How To Communicate More Effectively


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So I want to put out another question, does anyone know any good articles, talks, ext. on communicating more effectively to others? :blink: Its mostly for teaching reasons as its my calling for Elders Quorum.

Mmm, I don't have any talks or references - just a helpful hint. When you wish to communicate do NOT be like a radio. That is broadcasting. It is nice to listen to a radio - but you can not communicate with it, can you? Nope.

When you are giving a lesson, don't be the radio. Nice to listen to maybe - but no interaction with the students.

Communication is an exchange of ideas. To exchange ideas there needs to be at least two people interacting with each other. Radios only need one person - the DJ.

Okay -so my hint - Do NOT be a radio. Do not Broadcast. :D

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Take a baseball bat with you. Wait until everone is in the room. Wait until they're busy talking to one another, and not noticing you. That should take about a minute, maybe a minute 5. Then drop the bat on the floor.

You'll have their undivided attention the rest of the hour! :blink:

Well, it worked for my dad ;)

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I was thinking about that and then wondered if your dad had dropped that bat in a carpeted room?

I was picturing Relief Society with a bunch of women talking and then a bat dropped on a carpeted floor. I don't think anyone would hear it.

I don't know about the Elder's Quorum though. Do men talk as much as women? :)

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So I want to put out another question, does anyone know any good articles, talks, ext. on communicating more effectively to others? :blink: Its mostly for teaching reasons as its my calling for Elders Quorum.

I was led to this web page recently -- I think it is so GOOD!


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There are lots of books on teaching, however they all boil down to two things, get the class involved and always ask open ended questions. I teach EQ for the SWK lessons and to prepare I go through the book online. I actually copy it into a MS Word file and then I choose which paragraphs I feel are important (though prayer and prompting hopefully) and get rid of everything else, then I come up with open ended questions I can ask about each paragraph to get discuassions going(usually from the end of the chapter). I then print out one copy for me (with questions in a different color ink so I can see them easily), then I print out another copy with just the paragraphs I want to discuss and cut them apart and hand them out at the beginning of class and each member that wants to, takes one to read ( I number them). Its not the only way to teach, but it sure works for me. I picked up the method from an EQ teacher in my last ward that I really enjoyed his classes

Class is great, there's never enough time to finish as we have great discussions and best of all, I don't have to do a lot of talking- PM me if you want to see an example.

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I decided if I ever give a talk on communication, I will include this story:

When my sister and I were little, we loved to dance with each other and we especially loved to dip each other. One day when we were dancing, I asked, "Do you want to dip?" She said, "Yes!" She thought I was going to dip her and I thought she was going to dip me, so we both went crashing to the floor, barely missing the glass coffee table. Both of us laughed so hard and it was a lesson to both of us about communication. You have to think about what the other person might be thinking or assuming and make your words clear. All I had to do was add one word, "Do you want to dip me?" I was thinking about what I wanted instead of what she wanted.

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