being drawn to LDS ?


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For a long time I have felt a special feeling about LDS.  I often wondered about the Church growing up. I also had a unique inner feeling just being outside of a Mormon Church wondering what it was like inside.

I have taught school for many years and the very few times I had a Mormon kid in my class or on my ball team (about 5 kids total over the years)  they were "top notch" with great family support. I graduated from a Christian College and was baptized in college.  I often think back and think I may have been baptized due to peer pressure ( I do believe the Bible).  So now I am in my mid fifties and I have moved to Wyoming and teach school in an area that is heavy LDS believers.  I really felt through the whole interview process that I was "drawn" to this school. Everything just "fell" into place - the move, everything.  And this school and staff and the kids, top notch in everyway. I just feel that the Mormons must be doing something right because they are so at ease with everything.....So I did request a Book of Mormon online and had a few Elders visit and give me the brochure and Book of Mormon. I did pray for answers about if LDS is for me.  I have had incredible peace of mind and sense of impression and thoughts is as positive as it ever has been.  

I have been "broken" and away from any Church activities for years. I always felt my "sins" were to hard to overcome for any type of repenting. 

I often wonder can I become a Mormon in my 50's..........can I repent and be baptized in a LDS Church and become a member.  I know most Mormons are attached with the Church with their families.  My family is spread out far away (my kids are grown) and have lives over their own.  If I were to attend a LDS Church would I feel awkward not being surrounded by my family?


Thoughts, comments, suggestions, would be greatly appreciated!

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For a long time I have felt a special feeling about LDS.  I often wondered about the Church growing up. I also had a unique inner feeling just being outside of a Mormon Church wondering what it was like inside.

I have taught school for many years and the very few times I had a Mormon kid in my class or on my ball team (about 5 kids total over the years)  they were "top notch" with great family support. I graduated from a Christian College and was baptized in college.  I often think back and think I may have been baptized due to peer pressure ( I do believe the Bible).  So now I am in my mid fifties and I have moved to Wyoming and teach school in an area that is heavy LDS believers.  I really felt through the whole interview process that I was "drawn" to this school. Everything just "fell" into place - the move, everything.  And this school and staff and the kids, top notch in everyway. I just feel that the Mormons must be doing something right because they are so at ease with everything.....So I did request a Book of Mormon online and had a few Elders visit and give me the brochure and Book of Mormon. I did pray for answers about if LDS is for me.  I have had incredible peace of mind and sense of impression and thoughts is as positive as it ever has been.  

I have been "broken" and away from any Church activities for years. I always felt my "sins" were to hard to overcome for any type of repenting. 

I often wonder can I become a Mormon in my 50's..........can I repent and be baptized in a LDS Church and become a member.  I know most Mormons are attached with the Church with their families.  My family is spread out far away (my kids are grown) and have lives over their own.  If I were to attend a LDS Church would I feel awkward not being surrounded by my family?


Thoughts, comments, suggestions, would be greatly appreciated!

I was baptized three years ago, in my early 50s. It's definitely not too late.

I don't have family in the church. My only child is grown and not interested.

It can be difficult at times, being an "older" single person in such a family-oriented church. From conversations I have had, the men have an easier time of it. It's worth the struggle,though.

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For a long time I have felt a special feeling about LDS.  I often wondered about the Church growing up. I also had a unique inner feeling just being outside of a Mormon Church wondering what it was like inside.

I have taught school for many years and the very few times I had a Mormon kid in my class or on my ball team (about 5 kids total over the years)  they were "top notch" with great family support. I graduated from a Christian College and was baptized in college.  I often think back and think I may have been baptized due to peer pressure ( I do believe the Bible).  So now I am in my mid fifties and I have moved to Wyoming and teach school in an area that is heavy LDS believers.  I really felt through the whole interview process that I was "drawn" to this school. Everything just "fell" into place - the move, everything.  And this school and staff and the kids, top notch in everyway. I just feel that the Mormons must be doing something right because they are so at ease with everything.....So I did request a Book of Mormon online and had a few Elders visit and give me the brochure and Book of Mormon. I did pray for answers about if LDS is for me.  I have had incredible peace of mind and sense of impression and thoughts is as positive as it ever has been.  

I have been "broken" and away from any Church activities for years. I always felt my "sins" were to hard to overcome for any type of repenting. 

I often wonder can I become a Mormon in my 50's..........can I repent and be baptized in a LDS Church and become a member.  I know most Mormons are attached with the Church with their families.  My family is spread out far away (my kids are grown) and have lives over their own.  If I were to attend a LDS Church would I feel awkward not being surrounded by my family?


Thoughts, comments, suggestions, would be greatly appreciated!

wow thanks for sharing that! it sure looks like you are being called to it.

It's never too late to repent and be baptized. If you are used to being around your family at church and suddenly change to where they are absent i can imagine that there will be some feeling of awkwardness... however in my experience when i've gone to wards and meetings where I am the only member from my family present such feelings quickly left me after the meetings started.

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Yes!  I could have written your post!  I was drawn to the church as a young child.  As I became older that feeling never went away.  Circumstances got in the way, and I was baptized into another church when I was 20.  I was glad I did it, but I never felt completed.  It was due to peer pressure as you mentioned.  Every time I drove past a meeting house, I would pause and think.  I actually would go out of my way just to drive past.  I so wanted to join but it was a challenge due to the people in my life.  


When I was in my mid 20s I read the Book of Mormon.  My current church began having classes that focused on witnessing to Mormon missionaries who come to your door.  I would question their reasoning as to why the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was wrong.  They never gave complete answers.  The lessons and materials (including radio programs) were full of misconceptions and falsehoods.  The more I tried to prove or be proven that the Church was wrong, the more I found it to be true.  So many things bad happened at the churches that I, too, stopped attending.


Time passed, and I moved to the Midwest (I really felt Heavenly Father's hand in that move).  To make a very long story short, I did everything to prepare to join - having read and study for 30 years.  I gave up coffee and contacted the missionaries to tell them that I was ready.  In June I was baptized.  I'm 50.


It isn't too late.  I cannot tell you how much of a blessing it is.  I feel as if I am truly home.  I know now why the other churches never felt right.  After my baptism I know why the first one felt incomplete.  It has been an amazing experience.  Each day I see the Lord working.  Just this week there has been so much that takes my breath away.


You won't be the only one not surrounded by family.  Many attend without spouses or children.  Some are single.  There is a wide variety.  Certainly there are a lot of families; however, they are all so welcoming that you will make many great friends and feel a part of the family.  Personally, my husband does not attend.  Only myself and two of my children are members.  A couple of my children are investigators.  One has not attended other than baptisms and picnics.  Before at my other churches, I felt awkward and almost ashamed to go to church alone.  I have not felt that way at all.


I do hope that you consider. I feel as if our circumstances leading up to this point are so similar.  Remember that repenting isn't a punishment, it is a precious gift.  All you have to do is ask.  The Lord will forgive.  Work on growing and moving away from the areas in which you sin.  We all have to repent, and we all work on it daily to grow and become stronger in those areas.  You can do it.  


I believe that Heavenly Father loves you so much that He has been with you all this time guiding you toward the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I know this is true because He had been guiding me.   It feels so wonderful to finally reach the destination that He intended for me to go. It is such a blessing.  I'm really excited for you.  Wow.  I'm so happy that you posted.  


To add to the similarities, prior to moving I retired as a principal and director of a private school.  

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Hi Everyone

For a long time years back,I was very against the Lds Church,sadly without much knowledge to base those Convictions. I love The Lord Jesus he is the. Messiah,King Of Kings and Lord of. Lords and the one who Gave his Life for me. I also am developing a Love for the Lds Church. Who could not when you spend time watching the a Conferences,the teaching and programming on Byu Tv or listening to the Mormon Channel.Reading the Book of Mormon,every thing points to people loving Jesus Christ.So. I'm thankful for this Forum to be able to make new friends.

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Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice."  You must be one of his sheep if you feel drawn to the sheepfold of the Good Shepherd.  Here's a passage from the Book of Mormon that might give you some encouragement.


15 Yea, I say unto you come and fear not, and lay aside every sin, which easily doth beset you, which doth bind you down to destruction, yea, come and go forth, and show unto your God that ye are willing to repent of your sins and enter into a covenant with him to keep his commandments, and witness it unto him this day by going into the waters of baptism.

16  And whosoever doeth this, and keepeth the commandments of God from thenceforth, the same will remember that I say unto him, yea, he will remember that I have said unto him, he shall have eternal life, according to the testimony of the Holy Spirit, which testifieth in me  (Alma 7:15-16).


The Lord is merciful and forgiving.  After baptism, you'll feel so close to him. It's a wonderful thing to accept him into your life and become a member of his kingdom.

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For a long time I have felt a special feeling about LDS.  I often wondered about the Church growing up. I also had a unique inner feeling just being outside of a Mormon Church wondering what it was like inside.

I have taught school for many years and the very few times I had a Mormon kid in my class or on my ball team (about 5 kids total over the years)  they were "top notch" with great family support. I graduated from a Christian College and was baptized in college.  I often think back and think I may have been baptized due to peer pressure ( I do believe the Bible).  So now I am in my mid fifties and I have moved to Wyoming and teach school in an area that is heavy LDS believers.  I really felt through the whole interview process that I was "drawn" to this school. Everything just "fell" into place - the move, everything.  And this school and staff and the kids, top notch in everyway. I just feel that the Mormons must be doing something right because they are so at ease with everything.....So I did request a Book of Mormon online and had a few Elders visit and give me the brochure and Book of Mormon. I did pray for answers about if LDS is for me.  I have had incredible peace of mind and sense of impression and thoughts is as positive as it ever has been.  

I have been "broken" and away from any Church activities for years. I always felt my "sins" were to hard to overcome for any type of repenting. 

I often wonder can I become a Mormon in my 50's..........can I repent and be baptized in a LDS Church and become a member.  I know most Mormons are attached with the Church with their families.  My family is spread out far away (my kids are grown) and have lives over their own.  If I were to attend a LDS Church would I feel awkward not being surrounded by my family?


Thoughts, comments, suggestions, would be greatly appreciated!

Yes you can become a member at any age, I'm 58 and I've been a member since last June (2013)!  Study the LDS web site and get in touch with the missionaries!  They will help you and guide your reading of the scriptures.  It is never too late to repent and accept the Lord into your life!  Go for it, it will be a decision that you will never regret! 

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