1 Nephi Chapter 3 - May 3, 2017


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5 And now, behold thy brothers murmur, saying it is a hard thing which I have required of them; but behold I have not required it of them, but it is a commandment of the Lord.

This verse clearly portrays the modern and historical difference between the perspective of the believer and the non-believer.  Those in our time who do not accept Christ, or God, and especially those who reject the idea of laws that are to be obeyed coming from God, view Christianity and sometimes all religion as an oppressive regime.  They continuously tout that 'it is a hard thing that [we] require of them'.  With their blind eyes they cannot see, and they choose not to see that it is God who requires it, we merely have chosen to follow Him, while they are choosing not to.  "How can you expect someone to reject their feelings and who they love?"  they ask.  "How can you expect a woman to give birth to a child when it could drastically interfere with her life's plans?" they tout.  "How can you live with yourself when you require that even the poor give money to a wealthy church?" they proclaim.  If only they could see that we would never ask it of one another if it were not a commandment of the Lord.


10 And it came to pass that when we had gone up to the land of Jerusalem, I and my brethren did consult one with another.
11 And we cast lots—who of us should go in unto the house of Laban.

22 And it came to pass that we went down to the land of our inheritance, and we did gather together our gold, and our silver, and our precious things.
23 And after we had gathered these things together, we went up again unto the house of Laban.

Often we are required to try and fail time and time again before the Lord will show us the way he has prepared.  Not always, but often, we receive his aid only after we have done what we are able.  We must study it out in our minds, we must counsel with one another, we must do our part in order to be prepared to receive the wisdom of the Lord.


31 And after the angel had departed, Laman and Lemuel again began to murmur. . .

Seeing is not believing; 'the devils also believe, and tremble.' No amount of evidence or experience will ever be enough for the unbelieving soul who rejects within his heart even the willingness or the desire to believe.  However, if they posses even the desire to believe that can be enough of a start.  Sadly, fewer and fewer in our day appear have such desire in their hearts.

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2 And it came to pass that he spake unto me, saying: Behold I have dreamed a dream, in the which the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brethren shall return to Jerusalem.

i find it really interesting and admirable that no one had a temper tantrum when asked to return to a place that they had just left. Almost anyone in my family (okay not the person who has dedicated most of his free time to teaching tI chi) would go completely spare if asked to do something inefficient. We worship efficiency.

For myself, this returning is a very poignant lesson that to God, maximizing efficiency is not the key goal. This makes me feel a lot better about the times when I have not maximized efficiency. Not working on Sunday is the toughest thing that I have ever committed to doing.

i guess I, and the rest of my family, most people in my professional neck of the woods, are like this. I love capsule dressing - having only one outfit. It is wonderful, you have to do this! No more wandering around stores to find that one item to complete an outfit!

Also I discovered power shakes. You just mix the powder and - breakfast! Wonderful. Saves so much time! I am so happy. Soylent Green is people!

Edited by Sunday21
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One thing I had wondered that I had not thought of before was:  Why was is so important to go back for the record of the Jews?  Why was this record so important?  In researching a little on this I found:



"The purpose of the plates, as he saw it, was to preserve the cultural heritage of the past for generations to come, and especially to retain intact the unbroken religious tradition of God's people back to the very beginning.

This is the announcement that launches the vast and restless record-keeping project of Lehi's descendants, determined to keep intact the chain of writings that bound them to the righteous of every age in a single unbroken faith and tradition. For the ancients all history was sacred history." (An Approach to the Book of Mormon, p. 158.)  Hugh Nibley


When Nephi tells his brothers they need to go back to get the records, they immediately start complaining that it was a really hard thing that Nephi was asking of them.  Yet it wasn't Nephi asking it of them.  It was the Lord commanding them to do it. Nephi trusted the Lord knowing that He would prepare a way for him to accomplish that which was commanded of him.

One thing I have never understand is how Laman and Lemuel could continue to murmur after seeing an angel.  Can 2 men be so blind or so hard of heart that even seeing an angel would not soften them?




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