Should L.D.S. support rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple?


Do you support the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Third Temple?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Third Temple by Jews... and for Jews?

    • Yes..... every word in Ezekiel chapters 40 - 48 must come to pass.
    • No..... this could cause a war in the Middle East.... and each human life is a temple potentially for the Holy Spirit.
    • Yes
    • No
    • I am not certain.... but I am going to research this question further.

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It may be relevant to you that the same Ms. Edie Reno gave me a prediction:



Edie Reno Dennis, have you studied Arthur Burk's Redemptive Spirit series?
I see your spirit is blessed with the authority to destroy chaos.


plus... .she was led by the Holy Spirit to alter my Facebook wall and term me an "Artist."  I did not call myself an "artist" and didn't even realize that I was one until the gifted Ms. Edie Reno told me that I was??????


You Latter day Saints seem to be the only large denomination of Christianity that teaches that there are many levels to Sheol and Hades and that preaching continues in the afterlife...... and people come to repentance in the afterlife who did not repent while they were alive.  Pastor Rick Joyner may be inclined to agree with you on this based on what he was shown in his book... "The Torch and the Sword?"

Your knowledge of this fact gives you an edge over every other branch of Christianity that I can think of.... when it comes to a massive AWAKENING that could see one billion young people give their lives to Messiah Yeshua - Jesus.




Dr. Harold Widdison and Dr. Craig Lundahl's Near-Death Experience Research

harold_widdison.jpgDr. Harold A. Widdison earned a Bachelors degree in Sociology and a MBA from Brigham Young University. He received his Ph.D. in Medical Sociology in 1979 and taught at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona for thirty-one years before retiring in 2003. Dr. Widdison became interested in the subject of death, grief, and bereavement two months before his marriage when his father suddenly died in a car a accident. He later created and taught one of the first courses on these subjects in a university setting. He also had several family members share their experiences with him one uncle had an NDE (near-death experience) on the operating table and an adopted daughter had a visit from her dead grandfather. Together with Dr. Craig Lundahl, Dr. Widdison documented their research in their classic NDE book entitled, The Eternal Journey. Dr. Craig Lundahl is chairman emeritus of the Department of Social Sciences and emeritus professor at Western New Mexico University. He is one of the pioneer NDE researchers and the author of A Collection of Near-Death Research Readings. Meticulously researched and exhaustively compiled, The Eternal Journey divulges mesmerizing eyewitness descriptions of the hereafter's City of Light, incredible portraits of existence in the ensuing dimension, and enlightening information on angels in this world and the next. Dr. Widdison's latest book, Trailing Clouds of Glory, is the result of seven years of interviewing, researching and collecting of first person accounts. The following is an excerpt of their book The Eternal Journey which deals with the various dimensions of the afterlife.




My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
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"There will be a sudden rush to buy farms, ranches, and homes in the country.

Thousands will attempt to flee from cities, hoping that a return to the land and

nature will provide security. There will be a growing urge to "get away from it

all"---and much money will be invested in land and acreage in rural areas by

people who have secret dreams of raising their own food and cattle and of

becoming self-supporting. The price of open rural land will continue to soar.

Acreage within 100 miles of most major cities will skyrocket out of reach to

all but syndicates." (David Wilkerson, The Vision, page 18,19).

Do genuine prophets always have perfect one hundred percent understanding of the visions or dreams that they are given by G-d?

The Prophet Daniel admits that he did not always fully understand what he had been shown:

I, Daniel, was troubled by all I had seen, and my visions terrified me.
So I approached one of those standing beside the throne and asked him what it all meant. He explained it to me like this:
“These four huge beasts represent four kingdoms that will arise from the earth.


I believe that the fact that Pastor David Wilkerson was Pentecostal caused him to be much more fearful of the vision of a HUGE CHURCH that would rise up before the Second Coming of Messiah than the Apostle Paul would have been if Paul were somehow moved from 60 C. E. to 1975 and heard Pastor David Wilkerson explain his dream from 1973.

My point is that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus may think very, very, very differently of the colossal and HUGE Church shown to Pastor David Wilkerson....... than the genuinely gifted Pastor David Wilkerson was able to understand while he was still here on earth with us!


My point...... is that you Latter day Saints are in a unique position to play a massive role in the Colossal Church  shown in a dream to Pastor David Wilkerson who...... may have been shown what appeared to him to be PERSECUTION but..............  here we are in 2020 and we can visualize a colossal Christian church attempting to deal with events from the past, (for example 1939) through films........  that could appear very realistic......... but....... in actuality what could appear to Pastor David Wilkerson in a dream to be "persecution" of Pentecostals ..... in at least many instances   .. may eventually turn out to be  "special effects??????"

If you do a search on youtube for "David Wilkerson, The Vision 1973" you can hear an original sermon on his dream that really scared him...... .that I suspect....... may look very, very different to Messiah Yeshua - Jesus who understands that the rise of that colossal church corresponds with millions and tens of millions..... and even a billion sinners coming to sincere and genuine repentance!!!!

In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!


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Back in 1990 when I volunteered to become a "Yom Kippur goat" (not even knowing fully what all was meant by that).......  I had in mind this ancient tale of a lion and a mouse.  I felt that Messiah the Passover Lamb was restricted in His movements due to some sort of legal agreements or a covenant with the fallen angels and.......... once Messiah Yeshua - Jesus would have a volunteer little brother Yom Kippur goat..... that His movements to take over in the affairs of men would be greatly increased......

Here in April of 2020 it sure looks to me like Messiah the Passover Lamb is beginning to take over in the governmental affairs of mankind?!

One of the questions on my mind back at that time as well as recently was.....  did the Apostle Paul seriously consider taking on the role of a volunteer "Yom Kippur goat????

For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:


Based on a verse in Isaiah I felt that eventually......  the kingdom of Messiah the Passover Lamb would expand into the realms of the lost Nephilim and their lost ancestors both human as well as Watchers / sons of G-d. 


Isa 9:7

Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
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On 9/7/2018 at 11:43 PM, Just_A_Guy said:

My understanding is that the mainline LDS position is that the LDS Church will be the ones spearheading the reconstruction of the temple foreseen by Ezekiel.  But seeing as how the Church appears to have no immediate plans to bring that to pass, I say the Jews are welcome to try it if they can.  If it brings about political instability leading to the end times — so much the better, as far as I’m concerned (I’m feeling a bit misanthropic at the moment, so apologies if I sound a bit flippant).

I am right now listening to a video for the second time because in the first listen I got the impression that it would not be impossible to connect this April 2020 proclamation with a major act of cooperation with the Orthodox Jewish community of the nation of Israel??????


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On 9/8/2018 at 10:43 AM, Just_A_Guy said:

My understanding is that the mainline LDS position is that the LDS Church will be the ones spearheading the reconstruction of the temple foreseen by Ezekiel.  But seeing as how the Church appears to have no immediate plans to bring that to pass, I say the Jews are welcome to try it if they can.  If it brings about political instability leading to the end times — so much the better, as far as I’m concerned (I’m feeling a bit misanthropic at the moment, so apologies if I sound a bit flippant).


8. A new temple will be built in Jerusalem.

In Zechariah 8:9 is a statement in which he says, “Let your hands be strong, … that the temple might be built.” [Zech. 8:9]

A description of the temple is given in Ezekiel 40–48 [Ezek. 40–48]. Reference is made to the temple at Jerusalem by Orson Pratt in Journal of Discourses, volume 19, pages 19–29, and in Doctrine and Covenants 124:36–37 [D&C 124:36–37]. President Wilford Woodruff said:

“… Christ will not come until these things come to pass. Jerusalem has got to be rebuilt. The temple has got to be built.

“… These things have been revealed by the prophets; they will have their fulfillment.” (MS, vol. 52 [Oct. 6, 1890], p. 740.)

And Joseph Smith said: “What was the object of gathering the Jews, or the people of God in any age of the world? … The main object was to build unto the Lord a house whereby He could reveal unto His people the ordinances of His house. …” (DHC, vol. 5, p. 423.)

Many of the Orthodox Jewish people themselves are talking about the construction of a third temple. Concerning this subject, an important scroll was discovered in the Middle East just a few years ago. Dr. Yigael Yadin of the Hebrew University is now translating this scroll, which he calls the Temple Scroll and concerning which he has said:

“The amazing thing about this scroll is that it was written as a Torah—a law—given by God to Moses. The entire text is written in the first person singular, with God as the speaker. Every other scroll from the Dead Sea is either a copy of an existent Biblical book or a Biblical commentary or a sectarian document composed by the Qumran community. Here we have for the first time a scroll that was apparently meant to be in the Biblical text but which was never part of the Biblical canon, so far as we know.” (Newsletter Number 7 of the American Schools of Oriental Research, November 13, 1967. Italics added.)

With what does that text deal? Dr. Yadin says that it has the plans for the construction of a great temple and that it introduces a new feature into the temple. There are three courts instead of two, each exactly square. The middle and the outer courts of the temple are to have twelve gates, three on each side, and each gate is to be named for one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Dr. Yadin adds:

“This is significant. The whole apocalyptic literature and that of Qumran were occupied with the concept of uniting the twelve tribes of Israel as ordained by God. Here, too, the emphasis is on the twelve tribes, as it is so frequently also in the New Testament.” (Ibid.)

Orson Pratt has described another distinguishing feature concerning the temple that will be built in Jerusalem during the last days: “The Temple at Jerusalem will undoubtedly be built, by those who believe in the true Messiah. Its construction will be, in some respects different from the Temples now being built. It will contain the throne of the Lord, upon which he will, at times, personally sit, and will reign over the house of Israel for ever.” (JD, vol. 19, p. 20. Italics added.)

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18 hours ago, Benskie said:


8. A new temple will be built in Jerusalem.

In Zechariah 8:9 is a statement in which he says, “Let your hands be strong, … that the temple might be built.” [Zech. 8:9]

A description of the temple is given in Ezekiel 40–48 [Ezek. 40–48]. Reference is made to the temple at Jerusalem by Orson Pratt in Journal of Discourses, volume 19, pages 19–29, and in Doctrine and Covenants 124:36–37 [D&C 124:36–37]. President Wilford Woodruff said:

“… Christ will not come until these things come to pass. Jerusalem has got to be rebuilt. The temple has got to be built.

“… These things have been revealed by the prophets; they will have their fulfillment.” (MS, vol. 52 [Oct. 6, 1890], p. 740.)

And Joseph Smith said: “What was the object of gathering the Jews, or the people of God in any age of the world? … The main object was to build unto the Lord a house whereby He could reveal unto His people the ordinances of His house. …” (DHC, vol. 5, p. 423.)

Many of the Orthodox Jewish people themselves are talking about the construction of a third temple. Concerning this subject, an important scroll was discovered in the Middle East just a few years ago. Dr. Yigael Yadin of the Hebrew University is now translating this scroll, which he calls the Temple Scroll and concerning which he has said:

“The amazing thing about this scroll is that it was written as a Torah—a law—given by God to Moses. The entire text is written in the first person singular, with God as the speaker. Every other scroll from the Dead Sea is either a copy of an existent Biblical book or a Biblical commentary or a sectarian document composed by the Qumran community. Here we have for the first time a scroll that was apparently meant to be in the Biblical text but which was never part of the Biblical canon, so far as we know.” (Newsletter Number 7 of the American Schools of Oriental Research, November 13, 1967. Italics added.)

With what does that text deal? Dr. Yadin says that it has the plans for the construction of a great temple and that it introduces a new feature into the temple. There are three courts instead of two, each exactly square. The middle and the outer courts of the temple are to have twelve gates, three on each side, and each gate is to be named for one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Dr. Yadin adds:

“This is significant. The whole apocalyptic literature and that of Qumran were occupied with the concept of uniting the twelve tribes of Israel as ordained by God. Here, too, the emphasis is on the twelve tribes, as it is so frequently also in the New Testament.” (Ibid.)

Orson Pratt has described another distinguishing feature concerning the temple that will be built in Jerusalem during the last days: “The Temple at Jerusalem will undoubtedly be built, by those who believe in the true Messiah. Its construction will be, in some respects different from the Temples now being built. It will contain the throne of the Lord, upon which he will, at times, personally sit, and will reign over the house of Israel for ever.” (JD, vol. 19, p. 20. Italics added.)


I am reading the full article right now and my immediate question is....... so far as you know may I give the link to this article and quote from it into other forums..... for example here:

Should Christians support Jews in fulfillment of Zechariah fourteen?

or this other one if it wasn't likely to be seen as a zombie thread:


Rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple may be least expensive way to stabilize climate?

I began this one in 2019 so this would actually be a better place to quote this into:

Jerusalem Third Temple, Ezekiel Temple and putting carbon into the soil.

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18 hours ago, Benskie said:


8. A new temple will be built in Jerusalem.

In Zechariah 8:9 is a statement in which he says, “Let your hands be strong, … that the temple might be built.” [Zech. 8:9]

A description of the temple is given in Ezekiel 40–48 [Ezek. 40–48]. Reference is made to the temple at Jerusalem by Orson Pratt in Journal of Discourses, volume 19, pages 19–29, and in Doctrine and Covenants 124:36–37 [D&C 124:36–37]. President Wilford Woodruff said:

“… Christ will not come until these things come to pass. Jerusalem has got to be rebuilt. The temple has got to be built.

“… These things have been revealed by the prophets; they will have their fulfillment.” (MS, vol. 52 [Oct. 6, 1890], p. 740.)

And Joseph Smith said: “What was the object of gathering the Jews, or the people of God in any age of the world? … The main object was to build unto the Lord a house whereby He could reveal unto His people the ordinances of His house. …” (DHC, vol. 5, p. 423.)

Many of the Orthodox Jewish people themselves are talking about the construction of a third temple. Concerning this subject, an important scroll was discovered in the Middle East just a few years ago. Dr. Yigael Yadin of the Hebrew University is now translating this scroll, which he calls the Temple Scroll and concerning which he has said:

“The amazing thing about this scroll is that it was written as a Torah—a law—given by God to Moses. The entire text is written in the first person singular, with God as the speaker. Every other scroll from the Dead Sea is either a copy of an existent Biblical book or a Biblical commentary or a sectarian document composed by the Qumran community. Here we have for the first time a scroll that was apparently meant to be in the Biblical text but which was never part of the Biblical canon, so far as we know.” (Newsletter Number 7 of the American Schools of Oriental Research, November 13, 1967. Italics added.)

With what does that text deal? Dr. Yadin says that it has the plans for the construction of a great temple and that it introduces a new feature into the temple. There are three courts instead of two, each exactly square. The middle and the outer courts of the temple are to have twelve gates, three on each side, and each gate is to be named for one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Dr. Yadin adds:

“This is significant. The whole apocalyptic literature and that of Qumran were occupied with the concept of uniting the twelve tribes of Israel as ordained by God. Here, too, the emphasis is on the twelve tribes, as it is so frequently also in the New Testament.” (Ibid.)

Orson Pratt has described another distinguishing feature concerning the temple that will be built in Jerusalem during the last days: “The Temple at Jerusalem will undoubtedly be built, by those who believe in the true Messiah. Its construction will be, in some respects different from the Temples now being built. It will contain the throne of the Lord, upon which he will, at times, personally sit, and will reign over the house of Israel for ever.” (JD, vol. 19, p. 20. Italics added.)

I took the liberty of making one significant quotation from this article in this forum that is entitled "Creative Corner."

Something that you all need to know..... is that as soon as statements are made on a public forum essentially anybody anywhere can use those statements in some form of art.... or perhaps in a documentary!

I have set you Latter day Saints up as best as I can because you do NOT need me to run with these ideas!  In other words.... you can use some of my suggestions that could be useful and ignore any other suggestions that I made that you regard as too risky.

The White Horse President prophecy and saving the USA constitution and dollar.


The fact that this article refers to predictions made back in the early 1800's is nothing short of astounding!
The Future of the Holy Land
Daniel H. Ludlow
The Future of the Holy Land
Daniel H. Ludlow
3. The descendants of Judah will use gold and silver from the nations of the earth to reclaim the land.
Again Zechariah says: “And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.” (Zech. 14:14.)

A substantiating statement from a modern prophet comes from Wilford Woodruff: “… the time is not far distant when the rich men among the Jews may be called upon to use their abundant wealth to gather the dispersed of Judah, and purchase the ancient dwelling places of their fathers in and about Jerusalem, and rebuild the holy city and temple.” (Millennial Star, vol. 41, p. 244.)
In 1967, Levi Eshkol, then the prime minister of Israel, was interviewed by reporters of U.S. News and World Report, at which time he indicated that Israel had received over $1 billion from the Jewish people in the United States. Also, it is known that over $1.5 billion has been received from West Germany in restitution and reparation payments. Literally, the prophecy that gold and silver will be used to reclaim this land has been fulfilled and perhaps is still in the process of fulfillment.
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Here is a powerful article on this topic:

Carl Cantrell:



The Temple


One of the hottest topics on the planet is whether the Israeli's or Jews should be given control of the Temple Mount and be permitted to build the third Jewish Temple. I have realized that this discussion is a no brainer and will discuss this from the perspective of the Jews, Biblical Christians, Muslims, Liberal Christians, Atheists, Pagans, and the Occult, including satanists, witches, and those who generally practice Black Magic.


Orthodox Jews And Biblical Christians


It should be obvious that anyone who truly reads and believes the ancient Jewish scriptures often referred to as the Bible or any part of it should believe that the Jewish Temple must be rebuilt. This is because those ancient scriptures make it very clear that the Messiah will come to Jerusalem, take control of the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, and set up His kingdom. In order for their Messiah to come, the Jews must build the Temple on the Temple Mount with no other structures present.

Only those Jews and Christians who profess a belief in their religion and don't truly believe or even just doubt the coming of their Messiah should resist the building of the Jewish Temple for fear that they will be proved wrong. Therefore, for either Jews or professing Christians to resist the building of the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount is them saying that they do not really believe what they profess to believe. It shows that their faith is either not real or is very weak.





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This is certainly an interesting statement!

One relevant point would be though that in Judaism the word Messiah is taken very differently than it is in Christianity.  King David, King Solomon, King Hezekiah, King Josiah were all "Moshiach's / Messiah's" and so would a human "Cyrus" type of political leader who would succeed in setting things up in such a way that the Jerusalem Third Temple and / or the Ezekiel Temple complex would be constructed and be available for use by the Levites.  

The Jews predict a human "Messiah son of Joseph" who will get killed before Messiah son of David resurrects him.  


Sanhedrin Calls on Arabs to Take Their Role in Third Temple as Prophesied by IsaiahBy Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz March 19, 2018 , 1:00 pm


“If a single sacrifice is brought in the Third Temple,” Rabbi Shtern said, quoting the Vilna Gaon. “The shofar announcing the Messiah will already start to blow.”


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Just to be clear..... yes..... I Dennis Tate am quite willing to go into debt to the tune of
200,300,000,000 dollars Canadian per month for fourteen years to attempt to
finance what I term "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems" and yes......
I feel that I must donate one hundred percent of this plan to various organizations that would tend to be capable of
doing something constructive with this basic idea. (Ofcourse the probability of my leaving this world after freezing to death in a cardboard box tends to decrease significantly if I could make all Canadians, all Israelis, all Australians and all Americans wealthier to the tune of 6k annually in "Northern Pesos" doesn't it)????
Yes.... I have what could be termed a "Cyrus Complex" and yes.... .I do suffer from the possible if not at least probable
"delusion of grandeur" that maybe.... just maybe.....
that mole on my right side might have significant psychological value under these seriously dangerous set of circumstances that all of us find ourselves in at this time?
Yes...... my goal is to see the nation of Israel blessed with two temples..... one near the Gihon Spring... one outside Jerusalem by several kilometers...... and yes... I also would like to see the remains of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov brought to somewhere in Israel which could conceivably cause a significant increase in tourism to Israel as his quite brilliant teachings become more well known. And yes... .I see a major goal of these proposed films should be that all of this finances those two temples so that it costs the Jewish people ZERO...... once the film production project is completed!
Yes.... I am also hopeful that will cause a reverse Muslim exodus from Europe back to their homelands as the alternative theory on stabilization of the climate through mega-scale desalination of ocean water to turn deserts green causes and economic boom in nations that have lots of desert that can hold lots of desalinated fresh water.


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Considering that time obviously is of the essence... you may wish to see this:



The White Horse President prophecy and saving the USA constitution and dollar.



I could be wrong..... but my impression at this time is that back in 1973 when Pastor David Wilkerson was shown a vision of a colossal Christian church forming....... He got a very negative impression of it and felt that it was going to persecute his people...... Pentecostals...... but.... I am wondering if the gifted Mr. Wilkerson may have significantly misunderstood what was actually being shown to him.

My opinion on all of this as of today, April 18, 2020 is that Latter day Saints are uniquely prepared to get together with Jewish scholars and assist the Jewish people to accomplish their goal of fulfilling every word in Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight, (not to mention every word in Isaiah, Jeremiah, the rest of Ezekiel and the Minor Prophets and even in the Psalms and Law)!

A century from now Jewish scholars may look back on the decade of 2020 to 2030 as being the time when Mr. Mitt Romney may well have played an important role in the tradition of :

by Yair Davidiy

"Latter day Saints are uniquely prepared....... (but it still is not going to be easy)..... to be twisted together with Jewish scholars rather like as was shown to near death experiencer Bruce MacDonald:" ....

Bruce MacDonald: ...

"The Father said to me one evening in my time of meditation, “You wonder that people other than the Jews have the secrets of the Kingdom as well as you. As you have been instructed before, the secrets of the Kingdom have been given to many people, but to no one in their complete form, so that each, seeking in their own way, may gradually come closer to me, but no one group can say, ‘I have the secret and you are excluded.’ Indeed, any who say that, have already put themselves outside of the Kingdom, because the Kingdom comes by Love, and Love is a working together. Love is not exclusively for one group.”

“In the end of the Age, peoples from all parts of the earth will bring their knowledge together and will find the Inner Way to me by working together. So, read and know what has been given to others, that your knowledge may be complete and you may be able to come to Me, all working together in Love.” (Bruce F. MacDonald Ph. D., The Thomas Book, Near Death, A Quest and a New Gospel by the Twin Brother of Jesus.)

"LDS church on Gilgul or multiple mortal probations"

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People who are extremely happy with only a part of TRUTH....  would tend to feel persecuted when they are confronted with the possibility that they are terribly lacking in understanding of the larger picture.



The typical Evangelical explanation for what happens after death to the Saved vs the Lost........ when it is really thought through.....  causes Evangelical Christians to appear like COLLABORATORS in a Holocaust that.........  (assuming the validity of what was shown to near death experiencer Bob Jones of only about two percent of people who die being able to go directly into heaven)........ then if the idea of an Eternal Hell from which there is no escape were actually true........ then how could the Christian Bible be considered "good news?????"

You Latter day Saints have the keys to reaching out to the metaphorical ninety nine as shown to the gifted visionary Rick Joyner in his book The Final Quest..... You know about various levels in the afterlife and about preaching continuing in the afterlife and repentance being possible even after death.  You are the only major denomination of Christianity capable of being twisted together with Judah.... the Jewish people!




On the other hand.... those of us who may well have more knowledge of what is happening.......   we tend to fall into pride..... and then Satan really has a field day making total fools out of us.  (Been there..... done that..... got the T-shirt....... and I still struggle with my pride every moment of every day)!

"Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies."

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On 9/20/2018 at 11:34 AM, Guest said:

You didn't offer an option "Don't care" in your poll.  From a doctrinal/theological standpoint, it doesn't matter whether the Jews build a Jewish temple in Jerusalem or not.  It doesn't change anything for better or worse in the LDS theology or prophecy.  **EDIT** (What JAG said.)

As for political positions, well, that didn't seem to be the thrust of the post itself. 

So, first, I'd ask you to reconcile the political nature of the poll with the theological nature of the post.

Here we are in April 21, 2020 and it seems obvious to me that the USA dollar is under attack..............

I think that the USA constitution is indeed hanging by a thread.........

and yes... I am hopeful that a Latter day Saint prophecy going 

back to 1843 or so may be like the proverbial glimmer of

light at the end of the tunnel!

The world needs Latter day Saints and your allies to rise up and pull off something kind of like when Joshua led Israel across the Jordan River?!


The White Horse President prophecy and saving the USA constitution and dollar.


Here is a philosophical question that I believe will be understood to be both important as well as interesting to many Jewish scholars...... as well as to many Latter day Saint scholars..... .and to many others who have a deep respect for the words of Moses.

Would the debt and guilt of "Azazel" as implied in Leviticus 16:10 have VALUE comparable to the seven hundred and ten trillion dollars in the worldwide Derivatives markets? (That statistic was given back in 2014 by CIA economist Jim Rickards around the fifteen minute mark in this video.


"but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD
to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness
to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10)


I volunteered to become a "Yom Kippur goat" over twenty nine years ago and I have to admit........ I had no idea that my life would be so astoundingly blessed and guided since then?!

At the time the only precedent I had for the idea of volunteering to be a Yom Kippur goat was Bar Abbas / Barabbas but..... since then I was taught to consider my sins to be serious! My pride... my self-righteousness.... my spiritual lethargy.... my lack of thankfulness...... I came to see them as very serious..... so that like Bar Abbas - Barabbas..... I came to see myself as a "notable prisoner" to my own sins and flaws and only Messiah Yeshua - Jesus could fully release me!


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I actually just posted the following to my "wall:"

An interesting graph indeed!




All of this has what could be termed considerable "Artistic Value" and one possible way to respond to this is to attempt to move the Canadian dollar to par with the USA dollar through "ART?"

"The White Horse President prophecy and saving the USA constitution and dollar."


My belief is both Latter day Saints as well as Jews are now in a sufficient population to make this prediction applicable to both of their people groups if they could cooperate on a project that they could agree has considerable value to both Jews as well as Latter day Saints.
"And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." (Genesis 11:6)
Wise ol' King Solomon though added a necessary detail:
"A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things." (Ecclesiastes 10:19)


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Now it seems clear that UFO's are real. How does this affect me? Dunno.



I could be way, way, way off, and my apologies if I am, but I would say that you are now prepared to see what I think may be hidden meaning in: "but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10)


My theory is that the next major increase for the kingdom of Moshiach ben David is into the realms of the Nephilim, the human and Watcher hybrids who caused the earth to be so violent before the flood of Moses. "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." (Isaiah 9:7)


I could be wrong but I do believe that hidden meaning in Yom Kippur sets the stage for the nation of Israel to end up with two..... rather than merely one Jewish temple. One temple will be near the Gihon Spring but the other one will be the central area of the Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex. The fulfillment of Ezekiel forty seven..... sets the stage for the restoration of rain in due season to Israel as well as to every Middle Eastern nation that will allow Jews and Noahides to freely travel to Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Sukkot -Tabernacles. (The Central area of the Ezekiel Temple complex could be several kilometers outside Jerusalem).


I could be wrong but there are a number of reasons why I think that Latter day Saints may be able to take the leadership role in representing "Ephrayim" at this time in a partial fulfillment of Ezekiel chapter thirty seven.
"Should L.D.S. support rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple?"
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Rabbi Alon Anava did a nearly three hour lecture a few days ago that in my opinion do a phenomenal job of letting us all know where we are at in terms of how close we are to the Era of Moshicah beginning:
"The final war - What has been is what will be - The fall of the new world order"
Near death experiencer Christian Andreason chapter two: ..... "What about beings from other planets, do you think they visit here?
Yes I do. And I think those who have been permitted to cross over into our world have been doing so for a very long time now (for a very important purpose) as Divinely arranged by Heaven. Since my NDE, because of a few things I was shown, it is now my deep belief that some of the more phenomenal events depicted in the Old Testament (such as the Great flood of Noah, the parting of the Red Sea for Moses, the mass explosion of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc) are not only very true, but were moments in time which were orchestrated and performed by beings of a much higher order and intelligence than our ownwho may have volunteered their technology and understandings or even sent to help guide and shape a culture within humanity during a pressing time within its development and evolution." (Christian Andreason)
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/11/2020 at 12:11 PM, Benskie said:


8. A new temple will be built in Jerusalem.

In Zechariah 8:9 is a statement in which he says, “Let your hands be strong, … that the temple might be built.” [Zech. 8:9]

A description of the temple is given in Ezekiel 40–48 [Ezek. 40–48]. Reference is made to the temple at Jerusalem by Orson Pratt in Journal of Discourses, volume 19, pages 19–29, and in Doctrine and Covenants 124:36–37 [D&C 124:36–37]. President Wilford Woodruff said:

“… Christ will not come until these things come to pass. Jerusalem has got to be rebuilt. The temple has got to be built.

“… These things have been revealed by the prophets; they will have their fulfillment.” (MS, vol. 52 [Oct. 6, 1890], p. 740.)

And Joseph Smith said: “What was the object of gathering the Jews, or the people of God in any age of the world? … The main object was to build unto the Lord a house whereby He could reveal unto His people the ordinances of His house. …” (DHC, vol. 5, p. 423.)

Many of the Orthodox Jewish people themselves are talking about the construction of a third temple. Concerning this subject, an important scroll was discovered in the Middle East just a few years ago. Dr. Yigael Yadin of the Hebrew University is now translating this scroll, which he calls the Temple Scroll and concerning which he has said:

“The amazing thing about this scroll is that it was written as a Torah—a law—given by God to Moses. The entire text is written in the first person singular, with God as the speaker. Every other scroll from the Dead Sea is either a copy of an existent Biblical book or a Biblical commentary or a sectarian document composed by the Qumran community. Here we have for the first time a scroll that was apparently meant to be in the Biblical text but which was never part of the Biblical canon, so far as we know.” (Newsletter Number 7 of the American Schools of Oriental Research, November 13, 1967. Italics added.)

With what does that text deal? Dr. Yadin says that it has the plans for the construction of a great temple and that it introduces a new feature into the temple. There are three courts instead of two, each exactly square. The middle and the outer courts of the temple are to have twelve gates, three on each side, and each gate is to be named for one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Dr. Yadin adds:

“This is significant. The whole apocalyptic literature and that of Qumran were occupied with the concept of uniting the twelve tribes of Israel as ordained by God. Here, too, the emphasis is on the twelve tribes, as it is so frequently also in the New Testament.” (Ibid.)

Orson Pratt has described another distinguishing feature concerning the temple that will be built in Jerusalem during the last days: “The Temple at Jerusalem will undoubtedly be built, by those who believe in the true Messiah. Its construction will be, in some respects different from the Temples now being built. It will contain the throne of the Lord, upon which he will, at times, personally sit, and will reign over the house of Israel for ever.” (JD, vol. 19, p. 20. Italics added.)

To the degree that my comment on this public video was incompetent, my apologies.... but I was doing the best that I could to attempt to set you up for a win - win - win - win - win scenario with relatively low risks!



"One possible option that would be especially practical in a city where there is both a large number of Latter day Saints as well as a large population of Rabbinic Jews would be meeting in the local LDS ward on Saturdays... with a possible title of "Latter day Saint Noahide Movement" or something along that line and you actually invite Jewish Rabbi's in to lead many of those meetings. One meeting with the famous Rabbi Alon Anava might just get a million hits on Youtube and the result could be beyond interesting! Although I am no expert I have at least been thinking about this type of thing for forty seven of my sixty years and I am beyond merely impressed with the wonderful and encouraging response on this forum to:" (Dennis Tate to public LDS discussion forum).







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  • 4 weeks later...
"but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD
to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness
to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10, RSV)

My dad passed on January 1, 1990 and by Yom Kippur of that year I thought that if I were to volunteer to carry the debt / guilt of Azazel then I should be able to improve my dad's situation in the afterlife?!
About a decade ago I met an Israeli Breslovian Chassidic Jew who followed the hoof prints of a goat that had been released on Yom Kippur 1991.... who was questioning the meaning of life and soon after that time he was given answers through the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.  
Because of the period of time between Passover and Yom Kippur I felt that perhaps there could be a two thousand year delay between the Passover event of the first century and the fulfillment of Yom Kippur....... and obviously I had been asking myself if there could be a possible connection between the two witnesses of Revelation with the two goats of Yom Kippur.  I had trouble thinking of Messiah Yeshua - Jesus being symbolized by a "goat???????"
I volunteered to come back into four dimensional space - time an infinite number of times to pay off the debt - guilt of Azazel......  (whatever that meant because back then I knew even less about what that probably meant than I do now because in 1990 I had not yet read The Book of Enoch or the Secrets of Enoch)!
I am wondering if what I began in 1990 must be passed on or shared by Yom Kippur 1991, thirty years from when my Israeli friend made my offer legal in terms of Judaism??????????
I will now forward a copy of this post to my Israel friend and suggest that he pass on this link to other Breslovian Chassidic Jews who in my opinion could do a wonderful job of doing a series of reality plus documentary plus semi-reality science fiction films set partly in Israel based on an alternate time line from 2012 to 2020 in which a certain Latter day Saint may have been elected POTUS in the sight of G-d.... who knows whether or not fraud of some type may have affected the 2012 election or not????????
The entire world economy is in terrible danger and IF... .my theory is correct that the Debt and Guilt of Azazel is actually worth far, far, far, far, far more than the two hundred and ten trillion dollars in the USA Derivatives markets THEN.......   a major step between cooperation between Latter day Saints with Jews, (perhaps through a LDS Noahide Movement that could be done at the local wards on Saturdays..... which should not disturb your regular services at all).......
could play a HUGE role in the beginning of The Great Wealth Transfer from the Wicked to the Righteous????

The idea of hundreds then thousands then tens of thousands of Latter day Saint tourists to Israel all dressed up asking the Rabbi's really, really, really good questions........  (that show that these LDS tourists and missionaries have done their homework and listened to Rabbi Alon Anava)......  is somewhat amusing........ but also a very positive image in my mind at this time.  
More theories on all of this at:  "The White Horse President prophecy and saving the USA constitution and dollar." by DennisTate
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  • 3 weeks later...

I do hope that I haven't gotten you all into trouble... but I posted a comment to this video.....



I feel sent to Latter day Saints and I feel powerfully that they have been set up to assist the Jewish people to build at least one if not two Temples........ that will end up costing the Jewish people nothing......... LDS have The Mantle of Cyrus.... to at least a serious degree. Before Mark Taylor there was Eporu Ronald Alfred. One temple will be centred around the Gihon Spring and the other one will be centred some kilometers outside Jerusalem to correspond with the central area of the Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex.... (I think)?????? Google this title for more information..... "Should L.D.S. support rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple?"



Question..... is it ever possible to give more to G-d than G-d gives to us??????? I don't think so!!! The Latter day Saint pilot who adopted you........ set an extremely important precedent that has major implications for the next thousand years of earth's history written in advance.



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spelling... and add quotation..
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Eporu Ronald Alfred

Kakira Deliverance Church,
P.O. Box 3191, Kakira, Jinja, Uganda


Dear brethren,
I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


I am mesmerized by the truth in bible prophecy that the Spirit of God has been revealing over the recent years. Secret things belong to God and those that are revealed belong to us and our children... (Deut 29: 29).

1. King Cyrus the great ruled his country 555 years Before Christ i.e. from 576 BC to 530 BC and authorised the rebuilding of the second temple in Jerusalem. Cyrus of the Old Testament is hence associated with the number 555 and is the shadow figure of incoming Cyrus II of the New Testament. You may learn more about his history from the internet and scriptures. This new truth enables us to identify the leadership of the world that will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem as prophesied in book of Isaiah before the rise of antichrist. Cyrus II is coming to revive the evangelical/Pentecostal church in Jerusalem and restore the headquarters of the church in same city where the church was born. He is set to strip Babylon of the vessels of the temple and the name of the Lord God and transfer that crown back to Jerusalem thus leaving Babylon naked. Cyrus will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem in fulfilment of the prophecy of Jesus as written in the book of John 2:18-23 and the prophecy of Isaiah as written in chapters 40, 41, 45 and 47 of the book of Isaiah. Jesus regarded the temple as the symbol of his own body while saying that he had the power to lay it down on the first day (1st millennium) and rebuild or raise it up on the 3rd day (3rd millennium). Remember that one day in the eyes of God is the same as one thousand years (millennium) as stated in book of 2 Peter 3:8. Rebuilding of the temple is thus associated with unification of the church.

Cyrus II will rebuild the temple in honour of our lord Jesus Christ. The temple will be the unifying (rallying) point of the world wide evangelical church as the original headquarters of the church. Psalms133 denotes that there is such a powerful anointing that comes along with unity among brethren. Unification of the whole body of Jesus Christ will make the church so powerful that she will overrun the world within a short time before the return of our lord Jesus Christ. A divided church is a powerless church whereas a united church is a powerful church. The church can only be able to fulfil her ultimate mission of revealing Jesus to the world once we get united as one body of Jesus Christ following his last prayer for his disciples as written in John 17:20-23.

Cyrus II will erase that false image of Jesus that the counterfeit and Idolatrous state church of Babylon has been projecting around the world and revive the original church that projects the true brilliant image of Jesus Christ. Haggai 2:9 says that the glory of the latter church (temple) will be greater than the glory of the former church (temple).The rise of Cyrus will also usher in the ultimate fulfilment of the prophecy of Joel 2:28 where God intends to pour out His Spirit on all flesh in these last days. The era of Cyrus brings the gentile period of grace to its close and leads to the restoration of the Jewish period of grace and salvation.

2. King Manasseh was the shadow figure (forerunner) of the antichrist in the Old Testament who ruled over Jerusalem exactly 666 years Before Christ i.e. from 697 BC to 642 BC. (2 chronicle 33: 1-2 and 2 kings 21: 1-17). Antichrist is associated with the number 666 as written in the book of Revelation 13:18. Manasseh was the most evil king to have ever ruled over the city of Jerusalem and kingdom of Judah.

Manasseh is reported to have killed so many innocent people in Jerusalem that the streets of Jerusalem were flowing with blood; he worshiped pagan idols and stars; he built pagan alters for idols and stars in the very courtyards of the temple; he sacrificed his sons to idols; he consulted diviners and mediums; he even set up an abominable pagan image at the temple that causes desolation just as the incoming antichrist will do. It was on that basis that God decided to have that first temple destroyed completely since Manasseh had desecrated it.

3. Prophet Jonah was the shadow figure (forerunner) of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament who undertook his prophetic ministry around 777 B.C. Prophet Jonah is hence associated with the number 777. He arose from the shadow and demise of Prophet Elisha. His preaching radiated such great power and authority that turned the city of Nineveh as the rising super power of that time up side down within 3 days only (read the book of Jonah). Jonah was the prophetic force behind the restoration of the lost territories of Israel in the reign of King Jeroboam II of Israel between 782 BC and 741 BC as written in II Kings 14:25. Jonah related with God more or less as his own father and God loved him more or less as His own son. He volunteered to die save occupants of the ship and was raised to life after three days just like Jesus Christ. Jesus compared himself with Jonah as his forerunner in the Old Testament as far as his earthly ministry, death and resurrection was concerned in Mathew 12; 38-41, Luke 11; 29-32. Jesus will also oversee the restoration of the lost territories of Israel just like prophet Jonah when he comes to rule as the king of kings and Lord of Lords. We can therefore correctly associate Jesus Christ with the number 777 just like Jonah as our commander-in-chief, Lord of the Sabbath and fountain of life.

The more we know where we came from the more we know where we are going. You are cordially invited to visit my face book home page for more information and messages. Feel free to share this truth with other brethren just as I received it free of charge from God.

Your brother in Christ

Eporu Ronald
Scientist & Minister of Bible Prophecy

Could there be two Jerusalem Third Temples?

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The following correspondence will give you an idea of how serious all of this could quickly become:


I sent off a bunch of messages to a Rabbi involved in Jews for Judaism and I got back the following response: ..


.... "I don't have time to read this, but as I said, if you have ANY connection to Jesus (especially if you call him Rabbi Yeshua) you will not be welcome in any Jewish community and you will more certainly not be able to convert to Judaism. My recommendation is that if you have that as a long-term goal, you should spend a lot of time studying what Jews actually believe (and not the fantasy that you might imagine) and see if that brings you any clarity. But I will tell you that the Jewish community has very little patience for people trying to drag Jesus into our discussion. There are people who try to connect him in various ways (ie, through Rebbe Nachaman, etc). but realize that this is trampling on our theology and our beliefs. There is zero tolerance for it." (Anonymous Rabbi)


I replied.......

Thank you for reading my messages and seriously considering them Sir.

I am well aware that you are going by a tradition that is at least ten centuries old..... perhaps closer to eighteen!

Once the Messianic Jewish and Messianic Gentile movement of the first to third century became controlled by pagans who had grown up in idolatry if....... and when a Christian felt promptings (perhaps from a Jewish past life)... to join the Jewish community....... the Roman Catholic Church and the Inquisition in whatever form it was in at that time organized pogroms and persecutions so....... Rabbi's wisely developed the tradition of discouraging a possible Christian convert to Judaism because frankly that approach saved the lives of both Jews and possible proselytes to Judaism.

I noticed something rather dangerous in the replies that I was able to get to on the Jews for Judaism group......... technically what most of the posters were doing was not advocating Judaism....... they were actually being vehemently anti-JC in a manner that I believe is in violation of the Law of Attraction, made famous by the documentary film The Secret.

Less than a year ago I was given what I consider to be the final piece of the puzzle needed for me.... yes.... a red neck... a janitor from the back woods of Nova Scotia.... to set in motion a series of events that could well lead to the building of an Ezekiel forty to forty eight temple first..... and then a Gihon Spring temple complex by Jews and for Jews .... and it should end up costing the Jewish scholars and community NOTHING..........

....... The following is an opening gambit to get this all started...........



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In a sentence...... if I can write up a concept for a series of films that lead to two Jewish temples and if that series of films finances the building of those two Jewish temples so that the proceeds from the films offset fully the cost of construction..... then...... that would make me a possible modern "Christian Political Cyrus" as predicted back in 2010 by a near death experiencer from Uganda named Eporu Ronald Alfred.

This would make Rabbi Alon Anava a possible modern "Elijah" for many Jews..... and Pastor Rick Joyner or Kevin Zadai could fill the role of a modern "Elijah" for Christians.......

Here is the catch....... we need two temples to pull this off.......

After the offering of sacrifices at one of the two temples.... we need to do an Artistic kerfuffle.... and move the sacrifices to the other temple....... based simply on the fact that the Christian Political Cyrus guy..... might fit the role of Moshiach ben Ephrayim...... so....... the Sanhdrin take the guy seriously........ and plan a movement of the sacrifices after forty two months!

On the negative side.... this will make the Christian Political Cyrus person APPEAR SOMEWHAT LIKE THE anti-Jesus guy predicted in Christianity....... so .... I cannot write that my plan is devoid of risk!

Interesting..... I just noticed that I began this discussion at 6:06 am Atlantic time... which in a way could be termed 5:66 .... which is one of the numbers for Moshiach ben Ephrayim....... (other ones are 999, 156 and 56)... but I do not know enough about Gematria to explain why.... .but... I can give you a theory on the 999 that you might find interesting)!

If you secretly are rather interested in this offer then you might wish to begin discussions to get Ugandan near death experience Mr. Eporu Ronald Alfred to Toronto area....... because his article on a modern Cyrus has off the scale Artistic Value..... Diplomatic Value...... and yes.... Economic Value..... due to the Psychological value of the possible Optimism that his theory can generate?


God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land, Hebrew and Arabic.




I would so love to be incorrect but I see ways in which the economic part of this COVID 19 pandemic could potentially lead to the premature deaths of millions if not billions of infinitely precious human lives..... (and also much cattle as was shown to the Prophet Jonah) so....... I feel that I must resort to a rather drastic measure here and admit that I am willing to challenge Mr. Robert Mendelson for the role of a possible modern Elijah ... (but Robert has a serious advantage over me because he had a near death experience in 1992 and in our many conversations it is obvious to me that he has all the symptoms of being a genuine prophet...... whereas I have virtually none of those indicators!

If a number of Israelis who are either Jewish, Muslim or Christian would put together a group dedicated to understanding and perhaps implementing "God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land" I know that Mr. Robert Mendelson would give you writings and interviews free of charge that could well finance looking at all of this from many angles.

I personally consider that the ARTISTIC value of "God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land" is perhaps in the trillions of dollars..... if it were possible to put a valuation on such a plan that Robert intends as a way for all of us to receive the outpouring of the Ruach ha Kodesh in each and every heart and mind so that we are all transformed much as he has been since his experience in 1992.

I would so love for near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava to meet with near death experiencer Robert Mendelson because...... if.... I could do a respectable audition for the role of a modern Christian Political Cyrus... then either Mr. Robert Mendelson and / or Rabbi Alon Anava and or Mr. Aryeh ben Menashe and / or Pastor Rick Joyner and or near death experiencer Dr. Kevin Zadai could all turn out to have played the role of a modern Elijah in my life!


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  • 1 month later...

"LET ANOTHER MAN PRAISE THEE, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.(Proverbs 27:2)


Because I am technically NOT yet a Latter day Saint I may be able to assist your entire church to go through some open doors that I can unlock for your whole church?


"modernpaladin said: ↑ "I like Mormons. But I like coffee, booze and tobacco more, so no LDS for me." (modernpaladin)


My reply: " I am in exactly the same boat..... I noticed that Jesus turned about a hundred and twenty gallons of water into wine for a wedding so I do drink a fair amount of beer each year, (especially during the hot weather). I also in the past regularly had a cigarette with my brother or with my son when I see them......... but I only smoke a few cigarettes each month so I was pretty sure that smoking so little was not really dangerous. I also like coffee.... and I am wondering what the leadership of the LDS church would think of coffee..... that is alkaline as opposed to acid..... because Prophet Joseph Smith was confronted with coffee that was very acidic??????


I am of the belief that every aspect of a set of circumstances must be looked at objectively before a truly wise decision can be made....... and...... I strongly suspect that an LDS friend of mine who says that he is autistic may be onto what turns out to be a different response by Latter day Saints over the coming several decades to a formula that sure looks like all out spiritual war ..... the gifted Pastor Rick Joyner termed it The Battle of the Great Day of the Lord Almighty in his book The Final Quest that sure reminds me of some near death experience accounts........ that in my opinion are at this time the best examples of this promise being fulfilled that I know of:


'These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father." (John 16:25)


I have to admit that I definitely do not want to become addicted to either cigarettes or beer or even coffee from what was shown to near death experiencer Dr. George Ritchie back in 1943:



b. His Guided Tour of the Earthbound Realm with Jesus

The following is the testimony of George Ritchie's tour of the Earthbound Realm: Then Jesus begins to take Ritchie on a journey through various realms of the afterlife. They fly toward a large city on Earth where they notice a group of assembly-line workers at work. They witnesses the spirit of a woman trying desperately to grab a cigarette from the workers who were oblivious to her presence. This woman had died severely addicted to cigarettes and was now cut off from the one thing she desperately desired most.

Ritchie realizes how the spirits in these realms immediately know the thoughts of other spirits around them. This is the reason they tend to group together with other spirits. It is too threatening to be around others who knew and disagreed with their thoughts.

Jesus leads Ritchie to a house somewhere on Earth where he is shown the spirit of a young man following his living family members around and begging them for forgiveness. But the family members are completely unaware of his presence. Jesus tells Ritchie the young man committed suicide and is "chained to every consequence of his act."

They then traveled to a bar somewhere on Earth which was filled with sailors drinking heavily. Spirits surrounded the sailors as they tried desperately, and in vain, to grasp the shot glasses to get a drink. Other spirits tried to control the sailors' alcoholic behavior. Ritchie learns these are the spirits of people who died still having a severe alcoholic addiction which went beyond the physical. He is bewildered as he observes one of the sailors passing out causing the sailor's protective aura surrounding him to crack open. When it does, it allows a spirit to scramble into the sailor's unconscious body. This scene was repeated over and over.
(Dr. George Ritchie, near-death .com)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/8/2020 at 1:12 PM, e v e said:

I can’t take the Survey, since my answer would be that the temple asked about in the question (upon this earth) is not scriptural. His temple is to be restored but not in this current earth . Prophets are clear on that when scripture is translated correctly. 

What about the temple predicted in Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight?

Will that temple be built in Israel within a century or two or three?

Do you think that that Ezekiel temple will be built before the fulfillment of Zechariah chapter fourteen or afterwards?

Thank you for your prayers... I think I just worded that question in a way that has readers asking quite useful questions about this.


"If Christians enthusiastically support fulfillment of Ezekiel 40 to 48 will..."

Can this concept unite Latter day Saints with several other major denominations of mainstream Christianity?
If Christians enthusiastically support fulfillment of Ezekiel 40 to 48 will... Jews living in Israel tend to become more cooperative with Christians and will Jews living in the USA become somewhat divided from Israeli Jews?
Ezekiel 47: 1 .... "Afterward he brought me again unto the door of the house; and, behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward: for the forefront of the house stood toward the east, and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house, at the south side of the altar. Then brought he me out of the way of the gate northward, and led me about the way without unto the utter gate by the way that looketh eastward; and, behold, there ran out waters on the right side. And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins. ..... 8 ... Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh."
Whatever all is meant by all of this both literally as well as metaphorically the fulfillment of these predictions would alter the economy as well as the ecology of Israel and the surrounding nations. Considering that the world is facing a possible Bear Market.... another 1929...... the idea of beginning a rescue operation from another Great Depression in Israel seems like an option worthy of serious consideration and discussion.



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