Strange Dream


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I had a very strange dream last night, which I think deserves to be recorded.

It started with the Israelites, with the Ark of the Covenant. They were gathered on the edge of a great precipice, and were setting up a place to worship the Ark. All colours were very vivid, with a lot of deep greens and purples - rather like a Pre-Raphaelite painting, or the picture of Alma baptizing in the Book of Mormon. Some of the Israelites were building golden calves to decorate the area, but I thought "they mustn't do that - the Golden Calf is bad". I wasn't part of the dream at this point: it was like I was watching in in a TV documentary.

Then I was in a church. It was a very old, stone church, but the sanctuary (the area where the altar is) was blocked off - either with a stone wall, or a big oak door. In front of it was a big statue of Moloch, with goats' horns, and a pentagram on his forehead. I was holding something in my hands - either a small rolled-up mat, or a wad of parchment- which I set down at the feet of Moloch. Then I had a feeling that the whole place was evil and I needed to get out. As I headed for the door, I could hear my wife's voice pleading with me to come back, saying "what does it matter about the statue?" For a moment I wondered if I was overreacting; after all, some older churches do have some strange decorations - like gargoyles and the Green Man. But I knew this was something different. I went out of the door and into the churchyard, where there well-trimmed lawns and flowerbeds and trees in leaf - but all with the same deep vivid colours I had seen earlier. The sky was dark, and seemed to be boiling with strange coloured clouds. My wife was following me at a distance telling me to come back, but I kept on walking. I shouted back at her "The Devil deceives!"

Then I woke up. I don't usually remember my dreams, but on this occasion I ran through it all in my mind, which is why I can recall it now. I've a nasty feeling this has something to do with my daughter (child), and what she might have got involved with. I wonder if my offering the "scroll" (or whatever it was) to Moloch represents my attempts to accept and respect her new lifestyle - which are in any case "too little too late" as far as she (they) and my wife are concerned. I love my family, but would I really sacrifice at the feet of Moloch to please them?

All rather worrying, really.

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Wow.  That was some dream.  And it really does sound like your brain trying to process and resolve what's going on in your life.  I'm sorry for all the trials you're having with your family.  I cannot imagine how painful it must be.  Jesus Christ is the answer, not Moloch (symbolic or otherwise).  I can't guess at the details of how Christ is the answer in this case, but stay true to him and let him guide you.  E-hugs, Jamie.

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19 hours ago, Jamie123 said:

I had a very strange dream last night, which I think deserves to be recorded.

It started with the Israelites, with the Ark of the Covenant. They were gathered on the edge of a great precipice, and were setting up a place to worship the Ark. All colours were very vivid, with a lot of deep greens and purples - rather like a Pre-Raphaelite painting, or the picture of Alma baptizing in the Book of Mormon. Some of the Israelites were building golden calves to decorate the area, but I thought "they mustn't do that - the Golden Calf is bad". I wasn't part of the dream at this point: it was like I was watching in in a TV documentary.

Then I was in a church. It was a very old, stone church, but the sanctuary (the area where the altar is) was blocked off - either with a stone wall, or a big oak door. In front of it was a big statue of Moloch, with goats' horns, and a pentagram on his forehead. I was holding something in my hands - either a small rolled-up mat, or a wad of parchment- which I set down at the feet of Moloch. Then I had a feeling that the whole place was evil and I needed to get out. As I headed for the door, I could hear my wife's voice pleading with me to come back, saying "what does it matter about the statue?" For a moment I wondered if I was overreacting; after all, some older churches do have some strange decorations - like gargoyles and the Green Man. But I knew this was something different. I went out of the door and into the churchyard, where there well-trimmed lawns and flowerbeds and trees in leaf - but all with the same deep vivid colours I had seen earlier. The sky was dark, and seemed to be boiling with strange coloured clouds. My wife was following me at a distance telling me to come back, but I kept on walking. I shouted back at her "The Devil deceives!"

Then I woke up. I don't usually remember my dreams, but on this occasion I ran through it all in my mind, which is why I can recall it now. I've a nasty feeling this has something to do with my daughter (child), and what she might have got involved with. I wonder if my offering the "scroll" (or whatever it was) to Moloch represents my attempts to accept and respect her new lifestyle - which are in any case "too little too late" as far as she (they) and my wife are concerned. I love my family, but would I really sacrifice at the feet of Moloch to please them?

All rather worrying, really.

This seems to have some similarities with 1 Nephi 8. It might be worth re-reading that chapter and then pondering on if/how it might aid in interpreting/understanding your dream. 

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