"Personal" Word of Wisdom


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Except for the full Filipino breakfast, there is nothing in the world better than a full English breakfast fry-up!!! Beans, fried bread, fried egg (okay, not this for you), fried sausage, fried bacon, fried tomato, fried mushrooms, and fried kippers... ALL IN ONE PLATE! If that's the only food left in the world, I would live a long life and die happy...


Girl, after eating that I doubt you would live a long life, let alone die happy. :whistling:

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I am absolutely clueless about eating beans for breakfast.  I have never heard of it, (until now) or tried it.  How are the beans prepared? What kinds of beans?  Tell me all you know about beans for breakfast.

Edited by classylady
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Girl, after eating that I doubt you would live a long life, let alone die happy. :whistling:

Filipinos (and Brits) love fried food... and if you notice, obesity is not as big of a problem in Britain and the Philippines as it is in America. Americans have made the lipid hypothesis the bible of their diet, it's weird. Even the American Heart Association demonize saturated fats.

Fat is not bad for you just like Carbs is not bad for you. Of course, if you eat nothing but fat, you will die in the same manner that you will die if you don't eat Fat (you can't survive on a diet of rabbits, for example - not enough fat to support your system). Fat is very important in children who are still developing brains.

Now, not all Fat is created equal. Interestingly, Americans look at vegetable oil and think it is the ultimate in healthy. Bacon lard from a Filipino farm-raised pig eating natural pig food is healthier than the vegetable oil common in American stores because of the process by which the oil is created from a vegetable. My favored cooking oil is coconut oil - very stable, saturated - the all natural kind that have been used in Filipino cooking for centuries. Commercial coconut oil in American stores may not be the same, I don't know. I get my coconut oil from the Filipino store. I like the nutty taste. Coconut oil is solid - which has been demonized by AHA for some reason, citing solid fats is the worst fats! Weird! The good thing about solid fats is - it is solid because it is stable, it has a high smoke temperature - you have to heat it up really really high before it smokes... smoking destabilizes the oil and introduces free radicals and such... my mama always says, if the oil smokes, start over. But if I'm cooking chorizo or tocino for breakfast, I use the fat excreted as it retains some of the spice and it's delish! Commercially raised animals in the US are fed commercial feed that whacks up their omega fatty acid ratios among other things - you can tell the difference if you grew up in a Philippine province, the pig/cow/chicken there tastes different than the American grocery meats and the oil you get after putting a slice of animal fat on the pan even looks different - it is more runny and you get less of it.

Now, as far as a fry-up for breakfast... it is considered a lot healthier in the Philippines than the regular breakfast of toast or cereal. When you wake up, your body just came out of a period of starvation, it will need energy to function for the rest of the day. This is the best time to consume your daily serving of Fats and Carbs so that it is used by the body all throughout the day. The British tradition of "Breakfast for a King" is a sound practice. "Lunch like a Prince" and "Dinner like a Pauper" goes right along with it. Filipinos eat like this too. The Filipino breakfast is more like the American dinner - it's weird that dinner plates are bigger than lunch plates. You don't want a lot of food - especially fat and carbs - sitting in your system when you're closer to the period of starvation (sleep). But yeah, my mother does feed you a midnight snack if you're still awake late at night... usually mangoes and sticky rice chased with sikwate! Ugh, I'm getting hungry just thinking of it.

So yeah, traditional Filipino and British breakfasts are awesome! And healthy!

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I don't eat any breakfast.

Just a glass of orange juice. 

Maybe mid morning a Krispy Kreme donut, jelly filled.

Today I did have two English muffins.

I eat a good lunch and a light dinner. 

Wait, how did this get started?  Oh, eggs.  Egg allergy.

So have something else.  I used to have grapefruit juice.  Too much acid.  So I now go with orange juice.


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Too much acid.  So I now go with orange juice.


I don't drink orange juice for breakfast for the same reason. lol.

I can't drink cold stuff, but I don't mind eating cold stuff (in Denmark, they serve bacon and eggs ON ICE at the hotel!... and they don't serve Danish. LOL.) for breakfast. It gives me a funny feeling in my stomach. I don't mind drinking water right off the tap though, so I have this filter in my kitchen sink that filters the water off the tap and then it has buttons that you push to squirt some flavoring... it's really cool.

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I am absolutely clueless about eating beans for breakfast.  I have never heard of it, (until now) or tried it.  How are the beans prepared? What kinds of beans?  Tell me all you know about beans for breakfast.


Oh you are missing out! Heinz baked beans in tomato sauce...yum! Really healthy and delicious cold or hot. When I was in the US I didn't really find a similar product to the one I know and love: http://www.amazon.com/Heinz-Beans-Tomato-Sauce-13-7-Ounce/dp/B001FA1L9I

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Oh you are missing out! Heinz baked beans in tomato sauce...yum! Really healthy and delicious cold or hot. When I was in the US I didn't really find a similar product to the one I know and love: http://www.amazon.com/Heinz-Beans-Tomato-Sauce-13-7-Ounce/dp/B001FA1L9I

This is good. Yes, "artificial pork flavor" doesn't inspire confidence. But, it tastes good, I have to say. But Hunt's pork and beans is my go to canned version in the US. It doesn't taste quite as good, but it is still good.


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I dunno...


While America has the reputation of everything in excess, and its population being obese, I think many other countries are finding themselves in the same situation anymore. I've noticed how much the UK has changed over the years. I remember when restaurant drive-thrus weren't common and buffets were pretty rare but nowadays you find them everywhere. Portions have definitely got way bigger. I think the same could be said for the Philippines and many other Asian countries. I recently traveled to Hong Kong and Thailand not too long ago, and while they continue to eat traditional food, western culture has definitely swept the region and you're seeing more obese (or at least heavy set) children and teens.


Anyway, a seemingly well-balanced body weight doesn't automatically equate to good health, just as a seemingly over-weight body doesn't automatically equate to poor health. It's really hard to judge an individual's health solely based on their weight. I think some ethnic groups can get away with bad food choices and not necessarily pack on weight, but on the inside, yeh not good.

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I don't think there is anything new about that.

Obesity has for a long time been a big problem, especially where there is a primarily high fat, high carbohydrate diet.

I notice a lot of fat people all over Los Angeles.  But also in my travels thru' all the western states. 

I think one thing that makes me reasonably slim is genetics, but also diet, and small portions.  We never ate platefuls and platefuls of food like a lot of people like to do.

A lot of these restaurants serve huge meals.  In many cases I go with someone else so we can split an order.


At one time I thought the perfect breakfast was one orange, one apple and one banana.


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