I'm A Proud Mom


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My son's new teacher called me tonight and I thought, "Uhhhh ... Is there something wrong?" She was just calling to say that today was the best first day of school that she's ever had. Woo hoo!!!! She absolutely loves having my son in her class. Yay!!!! He did great in 1st grade. I meant to tell her how he came home last year and said, "I love 1st grade! We get to do a lot more math homework than we did in Kindergarten!" :lol: I never thought those words would come out of my kids' mouth.

My other son did great in Kindergarten too and rode home on the bus for the first time. My mom asked me, "Did you cry?" I said, "No, it was too hectic this morning to even think of crying." But I might now. Thanks, Mom. :P

Who else wants to brag about their kids? :D

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My son's new teacher called me tonight and I thought, "Uhhhh ... Is there something wrong?" She was just calling to say that today was the best first day of school that she's ever had. Woo hoo!!!! She absolutely loves having my son in her class. Yay!!!! He did great in 1st grade. I meant to tell her how he came home last year and said, "I love 1st grade! We get to do a lot more math homework than we did in Kindergarten!" :lol: I never thought those words would come out of my kids' mouth.

My other son did great in Kindergarten too and rode home on the bus for the first time. My mom asked me, "Did you cry?" I said, "No, it was too hectic this morning to even think of crying." But I might now. Thanks, Mom. :P

Who else wants to brag about their kids? :D

Mine are asleep!!! Thats how I like them!!!! :D
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:lol: They're cute that way too.

LOL!!! You ain't kidding!! I have tons of footage of sleeping kids on video!! They just looked so SWEET!!! I had to capture that for all time!!! Now, I avoid my kids rooms...hormones and Teenageness has taken over and it is dangerous to venture into them!!

...Yes, I made that word up!!!! What of it? :rolleyes:

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LOL!!! You ain't kidding!! I have tons of footage of sleeping kids on video!! They just looked so SWEET!!! I had to capture that for all time!!! Now, I avoid my kids rooms...hormones and Teenageness has taken over and it is dangerous to venture into them!!

...Yes, I made that word up!!!! What of it? :rolleyes:

Making up words is fun. :D

My boys all share a room and usually they end up in the same bed. Of course I have some very cute pictures of them that way. I'll never forget the time my youngest climbed out of his crib and into the top bunk with his brother to play, then fell asleep. We went in there the next morning and cracked up that they were sharing a bed. After a while we figured we would get rid of the crib and let them share every night. It's been nice because it freed up space for a dresser.

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My two older boys are less than a 1 1/2 years apart and have never fought. They are 16 and 17 and have somehow become very musical. They pulled their beds into the smallest bedroom with their 5 yo little brother and they don't seem to care. They made the biggest bedroom into a musical getaway. It seems that they can just pick up any instrument and just start playing it. I love to hangout in the 'room' to listen to them. They invite me up and sometimes I tell them to end fhe with some music they have written.

Yup I'm a proud mom

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My two older boys are less than a 1 1/2 years apart and have never fought. They are 16 and 17 and have somehow become very musical. They pulled their beds into the smallest bedroom with their 5 yo little brother and they don't seem to care. They made the biggest bedroom into a musical getaway. It seems that they can just pick up any instrument and just start playing it. I love to hangout in the 'room' to listen to them. They invite me up and sometimes I tell them to end fhe with some music they have written.

Yup I'm a proud mom

That's awesome! My husband and I are both musical and I wonder how musical our kids will turn out. :)

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My two older boys are less than a 1 1/2 years apart and have never fought. They are 16 and 17 and have somehow become very musical. They pulled their beds into the smallest bedroom with their 5 yo little brother and they don't seem to care. They made the biggest bedroom into a musical getaway. It seems that they can just pick up any instrument and just start playing it. I love to hangout in the 'room' to listen to them. They invite me up and sometimes I tell them to end fhe with some music they have written.

Yup I'm a proud mom

You have every right to be!! That makes me smile and proudly remember that my two do really love each other and I am lucky for that!! My son's disorder is hard for my daughter to live with at times, but she is such a good sister to him (most of the time) Like I said, Hormones have hit my home with a vengeance!! I sure hope this roller-coaster ride ends soon!! Ugh!! I don't like this stage!! Daughter is 14, son is 13...I suddenly feel the need for a nice long bubble bath!!! Calgon, take me away!!!!
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My baby will be 8 months old on the 13th...

He is growing so quickly :(

In the past 2 weeks I have been extra extra proud of my little man...

He has 4 teeth now!!! He has been so good about it... No temperature (thank goodness)... Being my first I was worried :unsure:

They just seem to pop up out of nowhere :lol: Everytime I look there is another tooth... He now looks like Dracula on the top & Bugs Bunny on the bottom of his mouth.. hehe

The best part of the last two weeks is that my little man has started talking!!!!

He can now say 3 words (and shorter versions of them) and associates them with who or what they are...

I am such a proud mama :D B)

Just when I think that I couldn't possibly be any prouder of him he goes and does something new.. hehe

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I too, am a proud mom! I can't believe we get a specific place to fully brag about our kids! This is so great! I'll just go in order from oldest to youngest!

Ivy- She's very much the little mom of the house. Typical oldest child. Loves to have things in order and organization is a must for her! Could be why she excels (sp?) as a manager for the football team. (did you know that she can get a scholarship for that?! TCU coaches have been talking to her about it!) She has a hard time with her mommy's scatterbrained ways but does really well all things considered! The best compliment I ever got about her was this... Her Sunday School teacher related this to me one day after church. When she was 13 or 14 she had a boy in her Sunday School class that was a little touched. People pretty much shyed away from him because he was just so odd. Well, one day they were all talking about their nicknames - eveyone was telling a story about it. This boy usually just sat next to Ivy not really participating in any of the discussions...well he pipes up with "What about Ivyprofen?!" Everyone was like what? what is he talking about.. then he explained... "Ivy! I call her Ivyprofen cuz she makes me feel better! Just like the medicine" How cute is that?! (everyone laughed at his nickname for her so he just said it over and over and over cuz he loved to see them all laughing!!) :)

Bryan- He's my little artist. Well...he's not that little anymore! 14 yo and taller than his mama! He's also my little smarty pants. He skipped third grade and was told he could go all the way up to 5th if we wanted. That would have put him in the same grade as Ivy, though so we decided against it. I guess the little story I wanted to tell about him is that he's an artist. He's also very shy (he will barely even answer the phone). At the end of the last school year he had to put together a portfolio of his work and go "interview" with the Advanced Placement art teacher. She was so impressed with his work that she sent a letter home to let us know that she personally wanted him in her class. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for him to go and talk to a stranger and show her his work. I'm so proud of him that he pushes his comfort level like that. He's very much enjoying the class so far this year!

Katie- My little Katie-Baby! I can't stand her because she's so much like me! j/k! I really do love her tons! This year she's joined her school choir and is playing on the volleyball team. She's little miss social and really school is just a back drop for her so she can see her friends! Like Ivy, she too has a gift with people They love to be around her, especially babies! She can get an upset baby to turn that frown around in nothing flat! Being almost 12, all the ladies in the ward have started to call her for babysitting jobs and she is just on cloud nine! I love the fact that she's so outgoing and can talk to anyone about anything. (that's the part where she's just like me)

All in all....I'm a really lucky mommy! Thanks for letting me brag!! :)

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Siouxz, hearing you talk like that about your precious ones makes me so look forward to the many things to come for me :D

Hehe, and here I am getting so excited about toothies & first words (makes me soo happy I got that book to record all his words :lol: )

Bryan didn't decide to start talking until he was around 2 1/2. I think that was because Ivy did all the talking for him! :blink: But once he did start to talk!! ha ha ha! My favorite word to make him say was Dilophosaurus! He was hillarious with his little gravely voice! I've got it all on video...it's the greatest movie ever made! tee hee :lol:

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Just wondering if dads can post here too. Cause I am a proud dad. Yesterday my son Josh, 6 years old, told me he wants to be a rock star. So I immediately got out my guitar, shortened the strap to fit him, gave him a pick and he was overjoyed. He started strumming away and told me that he wrote a song called, "The farmer comes to read." I about cracked up. He was so excited that when his mom came to pick him up he carried the guitar upstairs to play for her. Well if I can't be the rock star of the family then I guess he will.

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Just wondering if dads can post here too. Cause I am a proud dad. Yesterday my son Josh, 6 years old, told me he wants to be a rock star. So I immediately got out my guitar, shortened the strap to fit him, gave him a pick and he was overjoyed. He started strumming away and told me that he wrote a song called, "The farmer comes to read." I about cracked up. He was so excited that when his mom came to pick him up he carried the guitar upstairs to play for her. Well if I can't be the rock star of the family then I guess he will.

I don't see why proud dads can't post here too :D

That is such a sweet story... Josh is sooo lucky to have such a supportive dad like you...

It is my hope that I will be able to do that for my little dude too one day :)

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  • 4 weeks later...


You are in the best time ever... this and the next few months. Each day is a wonder as you will see the changes just overnight... Between now and 6 years old are critical as children are just like little sponges. And you moms correct me if I'm wrong (never having had children) but aren't the first 6 years when they develop mentally... the rest afterwards is just added information? I thought I read that somewhere.

My point was, Annie, you're in for some very special times these next months...

Garden Girl

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It's not easy for a guy like me to express how I feel about my children. I'm so proud of the way the kids treat people outside the family. Very polite. They all get good grades in school. My oldest son is having some difficulties with dealing with his diabetes. Just found out 2 years ago . Been going through a personal Hell dealing with that. We all try to be supportive. With diabetes we all have to adjust to a lot of mood swings. I'm also very proud that my children understand the importance of God and His part in our lives. Is there more ? You bet but I will save that for a later post.

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It's not easy for a guy like me to express how I feel about my children. I'm so proud of the way the kids treat people outside the family. Very polite. They all get good grades in school. My oldest son is having some difficulties with dealing with his diabetes. Just found out 2 years ago . Been going through a personal Hell dealing with that. We all try to be supportive. With diabetes we all have to adjust to a lot of mood swings. I'm also very proud that my children understand the importance of God and His part in our lives. Is there more ? You bet but I will save that for a later post.

fish4kitty - the mood swings could also be a symptom of high blood pressure - has that been checked out? I was diagnosed with diabetes this last april - my entire family is type2 diabetic - so it wasn't that much of a suprise for me to "join the club". The diabetic specialist that I go to has me on 135 grams of carbohydrate a day - divided into three meals equals 45 grams per meal.

Does your son see a diabetic specialist? I highly recommend it. My oldest brother was diagnosed a year and a half ago and he sees his specialist on a quarterly basis. My older sister was diagnosed probably about 15 years ago and she has never seen a diabetic specialist and she has the most problems with controlling her diabetes and her weight.

There are so many changes for the good regarding the controlling of diabetes that it is really prudent to get yourself a diabetic specialist and see them on a regular basis. They can keep you up to date with all those changes and it is for your health benefit that you do.

When I have an ice cream, regular size candy bar or forget and put real sugar into my Pero - then my "power surges" hit with an awful force! Yes I am going through menopause and I am NOT on hormones. I use Black CoHosh and drink Soy milk. When I forget to take my blood pressure meds on time, my emotions (moods) bounce all over the place, and this happens withing 2 or 3 hours of not taking the meds.

Dear husband has thyroid problems and THAT affects his moods/emotions - has your son been tested for that?? At the next blood test have him ask.

I am supposed to check my blood suger levels 5 to 6 times a day - but I forget to. When I remember it is generally time to eat again. This forgetting of mine will NOT help the Dr come my next checkup - have to get it in gear and DO IT.

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As of late he has been doing quite well with his numbers. When his # are good everything else goes in line. He really is rebeling right now. Against G-d, Me, his Mother, school. He has just recently was pulled from our home because of a probation violation. That should tell you volumes about what we are dealing with. As I type this I am waiting to see my doctor to have my knee put back together. I've been off work for three weeks. My appointment is tomorrow, hope they can get me in this week to sew everything back together. I love him to pieces. Just went down to see him today. He has been ordered to stay with one of my wifes sisters for awhile. We all miss him.

To answer your question yes he has been tested. We see one of the nations finest doctors on childhood diabetes. The doctor says the same thing. We need to get his a1c down. He was at almost 13 last time we were down in Grand Rapids. He goes again in two weeks. Hopefully they are down.

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