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Regarding policy of children of same sex marriage and the requirements for baptism as "cruel and unChristlike", etc etc




And you would judge Christ Himself.

Matt 10 [35] For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
[36] And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
[37] He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
[38] And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Luke 9 [59] And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.
[60] Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.
[61] And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.
[62] And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

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You have experienced Christ but that is not proof of a god.  The muslim has experienced Allah, the hindu etc etc.  It's all an illusion.



Dawkins' answer is "Many people have those feelings, and everybody can't be right" merely demonstrates his ignorance spiritual reality.  "I do not understand how God does things, therefore he does not exist."


He is unable to wrap his mind around the concept that God can be experienced in all religions, and that these individuals are all expressing the SAME divine experience, *even if they have differences in their understanding of the manifestation of that God.*

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why would a book be written in a defunct dialect?

... why would it be translated into an old language? surely a translation would be in a language people speak unless he wanted it to sound official.

(based on comments by Hitchens and Dawkins)


Yeah, this is Dawkins silly argument.

"The impact of the King James Bible, which was published 400 years ago, is still being felt in the way we speak and write, says Stephen Tomkins.
"No other book, or indeed any piece of culture, seems to have influenced the English language as much as the King James Bible. Its turns of phrase have permeated the everyday language of English speakers, whether or not they've ever opened a copy."

Dawkins, may know science, but he is culturally illiterate. He does not appreciate Shakespeare and certainly not the language of the King James Bible.This is, even today, considered as the language of the scriptures and the epitome of the English language.   
It is the Word of God.

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"Old language"? Once again, when stepping outside his particular narrow realm of expertise, Dawkins makes a fool of himself, likely without even realizing his humiliation. (Though I am shocked that Hitchens would have said any such thing. His hatred of religion tainted his thinking, but I did not believe him capable of such a blunder.)

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This may be useful to any of your friends who have questions or problems with this policy regarding children of SSM.



Here is some background on this policy (regarding minor children of SSM).


Church Handbook gives policies and procedures for church leaders. These policies can be changed and modified according to changing conditions.. Recently this policy was clarified -->>


When a child living with such a same-gender couple has already been baptized and is actively participating in the Church, provisions of Section 16.13 do not require that his or her membership activities or priesthood privileges be curtailed or that further ordinances be withheld. [iOW it only affects minor children who are not members of the church] *Decisions about any future ordinances for such children should be made by local leaders with their prime consideration being the preparation and best interests of the child.* [iOW local leaders are given flexibility based on the child's interests]


*All children are to be treated with utmost respect and love. They are welcome to attend Church meetings and participate in Church activities. All children may receive priesthood blessings of healing and spiritual guidance.*

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I have no need for God



Paul Woodruff tells us what is missing in those who cannot find God in their lives.

Reverence begins in a deep understanding of human limitations; from this grows the capacity to be in awe of whatever we believe lies outside our control—God, truth, justice, nature, even death. The capacity for
awe, as it grows, brings with it the capacity for respecting fellow human beings, flaws and all. This in turn fosters the ability to be ashamed when we show moral flaws exceeding the normal human allotment.

(quoted in a BYU devotional)

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Moroni is a French Name

Ammon is etc etc (antiMormon garbage)



You are confused.  
This name is the name of a city in Madagascar.  Look up "New York" in the french dictionary, and you will find that it also is "French".  It's just a city name and not a french word.

In your "15" times that you read the BOM, did you run across these words==>>  sheum, Paanchi, Pahoran.  These are authentic ancient names in Akkadian and Egyptian.

Ammon is from the Egyptian Amun
"was a major Egyptian deity and Berber deity. He was attested since the Old Kingdom together with his spouse Amaunet. With the 11th dynasty ( c. **21st century BC**), he rose to the position of patron deity of Thebes by replacing Monthu." -- google "Amun"

You should read the Parable of the Sower, especially [11] Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
[12] Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved

The enemy has stolen your testimony, they  have poisoned your mind with garbage.  And now you are trying to do the same.

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>>We may not understand quantum mechanics, but we can see that it works
Can you tell me that you PERSONALLY have seen it work?  Or do you depend upon the testimony of others who have seen it work, after the proper equipment and procedures have been made.

>> it produces tangible, consistent results

If the equipment does not work properly (not calibrated, power is turn off, etc), the proper procedures not followed, Obviously the failure of the experiment does not disprove QM.
QM is still "there" and it is up to the scientist to find it, so to speak.

>> Religion does no such thing.
And you know this... how?
I have personally seen it work under the proper procedures.

Quite frankly, I really don't care whether you accept my personal witness or not.  This is a personal decision, your personal burden to find out for yourself.  
You can give me clever arguments and rhetorical fireworks on why you won't do it.  Again, that is something between you and Father.

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You want to dismiss his use of the same stone for treasure seeing and translating as unimportant. Maybe you should think about it more seriously than you have. That's why I'm here. He wasn't just a treasure seeker; he was a treasure seer. His activities as such were fraudulent. The entire Book of Mormon was dictated in the same manner that he pretended to find treasure. What one decides about JS's activities as a treasure seer will determine what probably happened in the translation.




You have revealed what this is all about. This is not the objective, dispassionate scholar, but the professional antiMormon. You declare that you are here to discredit the Mormon religion. Now that we have that admission, let';s take a look at your logic.


Basically you are using the old argument of the unbeliever, "If I were god, this how I would do things" God took a man who was a murderer, hid the body, and ran away from justice -- Moses. God took a man who persecuted the Christians, stood by holding the coats of those who killed one of the Christian leaders -- Paul.


Now YOU would not have done that.


And now, with you godlike complex, YOU tell us that this foolish farm boy would never be chosen to do a divine work, because YOU would not have chosen him. You are unmasked. Your agenda of destroying the LDS church exposed. You pretense of the objective scholar shattered ==>> You argue with God that He does not do things the way YOU think He should do it.

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Your afraid to knock on the door to truth or you wouldn't be here looking at these video's of the truth about the Mormon cult. I bet I have re ad the BOM more time than you.


I've read it over 45 times -- I have just started to read it again, in 1 Nephi chapter 8.
I have read the New Testament over ten times, including twice in Greek, and the OT four times.

I have "knocked", and, like Peter (Matt 16:16-17), have received a sure knowledge from the Father that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that the Lord called Joseph Smith as a prophet.

I have been reading and responding to the antiMormons for the past 30 years, even before  the internet.  I have over 15,000 posts responding to these issues, including corresponding with the major professional antiMormons.  I had personal correspondence with the Smithsonian Institute on their letter on the Book of Mormon, and they changed this letter based on our discussion.

It is the antiMormons who feel uncomfortable when I point out their flawed logic, and false and distorted assertions.

Been there, done that, burned the T shirt.

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I actually feel sorry for this guy. He is so deluded to believe that Joseph Smith as a prophet.



Yeah. Look at Paul -- he threw Christians into prison, actively approved of the stoning of a Christian leader. He then claimed to see an "angel of light" on the road to Damascus that nobody else saw.


He provoked riots in the streets, was convicted several times as a scam artist and thrown into prison.   Peter specifically warned about his writings, James refuted his "faith only" doctrine, And Christians today accept him as a prophet.


As you would say, they are so deluded.



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Paul makes it clear in Gal 1:8-9 that even if an apostle, a prophet or ANY other person teaches a gospel different than the gospel the apostles originally taught, then reject that different gospel.



the apostasy


Perhaps you should give these ideas some thought -->>
1. Acts 1 [3] To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs,*being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:*

Perhaps you can tell us specifically what was taught during the fourty days -- did He simply repeat the Sermon on the Mount 2.000 times?

Well, Peter hints at one topic here
1 Pe 4 [6] For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
Baptism for the dead was obviously being practiced as part of that doctrine.

2. But a more fundamental question is why not practiced today?  For the same reason that you quoted Paul -- it is part of the fullness of the gospel that was lost.
The historic Christian churches have replaced the apostles and prophets with theologians and philosophers, in order to maintain that "gospel previously taught".
See Eph 

-14.  Read it carefully how long the church would have them, and why they were necessary.
Christ called a prophet in our day to restore those things which were lost.



You are making a false assumption, that the Bible is sufficient to give us knowledge of  the salvation teachings of Christ.

The theologians, reading from the same Bible, cannot agree on even basic salvation doctrines -- faith vs works, is baptism necessary, free will and predestination.

YOU need to read Paul's warning and what would happen when the apostles and prophets have been replaced -- a sign that another gospel would then be taught.

Here is a brief overview of the gospel that was taught.

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Yet another textual analysis of the Book of Mormon "proving" that it was influenced by contemporary works published at the time.




There is a saying, "Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics." A fundamental principle of a research study is to validate your methodology. For example, if you compare the Book of Mormon text with thousands of books printed before 1830, and you discover "significant associations" with certain books, you could make the false conclusion that these books influenced the BOM text.
NOPE! You have to go one step further, and then compare the BOM with texts printed AFTER 1830 to see if you get similar results. This is the GIGO principle -- garbage in, garbage out. If you get a similar result with these later books, you find yourself in the GARBAGE zone. You earlier conclusion is flawed! Note that he emphasized that he analyzed "all of these books" -- over 100,000, but he very quickly mentioned that these books were published BEFORE 1830. He laughs, he twitches, he knows that he is in the garbage zone, but he is an anitMormon and he doesn't care that he is speaking garbage.
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JS was convicted as a stone peeper.




Paul/Saul threw the Christians into prison, and approved of the stoning of Stephen as he stood by and held their coats. JS simply looked into a stone, Paul participated in murder of a prophet.


Peter slashed out with a sword at one of the guards who were arresting them, and almost killed him. JS simply looked into a stone, and Peter almost murdered one of the guards.


God calls those whom he chooses. He did not ask you, he does not need your help in calling his prophets. You have the mind of man, and cannot comprehend the mind God. In your arrogance you do not understand that God judges his servants differently from what you are able to do. He can see into their hearts and know what service they can perform.

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I think it is similar to being a "disorderly person".  Here is an updated explanation of this charge


Basically it is saying, "We don't like what you are doing, so stop it."  In this case, it was asserted that JS was taking advantage of a gullible person.

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Guest MormonGator

What does it mean to be "convicted as a stone peeper"? Was this illegal activity or something?

 It wasn't illegal at the time of Smith but it was viewed on as something only the "lower classes" did.  Smith was from a somewhat lower socioeconomic background (this shouldn't be a surprise, and it's not pejorative, just descriptive) and many people of his age and class did the same. 


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What does it mean to be "convicted as a stone peeper"? Was this illegal activity or something?

Obviously the wording in the entire phrase was specifically made to invoke emotion and offence to all parties involved.  It has nothing to do with facts.

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Interesting experience.  There is a video on the Book of Abraham, and how members are leaving the church because of it.


I wrote a post, with the excellent videos we have on the subject from FairMormon.  Within an hour it was removed.  I tried it again, with the same result.


Oh well.

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Guest MormonGator

Ironically the "glass looking" sort of proves that Smith had certain gifts. 

My own personal, subjective thoughts is that he was "dependent" on the seer stone without knowing it. 

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Interesting experience.  There is a video on the Book of Abraham, and how members are leaving the church because of it.


I wrote a post, with the excellent videos we have on the subject from FairMormon.  Within an hour it was removed.  I tried it again, with the same result.


Oh well.


Coincidentally, I am reading the book of Abraham in my personal scripture study now. I'm marvelling at the depth and meaningfulness of the book.

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