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Hello there. My name is Angie. I am married with 3 wonderful children. I have been a member of the church for 5 1/2 years now but have been inactive for 2 years now. THings have gotten ruff and have fallen into things that arent all that great. Well today out of the blue I was walking to the bus stop to get my son and I see the sisters riding thier bike and they came over and was during their talking and I told them I was already a memeber but been inactive for 2 years. We had moved and never gave the church our new address so that was wierd that they ran into me. Im kinda glad though. It has made me think about things about how they are and maybe coming back is the right thing. I think I am more scared then anything. I mean I have hit rock bottom. I thought about going to see bishop but too ashamed. I just dont know. Well here I am venting on here. LOL Sorry.

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Hello there. My name is Angie. I am married with 3 wonderful children. I have been a member of the church for 5 1/2 years now but have been inactive for 2 years now. THings have gotten ruff and have fallen into things that arent all that great. Well today out of the blue I was walking to the bus stop to get my son and I see the sisters riding thier bike and they came over and was during their talking and I told them I was already a memeber but been inactive for 2 years. We had moved and never gave the church our new address so that was wierd that they ran into me. Im kinda glad though. It has made me think about things about how they are and maybe coming back is the right thing. I think I am more scared then anything. I mean I have hit rock bottom. I thought about going to see bishop but too ashamed. I just dont know. Well here I am venting on here. LOL Sorry.

It is the adversary that tries to convince you that you are too great a sinner, too depraved, too fat, too lazy, too stubborn, too hopeless (seeing a pattern yet?) to be redeemed.

I was inactive for almost four years after my divorce. Come home. Go see your Bishop and tell him you want to come home. You'll be welcomed with open arms.

And don't worry about venting. Here, at least, you're among friends.

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Hello there. My name is Angie. I am married with 3 wonderful children. I have been a member of the church for 5 1/2 years now but have been inactive for 2 years now. THings have gotten ruff and have fallen into things that arent all that great. Well today out of the blue I was walking to the bus stop to get my son and I see the sisters riding thier bike and they came over and was during their talking and I told them I was already a memeber but been inactive for 2 years. We had moved and never gave the church our new address so that was wierd that they ran into me. Im kinda glad though. It has made me think about things about how they are and maybe coming back is the right thing. I think I am more scared then anything. I mean I have hit rock bottom. I thought about going to see bishop but too ashamed. I just dont know. Well here I am venting on here. LOL Sorry.

I wouldn't feel ashamed. All of us are sinners or have problems of some sort. Our Judge in Israel is there to help us reconnect with Heavenly Father and get our lives in order to receive his blessings. Don't let the little things get in your way of what you feel is right in your heart. Coming back from many years of inactivity was the best decision I have made.


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Hello Angie...

Please don't, repeat, don't, be ashamed to go to the Bishop... if you go, and he sees you are sincere about wanting to come back and you ask for his counsel, he will be more than willing... and listen, he has heard it all believe me...

The one thing I regret most now, is the number of years I wasted being inactive... don't make that mistake... go before your Heavenly Father in prayer... kneel and pour your heart out to him, ask for guidance.

I'm glad you're here... stay here and gather some strength from your brothers and sisters...

from the beautiful central Oregon coast... The Garden Girl

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Hello there. My name is Angie. I am married with 3 wonderful children. I have been a member of the church for 5 1/2 years now but have been inactive for 2 years now. THings have gotten ruff and have fallen into things that arent all that great. Well today out of the blue I was walking to the bus stop to get my son and I see the sisters riding thier bike and they came over and was during their talking and I told them I was already a memeber but been inactive for 2 years. We had moved and never gave the church our new address so that was wierd that they ran into me. Im kinda glad though. It has made me think about things about how they are and maybe coming back is the right thing. I think I am more scared then anything. I mean I have hit rock bottom. I thought about going to see bishop but too ashamed. I just dont know. Well here I am venting on here. LOL Sorry.

Welcome here...Start with your Bishop and get some Home Teachers and especially Visiting Teachers. Go to a Relief Society activity.

Pa Pa

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Welcome here...Start with your Bishop and get some Home Teachers and especially Visiting Teachers. Go to a Relief Society activity.

Pa Pa

Listen to Pa Pa. He is wise.

And like it has been said before, your Bishop has probably heard it all. Don't be too scared to go talk to him. I know it sounds corney, but he already loves you and will approach anything that you bring to him out of that place. :)

oh! And welcome to our little home away from home! you really are amongst friends, here.

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