Same sex attraction


same sex attraction?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Is same sex attraction sometimes genetic?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
    • Don't know
    • No one knows
  2. 2. Is same sex attraction sometimes a choice?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes
    • Don't know
    • No one knows
  3. 3. Those with same sex attraction should

    • Be celibate
    • Marry a heterosexual partner and have children
    • Be secular

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I grew up with a relative who suffered from SSA.  They did everything they could to change the way they were including some horrific things (shock therapy, etc).

I would say that there are cases of it that are Genetic.

I had another relative that was a Ballet Dancer (male).  He was not homosexual, but he stated that 90% of the dancers he knew were, and that everyone that was, had experienced a homosexual experience before they had actually developed themselves.  That he felt this was a leading cause of their SSA.  In that instance, he implied it was more of a choice, rather than a genetic thing they were born with.

That said, I noted that they should remain celibate.  That's not all encompassing.  It depends on WHY they get married.  If they want children, and find that they can know what love is, even without the attraction/lust part of a marriage, and that they can reside within the bounds of that marriage, I have no problem with them getting married.  However, to many times we hear of someone who was pressured to get married by a Bishop or otherwise, who could not remain in those bounds.  This causes a great deal of grief for the spouse and the children...a grief and ache that I would hope no one would cause to another intentionally.  Because of this, I would say, in no way, if one does not feel they can keep within that bounds of marriage for all eternity (or at least to the end of this life) should they ever get married if they have SSA.

If they are willing to remain in the church and live it's standards, but cannot reside in marriage with that type of commitment, which commitment I think is harder to keep if you are with someone who is attracted to you, but you are not attracted to them in like manner, then my vote is that they remain celibate.  They may fall in other lesser ways, but at least the harm they may cause others is lessoned.

If they choose NOT to live according to the Lord's word, and choose another way, let them choose their own path, but let them remain to their own and not bother the church either.  They should have the freedom to do as they desire as long as it does not cause harm to others.

However, for those in the church, I'd say the preferential thing would probably be for them to remain celibate.  There are many desires people are afflicted with that they likewise should not entertain or commit.  This is the same thing as far as worthiness in the church goes.  If they keep their covenants that they made, which also includes no sexual relations outside the bounds of the type of marriage the LORD has created on this earth and approved upon, they are just as worthy as any other member.

In most cases, they do not have to force themselves into a marriage that is not satisfying to them, but at the same time, if they wish to respect the word of the Lord, then that would be default force them to remain celibate.

A hard choice for one to make.  If they choose to not follow his word and do their own thing, as I stated before, they have the freedom to do that.  I am not going to be like those who tried to murder the Mormons and restrict their rights by defining what marriages are approved or not approved by the state, but in like manner, I think if the question is in regards to worthiness in regards to the LDS church, it would be to remain celibate, or to be married in the way ordained by the Lord.  Considering their desires...I think the former may actually be easier to abide in that the latter.  In my not so educated opinion in this instance.

Edited by JohnsonJones
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One of the purposes for receiving these bodies are to procreate and have the Godly experiences of created life. Because Adam and Eve fell many things have gone out of whack. For instance people are sometimes born with both female and male parts. Many people have disorders like schizophrenia or depression.

    God doesn't make people have gay tendencies or any thing like that. Because Adam and Eve fell things are messed up, this is why God sent His son.

    One of the greatest commandments given is to multiply and replenish the earth in an ordained marriage between man and woman. That's the only reason why attraction exists in a sexual form. We have these strong passions and lust and we are commanded to bridle them.

Satan is using these FEELINGS to get us to act in a way that will contradict gods plan. It's simple. 

Whether or not you're attracted to men or women, there's only 1 type of relationship that will allow us to procreate. And procreation allows us to experience Godlike love and responsibility which is the doctrine and foundation of this issue.


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Church position

The Church does not take a position on the cause of same-sex attraction. In 2006, Elder Dallin H. Oaks stated:

“The Church does not have a position on the causes of any of these susceptibilities or inclinations, including those related to same-gender attraction” (Interview With Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Elder Lance B. Wickman: “Same-Gender Attraction”, 2006).

Feelings of same-sex attraction are not a sin. Elder M. Russell Ballard stated:

“Let us be clear: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that ‘the experience of same-sex attraction is a complex reality for many people. The attraction itself is not a sin, but acting on it is. Even though individuals do not choose to have such attractions, they do choose how to respond to them. With love and understanding, the Church reaches out to all God’s children, including [those with same-sex attraction]’” (“The Lord Needs You Now!” Ensign, Sept. 2015, 29).

While same-sex attraction is not a sin, it can be a challenge. While one may not have chosen to have these feelings, he or she can commit to keep God’s commandments. The parent of a child who experiences same-sex attraction or identifies as gay should choose to love and embrace that child. As a community of Church members, we should choose to create a welcoming community.

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