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wow I can't believe that you deleted my post with all the evidence proving that Mormonism is not of God. I would like you to send me the deleted message please thanks :)

You do understand the meaning of DELETED do you not? You haven't proved anything, just brought up old anti Mormon drivel. You can ask questions about our faith, but not claim Joseph Smith was a racist and a liar. That's over the line and if you had bothered to read the rules you would know that.

I am closing this thread as the Op doesn't want questions answered, he's trying to "save" us.

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PC....with the LDS church it all boils down to the belief of continuing revelation from God. ... I am constantly hearing them say we don't believe in the same Jesus of the Bible. I often wonder why they would say that? It's almost as if they think we don't revere the Bible as much as they do....or perhaps they think because we have the BofM we take the Bible lightly or something. This is so far from the truth. It is so frustrating to me because I love the Bible and I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why are the LDS attacked so much?

Bro. Dorsey, the wording is offensive. You don't believe in the same Jesus I do--the Jesus of the Bible. It is accusatory. And, of course, such conversations leave you offended and feeling accused.

Why oh why? And yet, the answer is in your question. You believe in continuing revelations, including many that are contrary to currently accepted doctrines of Catholics and Protestants. Joseph Smith knew this, of course, and said--they were wrong and he was right. So, the 180 years that have passed have brought us some polite and informative conversations and friendships, but the stale mate continues to be: either Protestants and Catholics remain in apostasy, or Joseph Smith taught heresies as prophecy.

The informative approach to these issues is to discuss them intelligently, try to communicate the Spirit of God in us, share our testimonies, and let God's Spirit interact with our will/agency to reveal truth and challenge us to respond appropriately.

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