Prayer Requests


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Please bring any prayer requests you have here. Right now I'd like to ask everyone to pray for my friend Jessica. I shared this story on MADB and now my friend has even more to deal with. At 34 weeks pregnant, she found out her mom had metastatic bone cancer (which they discovered when her mom's pain got so bad, she had to start using a walker). They did surgery to stabilize the bone and remove the huge tumor in her leg, which led to blood clots (including one in her lung), more surgery, continuing severe pain from the clots and hospitalizations, etc. Anyway, to make this story shorter, at 41 weeks pregnant, she was told her mom had maybe three days to live, so she asked for a c-section the next day, and her new baby got to meet her grandma. Two weeks later she passed away.

Now Jessica just had a mole removed from her breast and it's not cancerous, but the cells are abnormal and they will have to do surgery to remove the surrounding tissue. :( This is not the kind of thing a breastfeeding woman needs. I was so hoping she would have a vacation from her trials for now, besides missing her mom terribly.

Anyone else need any prayers?

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Please bring any prayer requests you have here. Right now I'd like to ask everyone to pray for my friend Jessica. I shared this story on MADB and now my friend has even more to deal with. At 34 weeks pregnant, she found out her mom had metastatic bone cancer (which they discovered when her mom's pain got so bad, she had to start using a walker). They did surgery to stabilize the bone and remove the huge tumor in her leg, which led to blood clots (including one in her lung), more surgery, continuing severe pain from the clots and hospitalizations, etc. Anyway, to make this story shorter, at 41 weeks pregnant, she was told her mom had maybe three days to live, so she asked for a c-section the next day, and her new baby got to meet her grandma. Two weeks later she passed away.

Now Jessica just had a mole removed from her breast and it's not cancerous, but the cells are abnormal and they will have to do surgery to remove the surrounding tissue. :( This is not the kind of thing a breastfeeding woman needs. I was so hoping she would have a vacation from her trials for now, besides missing her mom terribly.

Anyone else need any prayers?

We all need prayers! I have started including these forums and the people here in my prayers as G-d knows you all better than me, but my heart has grown three sizes since I found these LDS sites and my new "friends". :)
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My once and future bride has been ill off and on for several years, and the doctor's have never been able to pinpoint a cause. Mostly weakness, mysterious aches and pains, and stomach problems.

Now she has several small, painful sores popping up and she's afraid it might be Ciliac's Disease- essentially a hyper-allergy to glutin (anything with wheat in it).

Prayers would be appreciated, both for her health and for a straight answer at last.

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My once and future bride has been ill off and on for several years, and the doctor's have never been able to pinpoint a cause. Mostly weakness, mysterious aches and pains, and stomach problems.

Now she has several small, painful sores popping up and she's afraid it might be Ciliac's Disease- essentially a hyper-allergy to glutin (anything with wheat in it).

Prayers would be appreciated, both for her health and for a straight answer at last.

You got it!! I just stopped typing and said one for THREE people up here!! (you, Morning star's friend and Jiggy saint)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Prayers are needed for my young fried, Lisa. She's been married for about 14 years and her husband committed suicide this weekend. I already had her name in the Houston Temple but more prayers can't hurt.


Also praying for the people above me in this thread.

I am so sorry to hear that. Lisa is in my prayers. I have seen a lot of tragedies in my life and suicide is the worst. It's painful enough to lose someone you love, but to think that you could've done something to prevent it is unbearable.

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I am so sorry to hear that. Lisa is in my prayers. I have seen a lot of tragedies in my life and suicide is the worst. It's painful enough to lose someone you love, but to think that you could've done something to prevent it is unbearable.

I just wanted to offer a quick thanks to those who prayed for me and mine.

The test results are back and it's not Ciliacs nor any immune system (or other life threatening) disease.

She's apparently suffering from URS (Unexplained Red Spots) and the doctors are still scratching their heads.

Better that than something life altering or deadly.

I will keep Lisa in my prayers, as well.

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Thanks to all who are praying for Lisa.

Selek, are the docs pulling a fast one or is URS a for-real dx?

Nah.....they don't know much of anything.

They did biopsies of the spots, gave her a hormonal creme (yeah- just what a premenopausal woman needs- more hormones :P ) and don't really have an answer for us. She goes back on Thursday. :rolleyes:

Hence URS, also known as TDDHAC (The Doctors Don't Have A Clue) syndrome.

I'll keep Lisa in my prayers, and can-do Peg.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Please pray for my friend Crystal. She has a staph infection and she's pretty nervous about it because she tends to be resistent to antibiotics. She is already on them and a couple days after she started taking them, the sore got even more swollen. Another friend of mine had one - it started with a tiny cut on her knee from shaving, it got terribly swollen, and then she developed blood clots in her leg.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could you please pray for my professor? She is undergoing a masectomy on the 31st. She's been diagnosed with breast cancer and I'm very worried about her. :(

Did it happen already? I will still pray for her. I'm sure she's still healing.

I could really use some prayers right now. I'm in terrible pain and have hardly slept for the past two nights. I called the doctor's office this morning and my doctor wasn't in. I waited and waited and no one called me back, so I used their emergency service and the doctor called in another prescription, but it's not helping either. I want to go to the temple tomorrow with my friend. I think if I can make it there, it will help me.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest Zooba


I am not sure where to turn. I was raised Catholic, but don't really "do" religion anymore. (LONG story.) But I do believe in the power of prayer, even if I can't pray. My best friend lives in Utah and is Mormon, so I've been to church with her and know that for the most part, LDS folks are friendly folks.

My husband has been unemployed for going on two years now. He got his college degree in December of 2005 at age 48, because he has chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia (since 6/1994) and could no longer do laborer/handyman work. He had a job right out of college with a HORRIBLE boss, and now can't get a job anywhere. He is beoming increasingly despondent and has threatened to leave our marriage of almost 25 years several times in the past few months. He refuses to seek individual counseling. We are already in marriage counseling.

There are other stressors as well (aren't there always?) but he really needs a rewarding job with a decent boss. He needs to pull his weight, I NEED for him to contribute to the household expenses, to the children's needs and to our retirement (so we can retire before we're both 93), and most importantly, he needs to feel worthwhile as a person again. Please pray for him. Thanks.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...


I found your website and church on the Internet. I reside in the Houston TX area. Obviously I am not a member of your church but I am too embarrassed to ask the local churches to announce my prayer request.

I am not LDS, but married an LDS woman. I am a christian,

My wife has given me notice she is leaving me. I fear that I cant convince her to stay.

It is 100% my fault. I did not appreciate her, and show her respect. I was verbally abusive.

God has opened my eyes to my errors, and I just want her to have the impulse to give me one more chance. I will never be verbally abusive again. I will honor and cherish her.

Please Pray for me!



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  • 2 years later...

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