Thought: Deseret Book -> Deseret Comics?


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For those who haven't been following the US comic book industry lately, things have been getting pretty dire. 

IDW is $7.1 million in the hole, and that's *with* them having the licenses to most of Hasbro's bigger in-house properties. They've just been hit left, right, and center by their own poor decision-making at the corporate and editorial levels. No one expects them to last more than a few years unless something big turns them around. 

Marvel is rotting from within due to poor corporate management and a slew of creatives who have no business working at a top-tier company. It's gone from being a house of heroes to a house of try-hards and political pundits. That Disney has been behaving in a questionable fashion towards it is also alarming. 

DC's leadership seemingly checked out some time ago given the way that their creatives are running riot on social media and generally embarrassing the company. That they've made some questionable decisions of late concerning what books to publish and the content in those books isn't helping. 

Archie... is a ghost of what it used to be. After the last of the old guard passed away, some technicality led to it being taken over by the last guy's widow. Once in charge, she divided her time between tossing out everything that made Archie Archie and sexually harassing the male employees. Archie very nearly went bust under her watch, and the current administration has been flailing about like a European futbol player to try and make things right.

Image has slowly deteriorated into porn and political screeds, sometimes both at once. 


In other words, the dinosaurs are dying, and it's now time for the mammals to reign. 


Dark Horse, the one major comic book company to have maintained any semblance of professionalism, is now being joined by a number of indie publishers who have earned their readers' loyalty the old-fashioned way. This ranges from would-be titans like Alterna and AMP! to scrappy challengers like Splatto and All Caps. 

If there was ever a time for someone to start into comics, it's now. 

This has me wondering. 

Deseret Book is in a situation to where they could, if they wanted to, effectively materialize a comic book division overnight. All they'd need is the talent to produce material. Since it's Deseret, it'd all be family-friendly, something that there's a dire shortage of right now. 

Does anyone here think it might be time for Deseret to give it a shot? 

If so, would you read whatever they put out? 

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