ can save you and me. 


The first Article of Faith specifies that we must have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We often think that having faith in Christ means believing in his identity as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. But believing in Jesus' identity as the Christ is only the first half of it. The other half is believing in his ability, in his power to cleanse and to save - to make unworthy sons and daughters worthy. Not only must we believe that he is who he says he is, we must also believe that he can do what he says he can do. We must not only believe in Christ, we must also believe Christ when he says he can clean us up and make us celestial. (Believing Christ, Stephen E. Robinson, p. 10)

Christ can make you whole. When we are in his love and spirit surrounds us, our guilt is swept away. Just trust in him and plead with him to help you through and he will. Not because you are perfect, but because he loves you and you need him.


I tell you this not because I have read about it but because I have experienced it. I, a sure sinner, have pled before God and he has freed me from my crushing burden of guilt. I follow him not because the commandments demand it but because he has saved my from all my self inflicted pain. He can do the same for you. I know it.

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Serna, I want to second James's response to you!  I too have experienced the loving atonement of Christ and can testify that He will help you also!  I have been there with depression, to the point of considering suicide!  But God can work miracles in our lives if you simply put your faith in HIM and keep in constant communication with the Holy Ghost!  Also, you might need to get involved with other youth in the church, we are not meant to go this life alone, we are social creatures and we need the love and support of others to help us!  


Also, you mentioned your parents divorced, be careful that you are not carrying unnecessary guilt about their break-up!  You had nothing to do with that!  It is somewhat natural for children to think that they might have played a role in the break-up of their parents, BUT you MUST not think that way!  Your parents made decisions, whether right or wrong based on their own free agency!


Hang in there and may the Lord give you peace and wisdom!

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Hi, this is my first time on the forums. I'm 16 years old and I've been a member of the church for almost 4 years now. My dad isn't a member and my mom is inactive and they got a divorce recently. one of my best friends left for a mission a few months ago, and even though i'm really happy for him, I've felt very lonely since then. I'm really shy so I don't have a lot of friends. just moved to a new place, so I'm going to a new school and I haven't found my place yet...

I've been depressed this entire summer. even my psychologist agrees with me. i've been stressed with school work and self-esteem issues and I've been sleeping excessively. depression runs in the family. people tell me "hang on, it'll get better" and I know it will eventually, but that's not really why I'm posting here.

I'm posting here because I feel so frustrated and hopeless with my relationship with Heavenly Father. i really wish i didn't have to say that. i'm not a bad person, but i don't follow the commandments perfectly. i feel like the depression has had me loose interest in being as righteous as i used to be. and now I feel like He won't help me because im not doing everything I'm supposed to? i need help, but i feel like He isn't answering me. it's so frustrating. i've tried and tried to get myself out of this mess but i keep failing. i wish i could feel like He's here for me, but i'm sorry, i don't, and i don't know if that's my fault or not. all i know is that i just want to feel happy again. any advice?

Just remember this is how Satan wants you to feel. None of us can keep the commandments perfectly. We "all" get to much exercise running our selfs down. But that kind of exercise does not build "spiritual muscle". Lift up your head and rejoice, you are young and all life is before you...the strength to do what is right is found in our love for our God, not the fear of him.
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