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I never had it before, but oddly enough I have had it abundance lately. Even my wife and children have noticed. May I persevere!

God Bless.

Be careful when you pray for patience - the first time I did, Father called me to the Primary :D , kept me in there for 4 years. :lol:

I then married, moved from the Beautiful Oregon Coast (just south a bit from Garden Girl!) to the Arizona Desert. I again prayed for patience. I thought I had covered myself in asking for patience with the members, that they would open up and be more friendly. WELL, Father called me to the Young Womens. :blink: In this ward - they are either prima-donnas, gothic punks, or don't give a hoot air-heads. They match well with the YW leaders at that time too - I was the Grandma of the YW leadership. That only lasted 14 months.

I don't have a calling now - pretty difficult with my hours that I work. Get home at midnight, get to bed at 4 AM, no way can we get up at 8am for church. Or get to meetings that are not on Sun evenings or afternoons on Mondays. I have Sun & Mon off. :blink: When husband retires Jun 30, 2008 - then I can change my work hours and get back to church!!! YEAH.

I loved my time in Primary. Those children taught me so much more than patience! Plus they strengthend my belief in unconditional love.

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Hi IGGY from someone who has been in primary 20 years... I better not ask more patience or they put me in YW!!! :o

Only if you are in my ward. Which would not be such a bad thing - I truly believe that this YW could greatly benefit by having you as a leader! :lol:

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Fantastic, lets us know how it goes

Dear Friends,

Well, I finally did it! All praise to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!

Today was a beautiful late summer day here in New York. The air was warm and dry, a slight breeze blew. I waited in front of my house as I saw the Elders walk confidently down my street.

We greeted with joy and then walked to a nice spot in the park across the street from my house and we just talked and talked...about our histories, about Joseph Smith and living prophets, about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, our brother. I spoke about my years of emptiness and missing pieces about spiritual opportunities lost. I spoke about graces received, the gift my wife and children are to me and how fortunate I am to have them. I spoke of hopes and aspirations to be a better person, a better Christian. Elders McGill and Bedwell shared scripture, their own experiences and testimony, and quite a bit of encouragement.

The Lord blest me today with flesh and blood brothers in the faith. My path is becoming more clear. We have planned on formal instruction and teachings to begin within a week.

I want to thank you dear friends for your continued advice, encouragement and prayers. You played a larger part in this process than you could ever know.

With great affection,


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Hello Douglas...

I'm so happy you had a good meeting with the elders and are planning to take the discussions...

Now, the title of your thread is "What Can I Expect?" What you can now expect, Douglas, is the Adversary to start throwing stumbling blocks in your path... whenever Heavenly Father's children's path takes them close to His church, the Adversary steps right in with all sorts of attempts to deter us from our goal of learning and discovery... Right fellow posters? For instance, the biggest argument I ever had with my dear normally very supportive non-member hubby... quite out of character for him... was the morning I was to go to the Temple for the first time. I left the house in tears and all day expected that when I got home it would start again. But when I got home, not a word was said by him... of course not... too late... I had already been to the House of the Lord and received the blessing of the endowment, and made my covenants with the Lord. The Adversary lost out...

So... keep close to Heavenly Father and the Savior this week... my prayers will be with you. Hope all goes well... let us know...

All good wishes to you and your family...

from the beach... The Garden Girl

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Thank you for all your advice.

My next teaching is scheduled for this afternoon at 4pm.

They also mentioned something about a "family night" tonight at 7:30. If I can I'll try to make that too.

Yes, it seems that as I become more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit I am more aware of little things that the evil one can throw in your way. I continually pray to Heavenly Father that I keep my mind open to His teachings and His way and that I keep my own selfish ego on guard.

Your loving concern is deeply appreciated!


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Thank you for all your advice.

My next teaching is scheduled for this afternoon at 4pm.

They also mentioned something about a "family night" tonight at 7:30. If I can I'll try to make that too.

Yes, it seems that as I become more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit I am more aware of little things that the evil one can throw in your way. I continually pray to Heavenly Father that I keep my mind open to His teachings and His way and that I keep my own selfish ego on guard.

Your loving concern is deeply appreciated!


Doug this is the best soap opera ever! Just kidding, but seriously I am sure all of us are eager to hear about how it goes so don't leave us hanging to long! Haha...I suspect that your enthusiasm is quite refreshing for your young missionaries as well, so I am sure they were happy to meet with you after the opposition that they sometimes experience...Always great to find someone who is earnestly seeking the truth as you milk them for all their worth, and they will love you for it! :) I am really happy for you! :)

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...the sopa opera continues.....(that cracked me up!)


Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

Am I just lucky or is it possible to be this blest?

For this meeting I went over to my local ward (Olmstead - Bronx, NY). A very nice two story buiding exactly 1.5 miles from my house. I was met by Elders McGill and Bedwell and they asked if it was ok if we were joined by an older married couple. I am not exactly sure what their role in the ward was but they were very nice and welcoming. They asked me a few questions about myself and shared some of their testimony. They remained while the elders gave me a lesson on the "Message of the Restoration." I have read and reflected on so much that it was more of a sharing than an actual "teaching" The teachings we discussed felt so right that at times I felt my heart would burst with joy. To be with faithful people, christians with true solid, and honest belief confirmed that I was in the right place at the right time.

Before I knew it an hour and a half had passed! I was then given a tour of the church (is it ok to call it a church, or is meetinghouse more appropriate?).

Well, I can't wait for our next meeting so we scheduled one for this Friday at 3:30.

Thank you for your continued is appreciated....

Until next time....


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...the sopa opera continues.....(that cracked me up!)


Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

Am I just lucky or is it possible to be this blest?

For this meeting I went over to my local ward (Olmstead - Bronx, NY). A very nice two story buiding exactly 1.5 miles from my house. I was met by Elders McGill and Bedwell and they asked if it was ok if we were joined by an older married couple. I am not exactly sure what their role in the ward was but they were very nice and welcoming. They asked me a few questions about myself and shared some of their testimony. They remained while the elders gave me a lesson on the "Message of the Restoration." I have read and reflected on so much that it was more of a sharing than an actual "teaching" The teachings we discussed felt so right that at times I felt my heart would burst with joy. To be with faithful people, christians with true solid, and honest belief confirmed that I was in the right place at the right time.

Before I knew it an hour and a half had passed! I was then given a tour of the church (is it ok to call it a church, or is meetinghouse more appropriate?).

Well, I can't wait for our next meeting so we scheduled one for this Friday at 3:30.

Thank you for your continued is appreciated....

Until next time....


Hey Doug,

Excellent episode! Thanks! :) How do the other characters in this saga (your family) feel about your investigations? They must see some excitement and enthusiasm in you...Is a spirit of change in the air in your home(so to speak)?

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Hey Doug,

Excellent episode! Thanks! :) How do the other characters in this saga (your family) feel about your investigations? They must see some excitement and enthusiasm in you...Is a spirit of change in the air in your home(so to speak)?

Behind the scenes: The wife is tolerant about my journey. She has been use to my spiritual meanderings over the years, only this time she actually sees some change in me....a little more patient, a little more calm, a bit more she figures that this might actually be a good thing. She is a non-practicing cultural catholic...she was born in Italy. Surprisingly she hasn't made any negative comments and I take that as a very good sign.

The children are aware of what's going on. Even though they go to catholic school my wife said she has no problem with them coming to church with me if they want. My college age daughter seems th most her mom the most aware of my wandering spiritual life.....but she has been listening and I write her often of this particular road I am on.

Hopefully my experiences and my example...being a better husband and father.... will be a positive force in our home.

Warm regards,


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Hi Dough! Been there ... I know what you are feeling! It is like coming home. Everything is so clear, I kind of only needed someone to tell me it is true! (Been very busy at work working 8-13 hours, that is why I have not been around.) It is wonderful to hear how this opera is going! :D

Then comes the peace.... it is undescribable... at the bottom there is the peace, no matter what happens!

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Behind the scenes: The wife is tolerant about my journey. She has been use to my spiritual meanderings over the years, only this time she actually sees some change in me....a little more patient, a little more calm, a bit more she figures that this might actually be a good thing. She is a non-practicing cultural catholic...she was born in Italy. Surprisingly she hasn't made any negative comments and I take that as a very good sign.

The children are aware of what's going on. Even though they go to catholic school my wife said she has no problem with them coming to church with me if they want. My college age daughter seems th most her mom the most aware of my wandering spiritual life.....but she has been listening and I write her often of this particular road I am on.

Hopefully my experiences and my example...being a better husband and father.... will be a positive force in our home.

Warm regards,


I am just loving to read about your journey Douglas. Your honest and sincere approach to all this is refreshing.

Garden Girl and others offer good advice though. Satan will try to derail you with all he has. Stay strong and draw close to the Lord and he will guide you through it all. God bless my friend.

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Yesterday, Friday, was a summer like day here in NY. I made my way over to the church right after work and met with the elders. We were joined this time by an elder who is attending the SUNY Maritime College here in the Bronx. We shared some small talk about work, had a laugh or two, and set out to begin my next "lesson".

The topic was "The Plan of Salvation". And, as you all know, what a wonderful plan it is! To think that we have been with Heavenly Father and were able to choose the side of righteousness! And then at at particular point in time were sent here to

to begin our probationary period to learn the ways of right and wrong so that we would be able to return to Heavenly Father!

There were other points we covered over the course of an hour and a half. I discussed that as former roman catholic the "conversion" needed to accept the Gospel involves a very real mental and spiritual paradigm shift. And while some would see this shift as totally impossible or even ridiculous the journey of learninng and sincere prayer to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ makes it crystal clear, beyond all doubt, that this Gospel is TRUE.

The Elders then suggested we continue to meet twice a week. Then the bombshell: they asked me to consider being baptised on Saturday October 27th and confirmed on the 28th. I was somewhat surprised. I consider membership in the Church of Jesus Christ a great gift. I do not take this committment likely. I know it will be life changing and I want to be ready....can one ever be fully ready?

And so a date is set. I will contine to read and more importantly pray. If this is my time, I will ask God to give me as much strength and confidence to know it.

Until next time....

God Bless You All,


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I hope you been listening to the conferance on I had to cahange to only sound from as the BYU stuck.

To be more ready?? I dont think so.. We can never really be more ready than, that our heart says that the LDS Church is the right one. IF we are looking for a big change in us, to become more perfect or perfect... we will never be ready. To be ready is to be ready to learn more and change little by little ... it is not a statement of beeing "good enough".

Beeing in the LDS Church is a "wild ride". You learn new all the time....or you slip and slide backdownwords, so you have to climb again. There is no even level, it is either up or down. Sometimes you may manage to hang on the iron rod awhile and get help to get forward or you may slide downward some ...sometimes you are not sure which way is up which down... and sometimes even there comes a strong hand to pull you uppworth and you see a couraging smile or hear a few couraging words... press on!

Plan of salvation is so simple, it is so evident. When the missionaries tought me that I just knew...

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