Ahmadinejad To Speak At Columbia


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I guess we need to find out for sure if Ahmadinejad advocated powersharing, or something else.


I've been keeping an eye on the Yahoo! news headlines today, and it seems Ahmadinejad is trying to ease tensions. He says Iran will not attack Israel or any other country and that he thinks the U.S. is not planning for war with Iran. IMO, he hit it on the head when he said that the Bush administration's rather aggressive statements regarding Iran has more to do with U.S. electoral politics (pleasing the constituency) than with actual foreign policy.


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I guess we need to find out for sure if Ahmadinejad advocated powersharing, or something else.


I've been keeping an eye on the Yahoo! news headlines today, and it seems Ahmadinejad is trying to ease tensions. He says Iran will not attack Israel or any other country and that he thinks the U.S. is not planning for war with Iran. IMO, he hit it on the head when he said that the Bush administration's rather aggressive statements regarding Iran has more to do with U.S. electoral politics (pleasing the constituency) than with actual foreign policy.


Yeah, that's what the Serbians believed until a dress with Bill's DNA was found and "Wag the Dog" became a reality rather than a Hollywood satire.

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I guess we need to find out for sure if Ahmadinejad advocated powersharing, or something else.


I've been keeping an eye on the Yahoo! news headlines today, and it seems Ahmadinejad is trying to ease tensions. He says Iran will not attack Israel or any other country and that he thinks the U.S. is not planning for war with Iran. IMO, he hit it on the head when he said that the Bush administration's rather aggressive statements regarding Iran has more to do with U.S. electoral politics (pleasing the constituency) than with actual foreign policy.


Yeah, that's what the Serbians believed until a dress with Bill's DNA was found and "Wag the Dog" became a reality rather than a Hollywood satire.

So you don't think that we're spent militarily?

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You guys can work out the politics, which are, of course, very important. You all know I'm the first one to admit that.

But, do me a favor and watch this.

Wasn't that a hoot?

So, take a guess if these teen-age boys are gay or straight? Guess where these teen-age boys are from?

Guess where these teen-age boys are now?

Dead. I guess that explains why Iran has no homosexuals.


Carry on.


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I'm using a computer not in my home, so I'm not sure if I saw all of the video or not, I just saw Ahmadinejad's speech being translated, I didn't see any brutal images, but I can imagine what you're implying and that is terrible.


Could you see the picture on the screen of teen-age boys being hung in Iran? Their crime? Homosexuality.

Perhaps that's why Ahmadinejad can claim Iran has no homosexuals.



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I'm using a computer not in my home, so I'm not sure if I saw all of the video or not, I just saw Ahmadinejad's speech being translated, I didn't see any brutal images, but I can imagine what you're implying and that is terrible.


Could you see the picture on the screen of teen-age boys being hung in Iran? Their crime? Homosexuality.

Perhaps that's why Ahmadinejad can claim Iran has no homosexuals.



Hi Elphie...yes I saw the picture in your original post. I mistakenly thought that the video clip was going to show where the photo came from, however I couldn't check it properly as I was in a public place.

I agree that their methods of dealing with gays is atrocious and they should be dealt with..the government I mean, for breaking human rights, I think they are represented in the U.N. aren't they?

After reading this paragraph, it struck me the similarities between their Basiji and the Nazi SS members...even down to who was recruited...this is really terrible news!

'Most of the anti-gay crackdown, Amir says, is conducted by the basiji. The basiji are a sort of unofficial para-police under the authority of the hard-line Revolutionary Guards (called Pasdaran in Persian.) It is the basiji -- thugs recruited from the criminal classes and the lumpen unemployed -- who are assigned to be agents provocateurs, and are given the violent dirty work, so the regime can claim it wasn’t officially responsible.'


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You guys can work out the politics, which are, of course, very important. You all know I'm the first one to admit that.

But, do me a favor and watch this.

Wasn't that a hoot?

So, take a guess if these teen-age boys are gay or straight? Guess where these teen-age boys are from?

Guess where these teen-age boys are now?

Dead. I guess that explains why Iran has no homosexuals.


Carry on.

Believe everything you hear? From what I understand of the guys getting stretched they were convicted of child molestation. If that is truly the case then they got what they deserved.

Wow this is not cool. I'm not positive, but does anyone know if homosexuality is prohibited by the Quran?

Absolutely! Check this out:


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<div align="center">In the name of Allah</div>

In the name of Allah ,who has created us and who has send his prophets to guide us and show us the right way.To believe in God ,to do His teachings, to respect others,to fill the world with peace and respect,to...

Dr.Ahmadinejad spoke at that university and I think no one would accept this invitation but he accepted it to say to the people of Usa that Iranians are also human,they also believe in God,they also want peace in the world,they also like the people of Usa,They are also sad when they see the people are killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and Africa and... because these are what Islam teaches them,Because these are what Muhammad(Peace be upon Him) has told,because the other prophets has told,because...

But they didn't respect Him,they told him many impolite words,he is a president!Maybe they had forgotten this,Maybe they thought that he is a simple Iranian!Anyway they showed that they don't believe in God and his teachings because God don't like impolite words and he has told his prophets to speak with people with polite words and respect people to show us that we should also respect each oher,not to ...

I think the people of Usa are good people as Dr.Ahmadinejad thinks but they know nothing about what happens in the world,they only know what c.n.n ,B.B.c,Fox news,sky news,and many other news services tell them but the truth is another thing.

I suggest you friendly to be aware of what happens in the world and think about them ,then you will find the truth yourselves not what news services tell!

I read a writing about homopsextuality in Iran in this froum with a picture, by Elphaba.I had thought that Elphaba knows many things and she is a thinker woman but I found out that she isn't at all!

first I want to talk with Elphaba about those two person and what they had done and why they are killed:

Those two person ,first, robbed many kids in Iran and then they forced them to have homosextuality relations with them,And at last they killed them.Do you know how many kids they killed?I know that you can't guess!

About 28 kids! So Imagine if this event happened in Usa for example,then what would you do?Won't your governments order to kill them?Surely they should be killed!

And it is good to say that Also In Quran ,homosextuality has prohobited.

Exuse me if my writing is long.

Allah bless all of you.


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<div align="center">In the name of Allah

In the name of Allah ,who has created us and who has send his prophets to guide us and show us the right way.To believe in God ,to do His teachings, to respect others,to fill the world with peace and respect,to...

Dr.Ahmadinejad spoke at that university and I think no one would accept this invitation but he accepted it to say to the people of Usa that Iranians are also human,they also believe in God,they also want peace in the world,they also like the people of Usa,They are also sad when they see the people are killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and Africa and... because these are what Islam teaches them,Because these are what Muhammad(Peace be upon Him) has told,because the other prophets has told,because...

But they didn't respect Him,they told him many impolite words,he is a president!Maybe they had forgotten this,Maybe they thought that he is a simple Iranian!Anyway they showed that they don't believe in God and his teachings because God don't like impolite words and he has told his prophets to speak with people with polite words and respect people to show us that we should also respect each oher,not to ...

I think the people of Usa are good people as Dr.Ahmadinejad thinks but they know nothing about what happens in the world,they only know what c.n.n ,B.B.c,Fox news,sky news,and many other news services tell them but the truth is another thing.

I suggest you friendly to be aware of what happens in the world and think about them ,then you will find the truth yourselves not what news services tell!

I read a writing about homopsextuality in Iran in this froum with a picture, by Elphaba.I had thought that Elphaba knows many things and she is a thinker woman but I found out that she isn't at all!

first I want to talk with Elphaba about those two person and what they had done and why they are killed:

Those two person ,first, robbed many kids in Iran and then they forced them to have homosextuality relations with them,And at last they killed them.Do you know how many kids they killed?I know that you can't guess!

About 28 kids! So Imagine if this event happened in Usa for example,then what would you do?Won't your governments order to kill them?Surely they should be killed!

And it is good to say that Also In Quran ,homosextuality has prohobited.

Exuse me if my writing is long.

Allah bless all of you.


If the people in the audience got off by being rude to the leader of Iran then they have another think coming. The absolute idiotic booing and idiocy displayed by both the audience and many so-called journalists in the USA doesn't just get seen in the USA -- it gets played around the world. And when all things are considered most people on this planet will find the words of this man more in line with what they believe.

Also, Mahdi, correct me if I am wrong but if President Bush asked to speak at a university in Iran would he get booed and mocked by people or would the Iranians display hospitality if he requested a forum to discuss himself and his views?

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Whilst there is still doubt over the true facts of the case against those boys, no sentence should have been carried out..

I read the link that Elphaba posted, and noted in it that many homosexuals claimed that they were tortured in order to force them to testify to having committed crimes which they were not guilty of...I'm afraid those lashes speak louder than words...

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I was shocked at the treatment of Dr. Ahmadinejad by the President of Columbia U. It's one thing to disagree and express your disagreement, but quite another thing to come off as rude and egotistical. Like him or hate him, Ahmadinejad should be treated as a visiting dignitary of a foreign Nation-State. Not like he's the local Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

It's no wonder the outside world hates us, our "leaders" can't even act civilly. :(

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Wow this is not cool. I'm not positive, but does anyone know if homosexuality is prohibited by the Quran?

Absolutely! Check this out:


That says that Shria law calls for the death penalty, and that the Hadith (supposed sayings of Muhammad) calls for a punishment.

But says nothing about the Q'uran. Anyone?

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I'd imagine his election is on the same level as Hosni Mubarak's, which is pretty meaningless.

Without discounting that Iranian elections include some elements we'd find outrageous by western standards, the following article suggests that there remained a diverse range of candidates and a healthy 60% participation rate (not so high as to seem coerced, and not so low as to seem defeatist).


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Seems that the media is fully capable of throwing out propaganda to get the American public ready to bomb Iran. At the turn of the century the Spanish were made out to be demonic to prepare us to go after them in war...then came the "Huns" for WW1...then the Serbians in the 1990s and now the Iranians.

And we think the Gadiantan Robbers died out anciently. :angry:

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The desire of the United States is to be a powerful world player in the Middle East. We do not want to appear weak. True strength, though, can be found in dignity and calm. If we are so sure that we are right, there is no need to shout, nor to be sophomoric towards our supposedly weaker and less righteous opponents.

Sadly, we often come across, not as wise and formidable, but rather as adolescents in much need of restraining.

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<div class='quotemain'>

I'd imagine his election is on the same level as Hosni Mubarak's, which is pretty meaningless.

Without discounting that Iranian elections include some elements we'd find outrageous by western standards, the following article suggests that there remained a diverse range of candidates and a healthy 60% participation rate (not so high as to seem coerced, and not so low as to seem defeatist).


Nothing against you personally PC, but I trust wikipedia as much as I trust checkout counter tabloids.

Sorry I just think its garbage.

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I'd imagine his election is on the same level as Hosni Mubarak's, which is pretty meaningless.

Without discounting that Iranian elections include some elements we'd find outrageous by western standards, the following article suggests that there remained a diverse range of candidates and a healthy 60% participation rate (not so high as to seem coerced, and not so low as to seem defeatist).


Nothing against you personally PC, but I trust wikipedia as much as I trust checkout counter tabloids.

Sorry I just think its garbage.

now Frank....did you remove your Penn State logo cause they lost this past weekend????...... :hmmm:

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I didn't have a Penn state logo...that was the logo for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Which I have no reason to be ashamed of....I mean c'mon we have Sidney Crosby, and Georges Laraque (probabbly my favorite player of all time, for all he overcame to even be able to play in the NHL, not to meantion he's probabbly the best fighter in the game)

If you've never heard of Laraque:

Well when you lose to a team that was beaten by App State....there is reason for embarrassment.

Now quit taking the post off topic or I'm going to report you to a mod :P

oh wait a min...you're are a....sigh.. :ahhh:

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I didn't have a Penn state logo...that was the logo for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Which I have no reason to be ashamed of....I mean c'mon we have Sidney Crosby, and Georges Laraque (probabbly my favorite player of all time, for all he overcame to even be able to play in the NHL, not to meantion he's probabbly the best fighter in the game)

If you've never heard of Laraque:

Well when you lose to a team that was beaten by App State....there is reason for embarrassment.

Now quit taking the post off topic or I'm going to report you to a mod :P

oh wait a min...you're are a....sigh.. :ahhh:

no no....go ahead and report me.....maybe I wll get booted off the Island........ :island:
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