Myspace Fizzles While Facebook Sizzles?

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YR still on MySpace? Loser!

As the social networking site gets the boot, there are lessons to be learned

By Helen A.S. Popkin


Updated: 4:45 a.m. MT July 13, 2007

Helen A.S. Popkin

The kids are ditching MySpace for Facebook. According to the latest numbers from comScore Media Metrix, U.S. MySpace visitors under 18 dropped 30 percent over the past year, while Facebook's nearly tripled.

Why the exodus?

Is it simply the fickle nature of teens? Is it because Facebook, with its ties to real-world school affiliations, seems safer? Or could it be that average American teenagers don’t want to be labeled like this:

Latino/Hispanic teens, immigrant teens, "burnouts," "alternative kids," "art fags," punks, emos, goths, gangstas, queer kids, and other kids who didn't play into the dominant high school popularity paradigm. (sic)

That’s how UC Berkeley researcher danah boyd (lowercase is how she legally spells it) described teen MySpace users in her “blog essay” Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace, which exploded all over the Internet last month. She also wrote that “the goodie two shoes, jocks, athletes, or other 'good' kids are now going to Facebook.”

Many a blog fly had a real problem with the way boyd addressed race and class, not to mention her arguably shaky methodology and grammar. (Then again, when doesn't a blog fly all-cap insult anything high on the Digg/ Slashdot charts?)

As happens on the InterWeb, things spun horribly out of control. The BBC reported boyd’s essay as a “study,” implying sciencey goodness despite boyd’s numerous caveats indicating other wise.

The Uber Blog Geeks launched into a full-on blog war (as Uber Blog Geeks are wont to do) shooting invectives from their various sides and opinions.

“I'm still floored by the responses,” boyd wrote in a follow-up blog, and her surprise is perhaps the most controversial statement she’s made so far. As a PhD candidate and social network researcher, boyd should have figured out by now how the Internet works. It works like this:

On the Internet, everything you post is your final draft. Like boyd’s essay, it doesn’t matter how many caveats you place in italics, stating stuff like, “I wish I could just put numbers in front of it all and be done with it, but instead, I'm going to face the stickiness and see if I can get my thoughts across.” Upload your ideas into cyberspace, and you might as well buy that essay an engagement ring – it’s yours forever. Hmmmm…maybe kids are finally figuring out that important truth and that’s why they’re emigrating from MySpace to Facebook. MySpace is way ugly and unorganized. Even politicians can’t get it right. Who wants that albatross?

On the Internet, everything is out of context. Nobody reads the Internet for comprehension. Whatever you post, people will decide what it says before they read it. And even if they do read it, they’ll only take away what they want to take away. It’s not they’re fault. They’re at work, where they’re supposed to be working, not surfing the Web. They only have so much time to find something appropriate to which they can add their all-cap insult. Speaking of comment sections, that’s another reason kids are leaving MySpace. “THNX 4 THE AD!!!” has grown hollow and meaningless. Also, nobody wants to hear your stupid band.

Geeks love to blog fight. Before danah boyd’s essay, it was Twitter. Or Digg. Or Google taking over the universe. Though it’s actually very impressive that boyd’s essay took focus off Steve Jobs and the iPhone, if only for a nanosecond.

Accelerating name recognition is an Internet specialty. Raise your hand if you heard of danah boyd one month ago. Then you too are a geek and/or blog fly.

Journalists are lazy. At least some of them, hence the BBC’s overblown reference to boyd’s essay. Meanwhile, according to this comScore press release I’m looking at, half the users on MySpace are 35 or older. Wow, that sure explains a lot. What teen wants to hang out online with the parents?

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I am on both, but so that I could keep up with what the youth in our ward were up to...

Compare their "Sunday face" with what they post on their facebook or myspace. You can see problems long before they erupt by what they post or the language they use...And it isn't all, or even most. But being able to determine what is influencing them is a big help.

From my understanding, Facebook is more for the college crowd (in fact, they make fun of people that are in HS posting there, or old fogies like me, but see above for why I joined), and myspace is more for anyone else, but particularly the pre-college crowd. Myspace is raunchier, IMO.

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I checked out MySpace some time ago and Facebook just recently. IMO, a significant difference is that you can have an account (register) on MySpace without really connecting to any friends but still read other members notes to each other. On Facebook you can search for friends and view stranger's friends but you can't read their private conversations unless you become one of their friends.

I really like Facebook. My one friend has a huge Photo Album section and it's nice to see the new photos and reminisce about old ones I haven't seen in ages.

If family stuff is happening I usually can find out faster because my friends and family are all connected to the same information vehicle.

It is really quite fun and interesting.


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A lot of older people will post on forums and list a "my space." The older person will list something like 46 years old on the original forum and from their post, they are most likely 46 because they reminisce about 70's stuff. When you go to their "my space", you will find an old picture of them and they are claiming to be 19 years old ???????

As for the kids, they usually are just inviting their friends to their sites. Through school, they have a pretty good education about weirdo's using the Internet.

I think "My Space" has taken the place of posters on bedroom walls.

I think the most venerable kid is the one who wants to make Internet friends with people who live in large popular cities and foreign countries.

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A lot of older people will post on forums and list a "my space." The older person will list something like 46 years old on the original forum and from their post, they are most likely 46 because they reminisce about 70's stuff. When you go to their "my space", you will find an old picture of them and they are claiming to be 19 years old ???????

Ahum! Beg to differ there, Annabelli...I have a myspace account, and I show a recent picture of myself and my correct age! :)

I haven't listed a link to it here, cos I'm embarrassed about what I wrote on it :D

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I have a Myspace account and did so so I could stay up with things with my It's been very informative indeed. ;) I have 24 friends who are my kids and their friends plus David Hasselhoff! B)

I tried facebook and did a search for people from my graduating class. It came back with a big ZERO! :o It's okay though, why would I want to talk with a bunch of OLD people. :lol:

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I had a MySpace account, but I rarely used it to begin with. I had a little bit of fun looking for a layout, but other than that, it was boring.

Something me and my friends realized was a huge difference, was your connection with people. I have TONS of my friends on my Facebook, and I am constantly getting reunited with old ones. I love sending gifts, and the birthday reminder is a life saver!

It is SO EASY to communicate and keep track of what everyone is up to and feeling.

I just like it a lot better.

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...The older person will list something like 46 years old on the original forum and from their post, they are most likely 46 because they reminisce about 70's stuff. When you go to their "my space", you will find an old picture of them and they are claiming to be 19 years old ??????

I will also have to disagree. I have nothing on my "myspace" account because I don't really use it but, my Facebook account shows an up-to-date picture and even shows the year I was born in - some people don't even do that, even the young ones.

M. :)

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When I made my post, I was just giving some information about keeping your kids safe on myspace. There are many good people posting pictures and interesting information about their special interest and collectibles...etc. It seems to be a good program for honest people like you guys.

:blush: Sorry.

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