Alberto Gonzalez Resigns


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Attorney General Gonzalez Resigns

Albert Gonzalez Resigns

WACO, Tex., Aug. 27 — Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzalez, whose tenure has been marred by controversy and accusations of perjury before Congress, has resigned. A senior administration official said he would announce the decision later this morning in Washington.

Mr. Gonzales, who had rebuffed calls for his resignation, submitted his to President Bush by telephone on Friday, the official said. His decision was not immediately announced, the official added, until after the president invited him and his wife to lunch at his ranch near here.


I wouldn't be surprised if he did not "recall" resigning and showed up for work tomorrow.


P.S. I just realized why he waited until now. Can you say "recess appointment"?

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If he's going to recess appoint a new AG, Bush needs to hurry up. The Senate comes back into session on the 3rd, a week from now.

From what I've seen Bush talk about a nomination hearing, doesn't suggest to me that he will try to sneak in a recess appointment. However there is a few end arounds (football analogy) he could run. First of all he can appoint a new temp AG, without senate approval, even if they are in session, and he/she can serve for 210 days (or something like that I don't remember an exact figure), then after that he can nominate a real candidate for AG and delay his confirmation hearing for another 210 days.

So the President has a lot of options at his disposal, considering he has 16 months left in office, has a lot of wiggle room here.

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If he's going to recess appoint a new AG, Bush needs to hurry up. The Senate comes back into session on the 3rd, a week from now.

From what I've seen Bush talk about a nomination hearing, doesn't suggest to me that he will try to sneak in a recess appointment. However there is a few end arounds (football analogy) he could run. First of all he can appoint a new temp AG, without senate approval, even if they are in session, and he/she can serve for 210 days (or something like that I don't remember an exact figure), then after that he can nominate a real candidate for AG and delay his confirmation hearing for another 210 days.

So the President has a lot of options at his disposal, considering he has 16 months left in office, has a lot of wiggle room here.

1. What Bush "talks" about and what he does are often two completely different things.

2. As far as a recess appointment, the reason I think he might take advantage of it is if he has someone controversial in mind that he thinks might have a problem getting confirmed by the Congress. Since his nominees are almost always controversial, and since he has a Democratic congress to contend with now, a recess nominee is the perfect solution. I still think it's a possibility.

3. Having said that, your solution seems viable as well and I hope that's what ends up happening. With a Democratic congress he's actually going to have to search outside of his circle, as I doubt the Congress will confirm anyone who doesn't have exemplary qualifications.

Unfortunately, I don't think Bush will even know where to look. :P


I guess that Alberto Gonzalez was the wrong minority to appoint to AG.

He was obviously the wrong man.


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There was an article on asking Senator Hatch if he would be interested in the job. He said...NO.

That really surprises me. I am no fan of the Senator. However, I think he would have done a decent job. I think he's always hoped he'd be asked to sit on the SCOTUS.

Very interesting. :hmmm:

Did it give a reason why he said no?

I guess I could go find the story, huh?


I nominate John Ashcroft to be brought back. We need an AG who's AG! :-)

Fine, but can we at least keept the artwork uncovered? :P


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Bush wants Michael Chertoff for Attorney General! And if he can find someone to take the Homeland Security Secretary position in time, I think it will be a "recess appointment."

He already tried to get White House Homeland Security Advisor Francess Townsend to take the job, but she turned it down.

According to Newsday magazine, Chertoff is a Harvard-educated lawyer. He was also federal judge on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which handles appeals from New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and the Virgin Islands. Before that, he was assistant attorney general in the Department of Justice's criminal division from 2001 to 2003. An exemplary resume to be sure.

But Chertoff will never be acceptable to a Democratic-controlled Senate. He's already displayed his managerial incompetence with his department's response to Katrina. He was also counsel to the GOP Whitewater committee investigating, and finding nothing wrong with the business dealings of Bill and Hillary Clinton in the mid-1990s. He made some key Democratic enemies at the time, including, of course, now-sitting Senator Clinton.

More importantly, I think we've already seen enough of Chertoff to know he would be just like all the rest of Bush's appointees: loyal to Bush to a fault. Loyalty has its place, but not like an Alberto Gonzalez who needed to constantly call the dog each time to bring him his old, snug, comfy slippers. Rather, we need a sharper, smarter, edgier pair of spats that can strut on their own, calling on the dog as well, but only to take a walk with him once in a while.

Michael Chertoff does not fit in those shoes.



No amount of power in the world should take away the song that is in a man's heart.

That's fine! Just as long as it stays off camera! :P


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I don't think it even matters who he nominates. Bush could nominate a ham and cheese sandwich and the Democrats in the Senate would criticize the kind of cheese he used. Its a really a no win situation for him, and should be interesting to see how he handles it.

That and before his nominee would even get to a full floor vote in the Senate he would have to get through the Senate Justice Committee. The Democrats on this committee are some of the most liberal in the Senate (Kennedy, Schumer, Leahy, Fienstien, ect). Even the Republicans on the committee are not exactly friendly to him. Specter (the ranking member...aka the highest ranking member of the minority party) has snubbed several of Bush's nominations in the past. Also Graham is a loose cannon and can be all over the place with his views.

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I don't think it even matters who he nominates. Bush could nominate a ham and cheese sandwich and the Democrats in the Senate would criticize the kind of cheese he used. Its a really a no win situation for him, and should be interesting to see how he handles it.

That and before his nominee would even get to a full floor vote in the Senate he would have to get through the Senate Justice Committee. The Democrats on this committee are some of the most liberal in the Senate (Kennedy, Schumer, Leahy, Fienstien, ect). Even the Republicans on the committee are not exactly friendly to him. Specter (the ranking member...aka the highest ranking member of the minority party) has snubbed several of Bush's nominations in the past. Also Graham is a loose cannon and can be all over the place with his views.

Actually I think they'd trust the sandwich before anyone Bush proposes. :P

As far as the committee and subsequent floor vote, as far as I'm concerned, he made his bed, etc. His absolute refusal to ever work with the Democrats will come to haunt him unless he is willing to propose someone who has the expertise and competence, but who is also a moderate.

Although, I have to say, I expected more gumption from the Democrats before now. The way they've acted so far, they'll do their obligatory mumbling, and then pass whomever he submits. Bah!


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