Grace Vs. Works - Maybe Repentence = Key

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When you don't have much time, to figure out your own thoughts on the subject, it is so easy to quote a General Authority.

"I will speak briefly of the principle of repentance. How grateful I

am for the understanding we have of this great principle. It is not a harsh

principle, as I thought when I was a boy. It is kind and merciful. The

Hebrew root of the word means, simply, 'to turn,' or to return, to

God. Jehovah pled with the children of Israel: 'Return . . . and I will

not cause mine anger to fall upon you: for I am merciful . . . and I will

not keep anger for ever. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast

transgressed against the Lord thy God' (Jeremiah


"When we acknowledge our sins, confess them and

forsake them, and turn to God, He will forgive us."

(Richard G. Hinckley, "Repentance, a Blessing of Membership," Ensign, May 2006,


I love technology - allmosthumble

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Maybe its false humility but I always see it as Christ's decision to make he is my judge, I cannot be a judge of myself I am either too harsh or not harsh enough- all I can do is have faith in him, trust him to help me make decsions in my life, and repent when I do wrong or pull away from him. But I am not LDS because I want to be saved, I am a Latter Day Saint because its where God wants me, and I adore him he has been such a huge part of my life since I was small . I can't help but think sometimes people become so obsessed with being saved, they forget the lifetime challenge to be close to the Saviour. I don't remember a moment of conversion - I am constantly being converted.. In the Chronicles of Narnia Aslan appears to get bigger and more glorious everytime the children meet him - but Aslan says he isn;t bigger the children are. As I go through my life my God becomes so much more, he does seem bigger and more glorious - that to me is Faith and Enduring to the End a continual growth.

I remember a priesthood blessing at the height of my illness (I have fibromyalgia), I wasn't praying, I wasn't reading my scriptures, I was having thoughts I didn't like and couldn't attend church, I was getting very angry with the people around me - basically I was sure I was never going to be close to my Saviour again - I was fully expecting the blessing to tell me off - what it actually said was that Heavenly Father was proud of me I was doing the best I could with the situation he had given me. I am not in a position to be my own judge. Maybe one day I will be able to but I am not at that stage in my conversion - there are times after a prayer though when I know I can hold my head up high - but other times I beat myself up about the things I don't do instead of remembering what I can do and what my Lord has done for me.

I guess the question of Grace vs Works (although I don't see it as a vs more Grace is as a result of Faith which is as a result of works and vice versa just see them as all part of one thing as without works faith isn't present and without faith works are nothing) is individual because ultimately its our relationship with the Saviour its what each of us is capable of.


I don't know if you'll read my reply Charley, it's been so long since you wrote this. I am soo grateful to read this. I agree with you in saying that Christ is the judge. I have so often heard in the church that what is required is our "best." In my thoughts I would say, let us rely on the Holy Ghost to tell us what our "best" is.

Thankyou for relating your experiences with fibromyalgia. I do not carry the burden of that illness, but I do suffer from depression. I struggle with going to church and reading my scriptures right now. I feel so apathetic, and I do just enough to get by day by day. It feels like I have no desire/will to do better, and I feel guilty about that. What has puzzled me is how close the Spirit feels to me day by day. I am reassured that He loves me over and over again. I wonder if this is to teach me humility-the greatness of His love corollary to my weakness. I also like what you said about becoming close to the Saviour, and that conversion is a process. I think the changing of one's heart to "desire to do good continually" is a process for us now. Anyway, Thanks much.

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Maybe its false humility but I always see it as Christ's decision to make he is my judge, I cannot be a judge of myself I am either too harsh or not harsh enough- all I can do is have faith in him, trust him to help me make decsions in my life, and repent when I do wrong or pull away from him. But I am not LDS because I want to be saved, I am a Latter Day Saint because its where God wants me, and I adore him he has been such a huge part of my life since I was small . I can't help but think sometimes people become so obsessed with being saved, they forget the lifetime challenge to be close to the Saviour. I don't remember a moment of conversion - I am constantly being converted.. In the Chronicles of Narnia Aslan appears to get bigger and more glorious everytime the children meet him - but Aslan says he isn;t bigger the children are. As I go through my life my God becomes so much more, he does seem bigger and more glorious - that to me is Faith and Enduring to the End a continual growth.

I remember a priesthood blessing at the height of my illness (I have fibromyalgia), I wasn't praying, I wasn't reading my scriptures, I was having thoughts I didn't like and couldn't attend church, I was getting very angry with the people around me - basically I was sure I was never going to be close to my Saviour again - I was fully expecting the blessing to tell me off - what it actually said was that Heavenly Father was proud of me I was doing the best I could with the situation he had given me. I am not in a position to be my own judge. Maybe one day I will be able to but I am not at that stage in my conversion - there are times after a prayer though when I know I can hold my head up high - but other times I beat myself up about the things I don't do instead of remembering what I can do and what my Lord has done for me.

I guess the question of Grace vs Works (although I don't see it as a vs more Grace is as a result of Faith which is as a result of works and vice versa just see them as all part of one thing as without works faith isn't present and without faith works are nothing) is individual because ultimately its our relationship with the Saviour its what each of us is capable of.


I don't know if you'll read my reply Charley, it's been so long since you wrote this. I am soo grateful to read this. I agree with you in saying that Christ is the judge. I have so often heard in the church that what is required is our "best." In my thoughts I would say, let us rely on the Holy Ghost to tell us what our "best" is.

Thankyou for relating your experiences with fibromyalgia. I do not carry the burden of that illness, but I do suffer from depression. I struggle with going to church and reading my scriptures right now. I feel so apathetic, and I do just enough to get by day by day. It feels like I have no desire/will to do better, and I feel guilty about that. What has puzzled me is how close the Spirit feels to me day by day. I am reassured that He loves me over and over again. I wonder if this is to teach me humility-the greatness of His love corollary to my weakness. I also like what you said about becoming close to the Saviour, and that conversion is a process. I think the changing of one's heart to "desire to do good continually" is a process for us now. Anyway, Thanks much.

I find if my intention is to do something I get the blessings I would if I had actually done it. Tithung is a classic example, I struggle remembering to take thecheque in, I have a strongtestimony of tithing just forget it, I find Lord looks after me as if I havedoneit.


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