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Well here comes another UMW member. Well actually I am a UMW in training. I am waiting for Morningstar to say whether my "good-works" meet with her approval. :P

I am VegemiteRose. I was raised in the church and met my husband when we were both in the military. I was in the Air Force and he was in the Army. We have been married for 13 yrs. We have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. We live in Oregon. I am a SAHM and a college student. My major is psychology and I have a long way to go when taking 6-8 credits each quarter.

I do more lurking than posting usually, so I probably won't be "heard" a great deal. I am glad to have a place like this to come "play".


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Okay, I am going out on a limb here. You either came from Australia, or you served a mission there. Am I on track?

You are very very close. My father went on his mission to Australia and met my mother while he was there. I absolutely love Vegemite and 3 of my 4 kids enjoy it as well. Unfortunately I ran out about 3 months ago and am in severe withdrawal. (Yes this is a shameless beg for a care package. B) )


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Vegemite? Isn't that a bread spread from the land down under? and really... what is UMW?

And Welcome! Welcome!

I eat it on my toast while drinking my hot cocoa. Hot cocoa just isn't the same with out it.

As for UMW I defer that Morningstar. If I told you I'd have to kill ya and I hate blood. Morninstar delights in torture of this sort. :P

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I eat it on my toast while drinking my hot cocoa. Hot cocoa just isn't the same with out it.

As for UMW I defer that Morningstar. If I told you I'd have to kill ya and I hate blood. Morninstar delights in torture of this sort. :P

tee hee! well...i'm glad you don't want to kill me. i'd hate for our friendship to end like that! ;)

Morningstar...enlighten me!

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