Hello From Colorado

Porter Rockwell

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Hey there! Most sites know me as Colorado Ron :ph34r: . Also have a site ColoradoRon.com but I thought it would be fun to have a lds user name on an lds chat forum. :P

Anyway, Porter Rockwell is my user name when I play online games.

Im married and my wife and I are expecting child number 6! We live in Colorado and I have several small businesses that Im blessed with, and that pay the bills.

Im into 4x4s and offroading, as you can tell from my website. I also enjoy online gaming, hence the other site! :D

This looks like a great forum and hope to contribute wherever I can! Thanks!

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Wow--that looks like a beautiful spot! Im still in the process of building our "world traveler" nick named D'Goat.

Heres a few sneek peeks:

Started like this:

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And heres what it looks like as Im working in the shop today:

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Should be done by the newyear. Plan on a big summer trip from CO thru Oregon and Washington, possibly BC.

Oh yea, and my favorite 4wd pic to date is our trip to SouthEast CO. in a 1976 Pinzgauer:

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Welcome to the site Rockwell. The only offroading I can lay claim to is when I slide off road on the ice and snow here in Utah.

Hope to hear more from you in the future.

Haha! :) My one foray in my prissy '04 Durango (and it was a very TINY foray) ended up with a bent somethingorother underneath. 4WD my #$@!

Welcome Porter Rockwell! I'm reading his biography now (taking a break from it) and have learned a lot about Joseph Smith and early church history (and the ways his enemies abused the courts/law to carry out their vendetta :rolleyes: ).

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Welcome it is great to have you here.

I'm sorry, maybe I missed something. Do we know you? I show that you joined 25 minutes before you posted your welcome to someone else who has been a member for a few days. It's nice of you to welcome others, but those of us who have been here for a while don't exactly know who you are either. Feel free to start a thread and introduce yourself so we know who you are.

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Haha! :) My one foray in my prissy '04 Durango (and it was a very TINY foray) ended up with a bent somethingorother underneath. 4WD my #$@!

4wd and offroad are NOT the same thing!

True! Of course!

The sad thing is with the huge wheels (it came with 1yo when we bought it), it's not much for 4WD, either. Slides in snow. :rolleyes::rolleyes: (luckily we live where it doesn't snow)

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