I Don't Go To Service Any Longer

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Sometimes it helps if you take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Would it be "blind faith" to trust that the Lord will take care of you if you obey his commandments? There's no such thing as faith that's proven beforehand... everything takes at least a little leap. God will take care of you if you respect his commandments enough to obey them, even if it'll put you in a hard financial situation. He knows what kind of situation that will be...and he knows that this is a chance for you to prove yourself (and for your girlfriend as well) and have the opportunity for blessings associated with that obedience. Trust in the Lord and you will never fail.

(sorry, I just read the first couple posts so my advice is a little behind schedule...but I'm really happy you went to church last sunday :D )

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True story:

At the funeral of an old bishop of mine, one of his former students spoke and shared with us a lasting impression he made on him. There was a situation where he got in trouble for something (I don't remember what) and he said, "Mr. Wright, I feel like you expect more out of me because I'm a member of the church."

Bishop Wright asked, "Why don't you expect more out of you?"

This is a lesson he remembered ever since he was a little boy - a pretty good one, I think. :)

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Well everyone's suggestions just lead me to the same conclusion: The Church asks too much of it's members. As such it's one of the many reasons I do not wish to join the Church but instead will probably go to another Church.

I am sad about your decision to leave the Church behind, but I do understand it and think it is very wise...

If you think the Church expects too much of you, you are probably right... It is too much for YOU...

If you were to join with these feelings in your heart, you would always resent the Church and it's teachings... You would always look at all the "Rules" and "Thou Shall Nots" instead of looking at all the blessings, and the real freedoms living the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring... Simply put, you would be an "Anti/Ex-Mormon In The Making"...

If the time ever comes that you can find joy and happiness in living the precepts this Church teaches, instead of looking at all the "stuff you gotta do and really don't wanna", then you will be ready to make a committment... Until then, I think you are making the right decision for you...

I wish you peace, My Friend,

Silver Girl

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Well everyone's suggestions just lead me to the same conclusion: The Church asks too much of it's members. As such it's one of the many reasons I do not wish to join the Church but instead will probably go to another Church.

This life is short...eternity is FOREVER! "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and loose his own soul"
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Every law is an opportunity to obtain blessings, so with that in mind, I think that "expecting more" is something that we can happily abide by. I love this church with a passion, and I have never felt that too much was expected of me because it has helped me to expand my potential and get more out of life in every way possible.

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Hi Kona ... I know how you feel..been there a couple times in my life... but it is funny how the money is enough, even though you counted it wont be!

A story from my life... told it 1000 times... maybe some here have heard it too... My ex left me and payed nothing for the kids... the socials would not giveme any money as my ex refused to change his adress and was officially for 2 years living in my house! Anyway I was studying... luckily kids got food in School and kindergarten, I ate only on saturdays and Sundays... otherweis ti was mostly staked cabbage. My mother helped me some. I got clothes to us from friends in Church. I even had a car... my mom helped with that though. On Christmas I got my money from state ... the money for kids we get monthly and studymoney... I saw that if I pay bills and titings.. I have 5$ left.... for Christmas. Well we would eat at moms...but it would have been nice to get some presents to my kids and some food in ref.. cant live on mom so much.... I payed the titings... With no money next sunday in Church the bishop winked me to him and said: Here a family moved out of town and they felt that you should have this.... he handed over the biggest note that was printed those days... my kids got their christmas after all!

Each day with us is a battle to find balance in economy...but the first thing is we pay titings... then we do not need to worry. MANY times we have counted a catastrophy, payed the titins and no catastrophy.... :o

To believe is a jump in to darkness beleaving there is someone to catch you!

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