Two lies and a truth


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  • I have literally walked on water without getting my feet (or shoes, or swim fins, or whatever) wet.
  • I fell of a cliff on Mount Rainier, over a 100-foot sheer drop, and walked away from the incident without a scratch.
  • I have sat in the living rooms of Fred Rogers and of Bill Gates, Sr., both of whom were close personal friends of my father.
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25 minutes ago, Midwest LDS said:

@Vort I'm guessing number 1.

Right you are. Too easy, I guess. If you've walked on a frozen lake or a snowy sidewalk, you too have walked on water without getting your feet wet.

I did not fall of a 125-foot cliff on Mount Rainier and walk away without a scratch. That was my older brother.

I have never knowingly been in the same building as Fred Rogers or Bill Gates, Sr., and probably never in the same city with the former. No one in my immediate family knows anyone famous or important. I have a brother-in-law whose family is tight with General Authorities, but that's about as close as it gets. I believe my father-in-law knew Orrin Hatch slightly. But no, my dad never knew anyone famous or powerful, as far as I know.

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17 hours ago, Midwest LDS said:

That's pretty cool about your brother @Vort what a miracle. Ok I suppose it's my turn.

1. I have met a President of the United States and shook his hand.

2. My grandmother has had a private dinner with Prince Charles.

3. I have leaped out of a plane at a small airport in Ohio.

My best guess would be 3. I'm guessing that either (i) you had a parachute or (ii) the plane was on the ground.

(Old joke: "Oh, look at the people down there! They look just like ants!" "Those are ants, stupid! We're still on the ground!")

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3 hours ago, Jamie123 said:

#1 I have actually slipped on a banana skin

#2 I have actually stepped on a rake and had the handle hit me on the nose

#3 I have met and talked with the daughter of Bruce R. McConkie

I would say #3 is true. Banana skins aren't that slippery, and I hope you haven't had #2 happen. The "rake in the face" gag is an old joke, but I for one don't find it very funny. Maybe when Sideshow Bob does it.


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17 hours ago, Midwest LDS said:

That's pretty cool about your brother @Vort what a miracle. Ok I suppose it's my turn.

1. I have met a President of the United States and shook his hand.

2. My grandmother has had a private dinner with Prince Charles.

3. I have leaped out of a plane at a small airport in Ohio.

#1 is true, I'd guess. (Yes, I agree, it was a miracle. I'm not Mr. Miracle Man, but others in my family seem to be.)

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4 minutes ago, Midwest LDS said:

Lol not quite my sister has jumped out of a plane but I haven't. I believe planes are for flying in not jumping out of☺. As for your story I would guess number 2.

Actually no - I did did once step on a rake, but it struck me on my left cheek (quite a blow too!) rather than my nose.

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@VortClose but not quite. I did meet Ted Cruz during the election but only my parents and grandparents have met a president ( it was Bush Sr. My parents were some of the only Republicans in Massachusetts in 87 while he was preparing to run in 88 and visited Harvard's Republican club). By process of elimination my grandparents have had a private dinner with Prince Charles (she's a royalist and donated some large amount of money to a charity where the prize was dinner with Charles and his wife Camilla)

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8 minutes ago, Vort said:

I would say #3 is true. Banana skins aren't that slippery, and I hope you haven't had #2 happen. The "rake in the face" gag is an old joke, but I for one don't find it very funny. Maybe when Sideshow Bob does it.

Quite right!

A colleague of mine did slip on a banana skin a few months back and injured her tailbone, but I've never done it myself.

I met Rebecca McConkie a couple of years ago at the LDS temple at Newchapel. She and her husband were joint directors of the visitor center. I had quite a long chat with them - they are a really lovely couple.

Edited by Jamie123
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Just now, Jamie123 said:

Quite right! A colleague of mine did slip on a banana skin a few months back and injured her tailbone, but I've never done it.

I met Rebecca McConkie a couple of years ago at the LDS temple at Newchapel. She and her husband were joint directors of the visitor center. I had quite a long chat with them - they are a really lovely couple.

Does she go by McConkie? Most LDS women take their husband's names. (When Mrs. Vort and I got engaged, I made it clear to her that she was free to keep her name if she wanted, it's how I knew her and I would have no problem keeping on knowing her as that. But she insisted that she got to take my name. So, Mrs. Vort it is.)

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1 minute ago, Vort said:

Does she go by McConkie? Most LDS women take their husband's names. (When Mrs. Vort and I got engaged, I made it clear to her that she was free to keep her name if she wanted, it's how I knew her and I would have no problem keeping on knowing her as that. But she insisted that she got to take my name. So, Mrs. Vort it is.)

She goes by a double-barreled name of her husband's name and McConkie.

My wife also took my surname when we got married, which meant the length of her signature more than doubled!

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3 minutes ago, Midwest LDS said:

My wife took my name which threw her off a little at BYU. Her maiden name starts with a letter in the middle of the alphabet rather than the start of it, and had to get used to almost always giving papers and presentations first with me?.

My wife's best friend (one of them, anyway) at BYU had a last name that started with a double "A", some Norwegian name like "Aamodt". She married a guy named Adams, I think. I joked that she was just about the only woman at BYU who could have married an Adams and had her name go backward alphabetically.

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