Share Your Testimony; Share Your Light


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Sounds awesome, Heather. Brilliant, actually.

For far too long Satan has been wielding the power of the internet for dark purposes and to promote addiction to filthy content.

It's about time the Lord's followers harnessed the power of cyberspace to advance the kingdom of God and share the glad tidings that Christ is our Savior from death and sin.

I think I'll start putting something together myself. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to add this:

I do believe in Christ as the Son of God and OUR Savior! God to be my, OUR Heavenly Father. Without Them in my life in the Past and present I wouldn't be here on this earth. I am so very greatful that They would continue Their journey with me into my future whether it be a good one or not. IT WILL BE A GOOD ONE BECAUSE THEY ARE IN IT! I am greatful that They have shown me the path to walk. I am greatful that They gave us one of the greatest blessings THE POWER TO CHOOSE. I am so very greatful that I live in a country that men and women in the past have fought and continue to fight for our(freedom)rights and for the rights(and freedom)of others. That men and women have bravely stood up for what they believe in(and fought hard even in north america and lose their lives)[Martin Luther King, John Kennedy and others] So that the journey for others wouldn't be so hard to bare alone.

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Thanks for sharing your testimony, blackcat. I'd like to add mine to yours... this is one that I posted in another place online but it doesn't make it any less real if I post it again. Here it is:

I've been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints since birth, but I haven't always had a surety of its truthfulness. About 3 years ago, I began to feel separated from those whom I associated with, feeling that there was something about me that set me apart. Little did I know, it was the way I was raised, and the doctrine that I was taught from a very young age. I was also with a girl who wasn't a member of my church, and was put in the position of having to answer many questions concerning my beliefs. I didn't know whether or not to believe all of the things I was taught, but I knew that the only way to recieve a sure answer was to go to the source of all answers... in prayer before my Father in heaven. I set out to read the Book of Mormon, inspired by a promise given by our modern-day prophet Gordon B. Hinckley. I read it from cover to cover, and in the course of doing so, gained a testimony of its truthfulness through the revealing power of the Holy Ghost. It was as if God himself said "Look... here is the truth and you don't have to worry anymore". It pierced my soul with a witness that is undeniable. That same witness was given to me of the reality that Jesus Christ lives and is the Savior of all mankind. He knows us. He has felt our pains. I know that Joseph Smith went as a young boy into the woods to pray, and as he did... an answer to his prayers was given. Our Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ, appeared to him, telling him that the true church he sought was not established upon this earth at that time. I know that our lives are eternal, and what we experience here is just a flash in the scope of eternity. We are God's sons and daughters. We are literally children of God. I know all of these things without a doubt in my mind, and I hope with all of my heart that everyone who reads this (and even those who don't) will take the time and initiative to find out for themselves what is true. Humble yourself in prayer, and go to your Father in Heaven with any righteous desire and he'll provide a way. I say all of these things, in the name of our holy redeemer and messiah, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Guest Douglas

Christmas Eve 2007

My wife and I invited two elders from our ward for Christmas eve dinner and to share a Christmas Message with our family. Being so far from home, Elder Bedwell is from Idaho and is coming close to the end of his mission and Elder Danilov arrived from Siberia and the MTC only three weeks ago, my wife wanted them to share some "family time" on this special evening.

The only thing I wanted say was that when the elders began sharing the truths of the gospel with the members of my extended family, my heart was filled to bursting! My joy was overwhelming. I knew these things to be true and my soul was warmed by hearing them once again.

I found my testimony this Christmas Eve.

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