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Guest Yediyd

The most romantic thing my husband ever did for me was when he came home from work one night...took one look at my tired face and then ordered me into the tub, he said he would look after the babies for a while!!! I took a long, hot bath...with NO INTERUPTIONS!!! That was awesome!!! I never forgot it!!!!

(my babies were 8 weeks and 14 months, I was breastfeeding BOTH of them, at that time.)

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Not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but still yummy to me Steven Tyler of Aerosmith!

ugh!! No offense pushka. Definitely not my cup of tea.

I agree with that article to a point. Men with more feminine features, or softer looks generally have the personalities to match. My husband has the best of both. He has fair hair, fair skin and blue eyes. He has a really kind looking face, an honest face. He doesnt have a johny bravo jaw line, but yet his face is very masculine. Hes definitely not effeminate, but not arnie swarzeneggar, a perfect in between. Thanks to his job, he has great muscle tone, but not too much which i think looks horrible on men. And while hes a sweet, sensitive person, hes mentally strong and very stubborn when he wants to be. So I do agree that less macho looking (is probably a better way to put it) men are more attractive to women. Well, they are to me anyway!

Lol Aphrodite!! You'd probably be surprised by the diverse kinds of people that I find attractive...possibly I'm attracted more to their charisma than their good/not good looks...

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