The greater sin


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23 minutes ago, Anddenex said:

I'm obviously late to this discussion, and I've only read a portion of the first page of responses. I may duplicate a response.

First, I'm glad you bring this up because this is one verse of scripture I do not completely understand. I've read and heard many different interpretation but none have caused me to be "edified" and "rejoice." Now, in saying that, I'm not saying they didn't provide good response. I'm saying, I haven't felt what I have usually felt when truth is revealed to me by the Holy Ghost. In that sense, I'm still left desiring the answer.

Second, my understanding has been the standard that was shared on the first page of the responses I read. That somehow the greater sin is not to forgive, but this has never settled well with me (e.g. The example you provided with Hitler). I also didn't have any trouble with this verse until specific experiences in my life have caused me to reflect how is there greater sin in me, when in comparison to the one who sinned against me? Since then, I have experienced confusion with this verse.

Third, this is inline with others, but maybe a small nuance. The Atonement is personal -- a one-on-one experience. The Atonement pays for my sins. As I have pondered this two doctrines come to my mind: love your enemy (as Christ even loved his enemies), and blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. To some degree our lack of forgiveness damns us. It is hard to progress to the love of Christ, to become like him, when we withhold forgiveness. In that light, I can somewhat understand a "greater" sin is within, not a "greater" sin than the perp -- but a "greater" sin in that we damn ourselves from the blessings of the Atonement that is "freely" (so to speak) offered.

I'm reminded of the conference talk where this was being discussed, and the question provided was (paraphrased), "You want them to suffer twice for their sin? When I already paid the price for their sin"? And if I'm being totally honest, to the individuals in my life, my spirit right now would say, "Yes. They don't care. They haven't apologized. They don't think they did anything wrong. They apparently need to suffer so they can see what they have done. There is no justice if I forgive them."

I'm more inclined to think the "greater" is not pertaining to the antagonists sin, but is more the greatness of not forgiving damns us to the Atonement to some degree. I'm still not yet satisfied with the answer. I'm still waiting for light and knowledge, truth revealed by the Holy Ghost where I know. Right now, this is where I have come to but still feel I'm missing the mark, the main point.

You have summarized my own feelings very well. Though I would add another possibility here. It may be possible that what the Lord is saying here was not intended to be a blanket statement that is true in every situation. If we consider the context, the Lord is chastising them for grievances they have among themselves, just like the apostles of old. Obviously not Hitler-like sins but I'm guessing things like envy, greed, speaking badly of others, etc. But in verse 3 He says:

3 There are those among you who have sinned; but verily I say, for this once, for mine own glory, and for the salvation of souls, I have forgiven you your sins.

So if the Lord has just forgiven them all of their sins and some still hold grudges then in this case there in fact "remaineth" a greater sin. Greater either because not forgiving was in fact worse than the other offenses or because the other sins, forgiveness having been granted of the Lord, no longer remains or both. 

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