Hello all you crazy Mormon folk...


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And those who are not. Just for the sake of clarity, that title was written tongue firmly planted in cheek...

I hail from the great State of Denial, erm, I mean, Minnesota. Of course, "great" is a wholly subjective term.;)

Well, here I am. Not entirely sure why, but I think it has something directly to do with boredom. I'd spent some time at FAIR, some time on LDSchat, at least for a couple days until their little Java deal decided it hated Windows XP. I am fairly active at MORC, and I was even a guest mod at Traxxas.

Discussion fora are not new to me, but this one is. Not as if that's terribly important, but I wrote it anyway.^_^

I am a currently active member of the Shoreview Ward of the Saint Paul, Minnesota Stake. I currently serve as an Elders' Quorum teacher. I tend to be a bit pedantic, but I try not to take it to extremes.

I spend lots of time on my bicycle, at least when I'm not avoiding work at work, like right now. :huh: If I'm not doing that, I'm on the X-Box, or the Internet, or wasting lots of time in some other extremely efficient way.

I used to like driving, but my distaste for paying more than $3 for a gallon of gas kinda took that away. Now, I try to bicycle everywhere. Unfortunately, it's winter and it's cold. I hate the cold. What's worse, is it'll get all nice and warm on Saturday, and I'll head for our lovely, snow encrusted singletrack, and have a great ride. Think to myself, I gotta ride to work on Monday, but invariably, the bottom falls out of the thermometer on Sunday afternoon, making for a miserable ride with cold feet.:( Thankfully, February is quickly sliding into history and it will be spring soon.):sunny:

I think that's a long enough post for the moment. I may post other stuff if there are any threads that spark my interest enough to pipe up.

Oh yeah, my name is Trevor.

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Ok all those mormons that are crazy say yee......... OOOK YOU CAN STOP


:eek:Gee I almost lost my herring and I am living on the other side of the pool....

3 $ agallon!!! :eek: We have 2,6$ a liter!!! Even the disel is there about ...so that would be about ... 3,3 a gallon!!

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Now, in your calculations, did you take exchange rate into account? Also, there are 3.7something litres in a U.S. Gallon. I know we have cheap fuel here, comparatively, but it still bugs me.

I hate that our culture is so dependent on cars. I really hate that our cities are laid out so as to discourage other modes of transportation. And, I really don't like that so many motorists are so ignorant of traffic laws, who mistakenly think they have a right to use the public roads, when, in reality, it is they who are only privileged to do so.

I guess this'll cause some thread creep.:cool:

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I used the transmittor for the currency... we do sometimes... every friday, usually, get some REALLY cheep gasoline/disel it is now going a whole krowner cheeper, than on week days, sometimes it may be 2nkr difference a liter! That is a LOT I thinks...

Here too the public transport is... hmm...almost non excistent with no connections that work...

If there is a speedlimit of 80km/h the usual speed is 100km/h and that is the limit of looingthe license too.... In Finland the speed limit is on highways 120km/h and that is ok..no need to drive faster...except at 5 aclock in the morning when you are about to miss the ferry to Sweden :eek:... when you have made a mistake about the date.... :D My husband drowe and I sat beside and prayed..no moose, no police... empty roads ... the ab. 5 hour drive took us 3 and we just made on board. As we had driven in the boat closed the doors.... and a few miles before we were driving on a very winding road behind a big lorry filled with IRON... it drove 30km/h.... We passed it in the ONLY possible place in miles! :o What a ride! he drove 140 most of the way...

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