Church History: When Martin Harris Secretly Replaced the Seer Stone

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If there's one thing we all know about Martin Harris, it's that he was persistent. (Remember when he asked Joseph Smith if he could borrow the 116-page manuscript like a billion times? Only a slight exaggeration.) It's unfortunate that the lost manuscript seems to overshadow all of the wonderful things he did during his life, like paying for Joseph and Emma's move to Harmony, PA, mortgaging his farm to pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon, and acting as Joseph's scribe for a time. And it's precisely that event (acting as Joseph's scribe) that revealed another one of his characteristics. In addition to being faithful, smart, repentant, and a host of other things, Martin Harris was, if this story is any indication, kind of a trickster. The (true) story goes like this: Martin once tricked Joseph by replacing the seer stone he used to translate to see if Joseph was as genuine as he professed to be. How the Translation Process Worked So let's back up a minute: before I...

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