im new .... need some help


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Hello everyone

I just got called to serve in the Stake RS, it is a wonderfull thing to have gotten this calling ..... however..... I have a few ideas that i would like to implement to make our stake grown... by motivating the sisters, i am the 2nd counsoler and the biggest problem i see is that since they are older women thay cant do many of these things they think that RS is inly for old ppl so they just dont do anything period. im 24 and well i know i cant do activities that can hurt them in any way but i cant see mto get to them . one of the sisters came up to me and told me you could be my daughter or grandaughter how is it that you can help me ??? :o and it hurts cuase your trying your best.:(

So i am asking if anyone has hany ideas please please please let me know

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I love older people! They know so much. We have gotten some of our older sisters to teach us how to make a quilt, how to can and make jelly and preserves. A lot of them know how to crochet and knit and paint and write poetry and all kinds of neat things.

I suggest you send around a survey asking everyone in RS what their current hobbies or interests are (like cooking, crafts, reading, knitting, exercising, etc.) and then ask everyone to list the ones they would be willing to share and/or teach.

You could also ask what everyone might be interested in learning and then go from there.

You can form small groups that have meetings and ask people to bring friends from outside the church.

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Jesus was in the same position as you. He was surrounded by older, supposedly "wiser" Pharisees and Sadduces (sp?). But He was armed with the Spirit. The Father gave Him the words to speak.

These older sisters may be more experienced. A few of them may have already served as RS Presidents. But they are not called to serve in the capacity of RS President right now. YOU are. It sounds to me like you have a tremendous opportunity here to learn and serve. These sisters have an opportunity to humble themselves and support you in your calling. You cannot determine whether or not they do THEIR part...but you can make sure that you do YOUR part, regardless of how they respond to your fledgling efforts.

Remember that this is all about love. Sometimes it is about loving the unloveable, even as Christ has asked (required) of us. Remain prayerful and obedient and you will be blessed in ways you can't imagine right now and may not comprehend until many years later. The Lord works by paradox. Often when we seem to be at our lowest is when the most good is being done and we are being blessed the most.

May the Lord be with you.


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Isn't it thru small and simple things that great things come to pass? Doesn't they Lord teach his gospel through the weak things of the earth? Don't we learn much from the mouth of babes?

We have much to learn from each other in whatever stage of life or type of calling we hold. I suppose we all have our blind spots ..... or perhaps little bits of pride that keep us believing that we can only learn from someone older and wiser. I learn from my kids everyday! They teach me more than even I think my parents taught me.

Go for it and Serve with JOY! The Lord knows you. He knows how old your spirit is too!! I am sure you will be a those who see the possibilities and to those who don't!! ::wink::

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I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. The Lord would not have given you this calling if he didn't think it would benefit you and the ladies in your RS. I was recently called to the Enrichment Committee and I had to have someone explain to me what the enrichment committee was (I was just baptized in November and am also just 24). The ladies were very welcoming and willing to hear my ideas. Just hang in there and that survey idea was a great one!

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Congratulations, CheekyMonkey! I LOVED that calling!

I think you need to start by making sure that every ward RS president understands how the new Enrichment program is supposed to work. Specifically, that they can (and should) have activities that appeal to a specific demographic within their ward (although everyone is welcome). For instance, in a "Newly-wed or nearly dead" ward, they might have activities in the evening after the younger women (or their husbands) get off work, but daytime activities for the older sisters who don't like to get out in the evening. Younger women might like a discussion of children's books, while the older women might like a class on long-distance grandparenting.

Also, what worked really well in our stake, and appealed to everyone, was getting the sisters excited about doing projects for the Humanitarian Center. There were older sisters who had just about given up on life, when they learned about the hand-made items that were needed. Being able to do something productive, even if they were homebound, made a big difference in their lives. And of course, everyone likes service projects (like the baby blankets our ward just made) that give them an excuse to socialize!:D

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