Stop coming to Utah?


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Simple question that I am having a hard time hunting down right now. Part of our discussion in HP Group on Sunday brought up the idea of building Zion where you live and not all flocking to Utah. I am having a hard time finding the statement that basically let the Saints know that they no longer needed to come to Utah, but rather should stay in their own countries and help build Zion there. I remember reading it years ago, but Google and I aren't friends right now apparently.  :)


Ring a bell to anyone? Looking for the statement and time frame. 

Thank you in advance!

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Elder Russell M. Nelson said: “The choice to come unto Christ is not a matter of physical location; it is a matter of individual commitment. People can be ‘brought to the knowledge of the Lord’ [3 Nephi 20:13] without leaving their homelands. True, in the early days of the Church, conversion often meant emigration as well. But now the gathering takes place in each nation. … The place of gathering for Brazilian Saints is in Brazil; the place of gathering for Nigerian Saints is in Nigeria; the place of gathering for Korean Saints is in Korea; and so forth. Zion is ‘the pure in heart.’ [D&C 97:21.] Zion is wherever righteous Saints are” (in Conference Report, Oct. 2006, 85; or Ensign, Nov. 2006, 81).
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Yes, I know all about it.  This week in HP someone said "well, they want to move to Utah because they think everything is perfect in Utah, but they move there and then find out it isn't perfect.

I know all about it.  I spent a lot of time in Utah, and also, there is Utah (SLC and environs) and Utah, Torrey, Milford, St George, Loa, Lyman, Bicknell, Manti, etc.

Somewhat like two different worlds.

But our ward has so many contacts with Utah, people from Utah, people with children (adult) in Utah, and a dozen other reasons why so many in our ward visit Utah all the time, including myself, and people moving to Utah.

So California has problems in places where Utah doesn't even have a place.

And of course the weather is different.  But I just want out of here.


Edited by David13
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Elder Bruce R. McConkie :


"The place of gathering for the Mexican Saints is in Mexico; the place of gathering for the Guatemalan Saints is in Guatemala; the place of gathering for the Brazilian Saints is in Brazil; and so it goes throughout the length and breadth of the whole earth. . . . every nation is the gathering place for its own people." 


(quoted in Church News, 03/06/93...Elder McConkie died April 19, 1985)

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On my mission to Germany, we had a saying, "Give them their baptism certificate, and a ticket to Utah."  Back in 1965 the Saints were being told to remain in their own country, so that was being taught for awhile.  


Zion is found in the stakes of the church, and each stake represents the gathering place for the Saints.

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Regarding "ZION".  Overheard at a Zone Conference on my mission:


Sis. Mission President: Elder Feder I understand you're from the Holy Land.

Elder Feder: I am from Israel.  But that's not the Holy Land.  Elder Isom is from the Holy Land.

SMP: Elder Isom?  Where are you from?

Isom: I'm from Salt Lake City.  But that's not the Holy Land.  Elder Hurd is from the Holy Land.

SMP: Elder Hurd, where are you from?

Hurd: I'm from Missouri.  And, yup, it's the Holy Land.

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