The Message Redux


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I was just pondering how much different Jesus would sound today if he were here in person and his words could

be recorded so there could be less misinterpretation of them. I think that all the wisdom that has transpired

since the Age of Enlightenment would be included in his speech and he would talk explicitly about tolerance,

acceptance and making this a peaceful world.

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Hmmm....I wonder if anyone would even listen to him. He wouldn't fit most people's image of Jesus.

Good point. He might have to find a new audience. I do suspect though that his ministry would be taken once again to the poor and outcast of society. I have wondered before how soon after arriving on Temple Square he would be off to the rescue mission. Maybe after a bite to eat.

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Hmmm....I wonder if anyone would even listen to him. He wouldn't fit most people's image of Jesus.

Probably the same ones who listen to Him at General Conference...the words of His servants the Prophet and Apostles are the words of Christ to the world. Many listen and give heed, but many mock and reject His word because of the weakness of His servants.

(D&C 1:38) "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same."

I hope we will all listen to His voice.
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Perhaps grabbing a bite to eat at some point in the future at food court in the Gordon B. Hinckley Mall, across the street?

It is harder to picture him living today than in his time isn't it? I think that is part of the reason why it is difficult for many to accept prophets today. The Bible talks about them living in the wilderness, but today we see them eat at McDonalds.

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It is harder to picture him living today than in his time isn't it? I think that is part of the reason why it is difficult for many to accept prophets today. The Bible talks about them living in the wilderness, but today we see them eat at McDonalds.

McDonalds perhaps, but I see Jesus as gravitating toward the sushi rolls at the Edo.

A loaf of bread

a jug of wine

and Sacrament in the wilderness

ah, paradise enou!

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So back to Jesus walking down to the Rescue Mission from Temple Square. Do you think any of the General Authorities would follow him in their limos?

Elders Bednar and Uchdoff could keep up as could some younger Seventies.

Yechy tone, Moksha. Ugh.


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Guest Seraphim

So back to Jesus walking down to the Rescue Mission from Temple Square. Do you think any of the General Authorities would follow him in their limos?

Elders Bednar and Uchdoff could keep up as could some younger Seventies.


This is a board for congenial discussion. It is not a debate board. Your sarcastic remarks and criticisms of our General Authorities are not welcome here.


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Well, where do you think Jesus would be then? I don't see what was so offensive. I think it's a valid question.

I'm not a member, but if it turned out Mormonism were true, I imagine He would join with the GAs and take over the head of the First Presidency, with President Hinckley, of course, standing directly next to Him. I suspect Jesus would dress to fit in our modern society, and that He soon would act much as President Hinckley does today.

Of course there are prophecies that need to be filled that you members know more of than I.

But I don't think He would be walking down the sidewalk in robes and a beard. That would likely catch the eyes of police officials as they would be concerned he might be a Brian David Mitchell wannabe. At the very least, a man in robes and a beard walking the streets in 2007 would not be condusive to making friends and spreading the word of the gospel.

But, then, you never know. Maybe it'll be exactly the opposite, and President Hinckley and the rest of the GA's will be the ones making the major changes. How long do you think it would take for them to all grow beards? :)


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But I don't think He would be walking down the sidewalk in robes and a beard. That would likely catch the eyes of police officials as they would be concerned he might be a Brian David Mitchell wannabe. At the very least, a man in robes and a beard walking the streets in 2007 would not be condusive to making friends and spreading the word of the gospel.


Too bad the barbershop at the Deseret Gym is no longer available. What about a short sleave white shirt and a black tie?

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