Many Questions (first Post)


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Hi There,

And thank you for setting up a wonderful forum and for being so active.

I am not a Mormon. However six years ago, I had some personal issues and was at a really low point in my life. The Book of Mormon found me. I wasn't looking for it, but purely by chance, I met the Missionaries who walked with me and gave me a copy of the Book.

I found it to be very uplifting and a great joy to read. However I've never received an answer I can understand with Moroni's promise. I tried taking the next step in discussing with the missionaries. However my family are not church goers and tend to frown on the idea of joining the Mormon church. Anything outside of the Church of England is a big no. Plus there are all the lifestyle changes (but more on that in another post).

So I got cold feet and moved on.

But I still keep being drawn towards the LDS Faith.

There's a little bit about me.

I have some questions I would like to ask if you would be so kind as to consider? Some people might consider them trolling, but I promise they are not. They are questions I have thought of in earnest while trying to follow my heart.

Can I ask?



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Thank you.

I think my question is a little more specific.

I've seen the videos on YouTube of recent converts to the LDS faith. I think they were put up there by the More Good Foundation(?).

Anyhow, in these videos, I notice two things.

Firstly, the people seem to be very unsure in their dialogue. Their speech is often stunted and hesitant.

Secondly, the people seem to report similar experiences to mine, having had some personal life issues and then found the Book of Mormon purely by chance.

Under such times of personal duress, is that not a time we would be most susceptible to the Devils influences?

The LDS argues that the other churches do not have the fulness of the gospel. This argument however, can also be used by its critics, suggesting that it to add a Book to the accepted scriptures is diluting and therefore weakening the messages in the Bible - an unhealthy distraction.

Is the Book of Mormon inspired by the Devil?

The Devil could be inspiring people when they are at their lowest spiritiual point to join a church by pretending it is for Jesus, when instead people are just being pulled further away.

It greatly concerns me. I need to pray earnestly still, obtain confirmation, and do everything in my power to ensure that that confirmation is of God and not Satan.



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I see what you are concerned about.

I don't see the basic Evangelical arguments for a closed to new books Bible as that convincing. I know of one Lutheran critic of the Book of Mormon who won't use Rev. 22:18, 19 against the book. He feel's better proofs exist to support the closed to new books Bible. He feel's it applies to the book of Revelations only. And he concedes Deut 4:2 has a similar pro-hibition.

Grace alone was rejected by the early Christian church. I know other churches that think that do not have the fullness of the gospel. The Book of Mormon teaches as part of it's fullness that obedience does effect salvation.

I had some good feeling's reading the Book of Mormon. Because of reading material that was highly critical of the book i lost my testimony. Over time i found enough answers to my concerns that i had restored a degree of confidence in the book as scripture. I don't see my faith in anything as based on a 100% knowledge. Through logic and reason i have developed degrees of intellectual confidence in everything i think is true. Books sold in LDS book sores like Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, and Echoes and Evidences of the Book of Mormon provide mostly solid evidences for the book.

I am not actually LDS, but a Reorganized Latter Day Saint. (Community of Christ) I also believe the book is true. We are a seperate denomination from the LDS and smaller at 250,000 members.

I never had an i know with certainty testimony. I have had good feeling's reading Restoration scripture which i take as the Holy Spirit confirming the truth of what i read. But i supplement my application of Moroni 10 my feeling's with the Barean test. (Acts 17:11) Nothing in Moroni 10 prevents one from applying logic and reason to test truth. I use what i learn in my study to develop what degrees of confidence in what i think is true.

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If you find the Book of Mormon to be very uplifting and a great joy to read, and you can see how much it testifies of Jesus Christ, why would you think it is inspired of the devil? The devil's purpose is not to bring people to Christ, but that is exactly what the Book of Mormon does. It sounds like you caught a glimpse of that when you were reading it before. Keep reading it and praying about it, comparing it with the bible, and you'll continue to see how true it is. Trust God to answer you as you keep praying and studying. Maybe it will take a little time, but keep going in faith and He will answer you. If you're seeking and praying faithfully and sincerely, God won't let the devil deceive you into joining a church that God doesn't approve of. Have courage to follow where God leads.

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The Devil could be inspiring people when they are at their lowest spiritiual point to join a church by pretending it is for Jesus, when instead people are just being pulled further away.

Would knowing that this sounds preposterous help serve as an answer to for you? At least I know it would help me put things in perspective.

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I have exposed myself to the writings and films other faiths use to witness of Mormonisms errors. Before i got baptized into my church i read two books and a stack of tracts against my Community of Christ church. I read anti-LDS stuff for years. The Anti-Mormon stuff put out by Evangelicals is the only basis i know of to worry the LDS Church "pretends to be for Jesus." The stuff is the only basis for thinking Mormonism pulls people away from the truth. I just don't trust LDS critics.

Certainly the Devil can inspire people. But as long as you apply some logic and reason you can protect yourself.

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I can understand your concerns and I think all your questions are reasonable ones (at least for someone who hasn't had a great deal of experience in the LDS church). I'll try to answer some of them the best that I can. I've seen all of the testimony videos posted by moregoodfoundation and I'd say that some of them seem shaky/hesitant just because of the fact that they're on camera. I was like that when I filmed mine... which you can find here:

I thought it'd be good to add my testimony to this post, given that I'm trying to give you advice on how to obtain one of the truthfulness of this gospel. I'd say that most of the time, our "gut" feeling (as some would call it) tends to be the correct one, but in the case that people could be influenced by an outside, evil source, there are some ways that you could guard yourself against being swayed in the wrong direction. Live God's commandments, and practice faith by obeying council given in The Book of Mormon (and Bible, but I say BOM because that's the one you don't know is true yet). Look at the fruits of living the gospel, and tell me if that's something the devil could bring you. The devil would not inspire something that would tear him down and empower people against him. He would not inspire something that supports the Bible and brings others closer to God. I hope I've been of some help to you... good luck with finding what you need to know.

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Keep reading it and praying about it, comparing it with the bible, and you'll continue to see how true it is.

I have never read the Bible. I am currently reading it, and will go back to the Book of Mormon when I am finished. This time Im taking it a little slower and trying to take it all in. My memory isn't good though and I don't grasp the concepts behind the writings - all I grasp is that they are words on a page. I find reading very difficult but Im trying this time.

If you're seeking and praying faithfully and sincerely, God won't let the devil deceive you into joining a church that God doesn't approve of. Have courage to follow where God leads.

This is the answer before my question above... in how I noticed that on YouTube, many people converting to LDS seem to be at a low point in their lives when the Book of Mormon finds them.

Aren't you most susceptible to the Devil at that low point?

Perhaps not if the story of Jesus and 40 days is anything to go about. But still, I want to make sure before pondering anything, that I am spiritually strong to resist false temptations.



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Would knowing that this sounds preposterous help serve as an answer to for you? At least I know it would help me put things in perspective.

I dont see why.

What if the "additions" to the scripture (aka Book of Mormon), are actually the abomination - and it contains requirements that are not necessary and in following its precepts more closely than the precepts in the Bible, it actually distances yourself from Jesus while it pretends to do exactly the opposite?

I guess it is true however what "inthearmsofsleep" says, in that why would any book of the Devil actually bring anyone closer to Jesus?

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Secondly, the people seem to report similar experiences to mine, having had some personal life issues and then found the Book of Mormon purely by chance.

Under such times of personal duress, is that not a time we would be most susceptible to the Devils influences?

My opinion is that during times of personal duress, we are susceptible to ANY influence. For good or ill. I think Jesus' words in the NT are helpful here:

John 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.


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Guest AutumnBreez


Thank you.

I think my question is a little more specific.

I've seen the videos on YouTube of recent converts to the LDS faith. I think they were put up there by the More Good Foundation(?).

Anyhow, in these videos, I notice two things.

Firstly, the people seem to be very unsure in their dialogue. Their speech is often stunted and hesitant.

Secondly, the people seem to report similar experiences to mine, having had some personal life issues and then found the Book of Mormon purely by chance.

Under such times of personal duress, is that not a time we would be most susceptible to the Devils influences?

The LDS argues that the other churches do not have the fulness of the gospel. This argument however, can also be used by its critics, suggesting that it to add a Book to the accepted scriptures is diluting and therefore weakening the messages in the Bible - an unhealthy distraction.

Is the Book of Mormon inspired by the Devil?

The Devil could be inspiring people when they are at their lowest spiritiual point to join a church by pretending it is for Jesus, when instead people are just being pulled further away.

It greatly concerns me. I need to pray earnestly still, obtain confirmation, and do everything in my power to ensure that that confirmation is of God and not Satan.



I read your comments and thoughts for you came through and wanted to point out to you that:

Many people in this world have been brought to that of "mainstream" Christianity under the same situation- Low point in our lives- Some (majority) people seem to need a bit of humbling to even hear the word of God. Dire need in their lives and need the extra help, "God are you there", if so please help!" So isn't God letting them get to a low point since they would not listen otherwise?? With His fingerprints on everything else in existance during their false high points in life without him in their lives- they chose not to see Him. Drastic shaking up is sometimes needed. Even though things are going well "without" Him, he can still make it best with Him! He wants His children to come to Him. Many will continue on without Him as long as they have it good. They will not see the need to return or take the steps to make it possible. I did not have children so I could allow them play by the street safetly. I want to teach them, serve them, play with them- and most of all love them, have joy with them alive and well. How can He bring his deaf and blind children home if they won't open the door and trust Him to heal them and to lead them back? Let the stubborn child work his way through till he wants and asks for help.

You don't consider the doubts of others as proof right? Other Christians pointing "Mormons?-stay away its a cult". Perhaps the advesary has tricked them. Keeping them from All the Truths available. Tons of Gentiles (Jews) were resistant to Christ as he was on the cross, they did not want to believe he was the Savior.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Church He established and has restored is NOT a Sunday only run of the mill religion. It IS a life long process that can only be achieved due to Christ Love for us that he died and raised physically from the tomb. The Church IS for those who want to progress as he planned for us, to endure to the end, in His Love and with His Love.

Love is not in the vocabulary of the advesary.

Edited to add:

The Holy Bible contains multiple scrolls/books (tablet) compiled. Name of books are of writters names, there are chapter numbers within each book. Each book is not a chapter. The individual books in combination, they are all a Testament.

Revelation 22:18-19/ In Revelations, this particular book notes:

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophesy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophesy, God shall take away his part of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Book of Mormon -Another Testament of Jesus Christ, . Not an add/take away from Revelations.

Revelations in comparison from all the other books in the Holy Bible is different, while it has same purpose.

It has many doors yet to be opened. We don't know when- Only the Father knows.

(In the Name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Savior- Amen)

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Hi and welcome! :D

That's an interesting question you have. I just wanted to say that in the lowest points in your life, you are humbled and more open to receiving answers from God, who reaches out to you at your lowest point. I can't imagine a book that testifies of the divinity of Jesus Christ and the wickedness of Satan being inspired by the devil. Seems a little counterproductive for the devil. ;)

Does The Book of Mormon inspire you do to good? Does it cause you to love Christ more? Do you feel the Spirit when you read it?

I know it's a big leap of faith to join the church without the support of your family, but if you ask God about this, He won't steer you wrong.


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Some wonderful responses and excellent thoughts. Thank you so much.

I've just reminded myself of something else I meant to say regarding the YouTube videos and the differences between those that have just joined the LDS faith and those that have just left. The LDS dialogues were a little hesitant, while the non-LDS dialogues were fluent and flowed well. Im just really intrigued by that.

I was thinking of some thoughts this morning in response to inthearmsofsleep suggestion, why would the Devil try to get people to go to Jesus?

Answer, if (and Im not suggesting it is for one minute as it has given me great joy, but, just for pondering, if) it was a false book and only pretended to bring people closer to Jesus while in practice doing the very opposite.

What I started thinking this morning, is that upon being presented with the Book of Mormon, we have two choices. To either accept the Book of Mormon, or refute it.

Perhaps at the time of great stress, we do seek Gods influence and welcome him into our lives. But being wide open as we are, we are vulnerable to those that might seek to deny us the truth - by those that call themselves the one true religion. Im not being specific here, but you get the idea that it could apply to those that are not true.

Six years ago, I was inspired to learn more of Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon. I then have the choice to accept on religion which has found me which could be true or false, or skip temptation and find another religion which could be true or false.

Perhaps imagine simply that the Book of Mormon and the promise of Christ, was like a big bag of candy offered by an old paedophile to a young girl from his car. The candy looks nice, but the consequences in the end are dire.

We then have a choice to either accept or run away, as we can then go and buy candy from the shop.

It's a bit of a scary prospect for me. Im not saying that it is wrong, or any other religion is wrong. I just want to know and be assured in my own heart that what Im reading is of Christ. It's a bit of an illogical argument for me to hear that is is good, therefore it is of God. There are many things that people consider good to them which are not of God. Or there's even the argument that it is of God therefore it is part of the Gospel. But the problem is, is in being sure it is of God.

And the problems with going by gut feelings, is that many people have their own gut feelings. Im sure many Muslims have the same gut feelings about their own religion. So it's a very tricky thing for me contemplate.


You are right in that I take no heed of much of the criticism of the LDS faith. I've heard most of it, and found it to be extremely arrogant, misguided and bigoted and have no time for it. Many many people out in the world have extremely narrow viewpoints. They cannot consider anything outside of their own little bubble.

And this is something though that appeals to me about the LDS faith, that there doesn't seem to be this irrationality amongst its peoples. I've found most Mormons I've met (sure it's not a lot, but those I have met) have been peaceful, serene, calm, well mannered, considerate and can argue with understanding and passion.

I read when you say

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Church He established and has restored ... The Church IS for those who want to progress as he planned for us, to endure to the end, in His Love and with His Love. "

It is like in my argument, to me sounds like saying "This is what Jesus has planned because the church of Jesus". But there's nothing suggesting how we know it is definitely of Jesus. Just saying so, or wishing so, doesn't make it so. Again, the problem is for someone on the fence (like me), is that it seems all the religions have similar stories. They're sure that their prophet is the one therefore their religion is correct, and they have this gut feeling, and this love that makes them know so.


Im fairly sure that that the LDS path is the path I want to choose. I've seen and heard so many good things, and had a lot of good experiences. But I still lack the confirmation as detailed in Moronis promise. As I question further, I get more questions, which I would like to answer, contemplate, and discuss with others. But Im still pulled towards LDS for some explicable reason.

As I said above though, a few things stopping me so far. Firstly, the life style changes. Secondly, parental opposition. Thirdly, knowing that the Book of Mormon is of Jesus and not of Satan and having that personal revelation.



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Hi and welcome! :D

That's an interesting question you have. I just wanted to say that in the lowest points in your life, you are humbled and more open to receiving answers from God, who reaches out to you at your lowest point. I can't imagine a book that testifies of the divinity of Jesus Christ and the wickedness of Satan being inspired by the devil. Seems a little counterproductive for the devil. ;)

Does The Book of Mormon inspire you do to good? Does it cause you to love Christ more? Do you feel the Spirit when you read it?

I know it's a big leap of faith to join the church without the support of your family, but if you ask God about this, He won't steer you wrong.


When I read what you say, I don't feel like arguing. It makes sense and my heart feels full of warmth. When I switch to the "But what about this, or that, how can I get this that and the other answered" I lose that feeling.

And that's what I mentioned previously I think, in that, Im fairly sure that this is truth, I have a faith and a rough guiding belief. But there's just those few stumblings blocks Im trying to get over - and they're probably the biggest ones of all!



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When I read what you say, I don't feel like arguing. It makes sense and my heart feels full of warmth. When I switch to the "But what about this, or that, how can I get this that and the other answered" I lose that feeling.

And that's what I mentioned previously I think, in that, Im fairly sure that this is truth, I have a faith and a rough guiding belief. But there's just those few stumblings blocks Im trying to get over - and they're probably the biggest ones of all!



That's wonderful to hear. You are in my prayers. :) My mom converted when she was in foster care. She was so convinced of the truthfulness of the Gospel, she joined even though the last blood adult relative she was in contact with said she would disown her. Her parents were alcoholics, her mom abandoned her, and her dad ended up drinking so much, he ended up in a mental hospital. Her grandmother told her, "You're dead to me." when she decided to get baptized. That was very painful for her, but she joined and it changed her life. She is such a positive, happy person and you would never guess she had the upbringing she did.

Fortunately, most of the converts I know whose relatives get upset eventually adjust to it and are even pleasantly surprised by the changes in them. :) One friend in particular - Her family was so upset, but then they were amazed at how happy she was and when it was time for her son to be baptized, her family flew up for it.

I hope you receive the answers you're looking for and strength from our Heavenly Father.

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I have never read the Bible. I am currently reading it, and will go back to the Book of Mormon when I am finished. This time Im taking it a little slower and trying to take it all in. My memory isn't good though and I don't grasp the concepts behind the writings - all I grasp is that they are words on a page. I find reading very difficult but Im trying this time.

This is the answer before my question above... in how I noticed that on YouTube, many people converting to LDS seem to be at a low point in their lives when the Book of Mormon finds them.

Aren't you most susceptible to the Devil at that low point?

Perhaps not if the story of Jesus and 40 days is anything to go about. But still, I want to make sure before pondering anything, that I am spiritually strong to resist false temptations.



You're doing a good thing in taking your time to study and ponder the scriptures. The Holy Ghost, in answering your prayers, speaks to your mind AND your heart. So it's good to use your brain and think about what you're studying and praying for, as well as pay attention to what you're feeling. This is different than just acting quickly to emotions that come up.

Fasting and prayer can be very powerful in getting answers from the Lord. Fasting is a way we show God that we are willing to sacrifice our physical desires in order to come closer to His Spirit. You discovered a real gem of truth in the story of Jesus fasting for forty days to prepare himself for his ministry. His 40 day fast was a real key in helping him to spiritually prepare. We are not expected to fast quite that long thankfully, but if you pray and fast for just a day or two, with sincere and specific purpose and intent, you will notice yourself coming closer to God, and closer to getting answers from Him. Set aside time before AND after your period of fasting, to offer up prayer, and also to just sit and meditate for a time. Of course you also need to continue studying from the scriptures.

Most of your time in this pursuit of truth will naturally be spent studying and figuring it all out in your own mind, which it should be, but most folks (including myself) don't take enough time to humbly seek for confirmation and answers beyond themselves through prayer and meditation, and fasting. After all the studying, thinking, praying and meditation I've done so far in life, I've come to realize that personal revelation from God is really the only one sure way to know the truth of eternal spiritual things; things such as the divinity of Jesus Christ, that He rose from the dead and conquered spiritual and physical death, and that He did in fact appear "in person" to the boy prophet Joseph Smith when he was 14, and that Joseph continued to receive visitations and pure revelation from God and angels later on, to instruct him in restoring to the earth the true and authoritative kingdom of God.

I have received the personal revelation that I sought for that these things are true. It is how I know they are true. It was a process I went through to receive it - it was not just a low point in my life when I was looking for anything to fill a gap in my soul when the Book of Mormon found me - although it most certainly did fill a gap for me, for I was truly seeking.

You CAN receive an unmistakable witness from the Spirit of God if you truly desire it, and if you sincerely work for it. You will know it is real when it comes, if you are looking for it. Perhaps you have even felt a witness of the Spirit in the past, which God can help you remember and build upon further. These witnesses come and can leave impressions on our soul that we cannot deny, if we are prepared. But if we are not careful, in time, we can forget. We must continue to seek and find spiritual witnesses to help us always remember, and learn how it is that God speaks to our souls.

Maybe you'd want to set a goal for a certain date by which you'll have studied and pondered it all thoroughly, at which point you can then proceed with your period of fasting and prayer and meditation to receive the spiritual witness of the conclusions you have come to on your own. But be ready for God to send you a witness at any time, since you'll be praying and seeking the whole time already.

God bless you and all of us in our efforts to always be looking for the truth.. :) Be sure to include Alma 32 in your studies - it is a wonderful chapter.

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When I read what you say, I don't feel like arguing. It makes sense and my heart feels full of warmth. When I switch to the "But what about this, or that, how can I get this that and the other answered" I lose that feeling.

And that's what I mentioned previously I think, in that, Im fairly sure that this is truth, I have a faith and a rough guiding belief. But there's just those few stumblings blocks Im trying to get over - and they're probably the biggest ones of all!



You must know that the warmth you feel in your heart is coming from the Holy Ghost. Whether it's enough to convince you is up to you - it's between you and your God as to how much of a witness you need before you are expected to act in faith and show your father in heaven you are willing to obey.

The reason you don't feel like arguing when you hear or read true testimonies is because of these words from Jesus Christ -

3 Ne 11:29 "For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another."

When I have the spirit of contention as I sometimes do, I know that it is of the devil. But when I am inspired to do good, rather than argue, I know that...

Moroni 7:13-14 "...that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil."

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And the problems with going by gut feelings, is that many people have their own gut feelings. Im sure many Muslims have the same gut feelings about their own religion. So it's a very tricky thing for me contemplate.


Again, the problem is for someone on the fence (like me), is that it seems all the religions have similar stories. They're sure that their prophet is the one therefore their religion is correct, and they have this gut feeling, and this love that makes them know so.


Sorry if I'm posting too much here- this is my last one for today- promise.

The difference is in the claim that the churches make. Most of what I've heard outside our church is that it doesn't matter what church you go to, or even the specifics of what you believe. They say all that matters is that you believe in Jesus Christ. Some even say that it doesn't matter if you do good works or not, which seems pretty contrary to the bible in my view, but that's a little off the subject... :P It kind of blows my mind how some of them will say that it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you confess Jesus Christ as the Savior. (Wouldn't that make the devil a good Christian fellow then?)

Anyhow, the point is, most other churches don't even make any claim to having true priesthood authority direct from Jesus Christ- they just kind of side-step the issue. The Catholics and the Mormons are basically the only churches that make that claim. We claim that it DOES matter what church you go to. Not because God loves the people in this church any more, but because God's kingdom is a house of order. God requires certain things of us, like baptism, to be done in a certain way. So He set up His church Himself with prophets and apostles as his special chosen witnesses and authoritative representatives to set things in order. Christ's church is built upon continuing revelation - without it, you don't have a church with authority from God.

Yes, you can feel the Spirit witness of truth being taught in other churches, but you can also feel that something is missing, if you continue your search for further light and truth. I feel the more complete truth being taught in this church vs. when I study other church's teachings. We don't have all the truth yet - we just believe "all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God." (articles of faith #11)

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Hi Simon,

Keep going! Don't give up! Continue going to church. Continue reading the Scriptures: Bible and Book of Mormon. Watch, listen, and read the messages from General Conference

(,00.html). Listen to church music (, etc.

Then, ask yourself a simple question "Does this increase or decrease my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?"

Having done all that, I think you'll quickly come to realize that everything the church does is designed to increase ones faith.

Regarding the Bible, I quote from the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith:

The Latter-day Saints have a great reverence and love for the Bible. They study it and try to live its teachings. They treasure its witness of the life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Prophet Joseph Smith studied the Bible all his life, and he taught its precepts. He testified that a person who can "mark the power of Omnipotence, inscribed upon the heavens, can also see God's own handwriting in the sacred volume: and he who reads it oftenest will like it best, and he who is acquainted with it, will know the hand [of the Lord] wherever he can see it" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 56).

I also strongly encourage you to read this great article: M. Russell Ballard, “The Miracle of the Holy Bible,” Ensign, May 2007, 80–82.

Be strong. Don't take take counsel from your fears. This is another must read: (James E. Faust, “Be Not Afraid,” Ensign, Oct 2002, 2–6).

Kind Regards,



“Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.” (D&C 68:6).

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The reason you don't feel like arguing when you hear or read true testimonies is because of these words from Jesus Christ -

3 Ne 11:29 "For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another."

Ahh. But is that not a cop out? If anybody argues with me, then they're wrong automatically?

I guess its the nature of the argument, and I think you do say it there - if you argue with anger. I don't think there's anything much wrong with an argument par se. But some people seem to thrive on disagreement. You do seem to know in your heart when you're arguing with truth and knowledge.

They say all that matters is that you believe in Jesus Christ. Some even say that it doesn't matter if you do good works or not, which seems pretty contrary to the bible in my view, but that's a little off the subject...

It seems to me, that if I am to appreciate the teachings of the Book of Mormon and to understand the LDS faith, I should take my time to read the Bible first and come to a personal understanding of that.

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Hello Simon...(by the way, what does cya mean?)

I've read all your posts... and between the lines as well... you seem to know a lot of the LDS "terminology" and concepts... how many discussions with the missionaries did you have? And I can't remember seeing if you were actually attending Church... Are you?

If not, I encourage you to do so. Starting in January, our scripture study in Gospel Doctrine class will be the Book of Mormon. Of course, someone might suggest you attend the Gospel Principles class, which is geared toward new members and investigators. I'd like to suggest that you go through the missionary discussions again and ask your questions. I encourage you to start attending your local ward, meeting with missionaries, studying, asking questions, fasting and praying. If you're really serious in finding an answer that is... If you have the missionary discussions, I'd encourage you to not take any action toward joining the Church until you've had time to really study. If someone presses for a commitment, you'll have to decide when you're ready... and study all the more diligently. And pray seriously and faithfully...for the answers you seek.

As I read your posts you kept going back to "what if the BoM is inspired by the devil?" When you actually study the BoM, can you say that it does not lead you to Christ? How can a book that testifies so completely of Christ be of the devil? Or "pretend" to lead to Christ but go in the opposite direction? I can't even grasp that thinking...

I hope you'll find the answers you are looking for... I did.

The Garden Girl

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Hello Simon...(by the way, what does cya mean?)

See you. Or Bye bye.

I've read all your posts... and between the lines as well... you seem to know a lot of the LDS "terminology" and concepts... how many discussions with the missionaries did you have? And I can't remember seeing if you were actually attending Church... Are you?

I think I've had three, or four discussions with the missionaries. I havent actually been to the church. The reason why I cut the sessions short was because I wasn't sure. I remember reading somewhere that it is better to have not received the fullness of the gospel, than to have it and ignore it.

It wasn't something I was comfortable with in "going all the way" as it were until I was assured that this is what I want to do and here are my reasons behind it.

I havent attended a church meeting - again, purely because my family aren't religious and would frown upon attending an LDS Church.

As I read your posts you kept going back to "what if the BoM is inspired by the devil?" When you actually study the BoM, can you say that it does not lead you to Christ? How can a book that testifies so completely of Christ be of the devil? Or "pretend" to lead to Christ but go in the opposite direction? I can't even grasp that thinking...

I hope you'll find the answers you are looking for... I did.


With regards to "inspired by the devil", I think what was going through my mind, was that obviously it leads some people to Jesus. But what if that isn't the intention of the Book? It may lead us to something else that we mistakingly believe to be Jesus or the teachings of Jesus.

But the argument to this, which I find illogical is that because it brings us closer to what we believe to be Jesus, it must be of Jesus. It's like... It is because it is...

What if, just for the sake of argument, that it promises Jesus, but on accepting it, you fall away from Jesus while still believing it to be his teachings - you may even feel that peace and joy feeling (that I get after alcohol - even things that feel good can be bad). While those that don't accept have a better understanding of Jesus and follow the path of another religion.

What if its to tempt us away to a false religion.

The critical person would suggest that a similar argument is used by the LDS to say how false the other religions are, so why can't the same be true in reverse.

It's a hard concept to explain, and perhaps you need an odd brain like mine to even contemplate it!

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