Bit Long For A First Post


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first off hi :D

start at the beginning , i was a member in Edinburgh , Scotland.

met someone outside the church who i fell in love with, my mother threw me out & i had no where to go so i moved in with him so i was not on the streets :unsure:

long story short i was thrown out of the church :huh:

its been over 9 years, we are married & have two wonderful girls.

i would love to go back to church but having been disowned by them there is not much i can do, husband is not religious in any way but would not stop myself or our children going.

i looked into going back before & was told i would have to go in front of the bishop etc which put me off as i would hate to be told no :unsure:

should i contact the church again? just turn up Sunday am?

thanks for getting to the end

kirstie xxx

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Hi Cosmic!

First off...welcome to the board! That wasn't too long at all! :) Thanks for sharing your story with us.

I would say to go ahead and go to church on Sunday. Look on and see what time your ward/branch starts and just "turn up" for sacrament meeting. Go ahead and stay for sunday school/relief society/primary if you wish. As long as your comfortable, stay. Then, when you're ready, talk to the Bishop and let him know your story. (he would never tell you "no" a matter of fact, he'll probably welcome you back with open arms just like Christ would) He'll counsel you as to the steps you would need to take to become a member again. I bet you'd get to take the missionary discussions and everything! Lucky! Keep us posted on how it goes!


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Were you brought before a council and excommunicated or did you have your records removed from the Church? There is a difference you know.

Could be that all you have to do is just start coming back. Go to the Bishop and explain exactly what happened, then work on getting back to Church.

My prayers are with you. :D

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