Just a greeting


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Hi folks. Name's Heavenguard*, feel free to shorten to HG - it's what most people call me on other forums.

I'm a Christian, Baptist. I really have no intention of aligning my faith with the LDS', however I think that people of faith have a responsibility to know about and understand other beliefs, especially those that are closely related, in order to have informed discussions. I've taken a World Religions class before, but since it was only a term, it only skimmed the surface of everything. So to this end, I have besides my bible and other Christian texts, a Book of Mormon and a Quran in my possession, as well as some other books on comparing the respective faiths against Christianity/Catholicism. (To throw things up a little more, I also grew up in the Catholic school system and so am fairly/rather familiar with Catholicism too.)

I found reading the Quran and the Book of Mormon difficult, given that I don't have even cursory knowledge of what's happening in the text. (Compared to growing up in my church, I at least have general ideas of what's happened before, current to, and after the point I am reading.) Even with the other texts I bought I had difficulty because they only compared doctrines, but didn't have a lot of the supportive information I was looking for - which brings me here. I don't have any questions as of yet, but I'll just romp around the forums to get a feel for things and read some stuff on my own time and will probably come up with stuff later.

I suppose my ultimate goals in learning about other faiths in general is to 1) be less ignorant of the diverse world around me (and be able to intelligibly discuss them), and 2) learn more about what I believe by comparison.

Other random things about myself ...

- currently a student, but not for very much longer

- play the ukulele (I like uncommon instruments in general)

- took up fencing as a hobby (currently on hiatus)

- I like hats, but not baseball caps (this one's really random, haha)

- I am a very wordy person (as though you haven't realized this already)

- If I had to choose a sin, it'd be gluttony, because boy, do I love food :P

*I typically feel no need to explain my name on other forums, but considering that this is a faith-based one...

"Heavenguard" is actually no reference to anything religious. It's really from a videogame - I just liked the sound of it and so adopted it . It was cooler than what I used to go by, hahaha.

Oh, and for the record, I'm a lady. Not that I really care if I'm mistakened for a guy (through the name, I might care in person), but from experience, the name usually conjures up the image of a guy for other people. So ... just ... bleh *shrug*.

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Welcome Heavenguard

I really like your introduction. You seem very outgoing and friendly! :) I think it is good to learn about the world around you so you can understand others better. The world is very diverse in religions as well as ethenicities. Take care and God Bless! :)

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Hi HG and welcome! I hope you find the answers you are looking for here on this forum. But be careful many have started with trying to understand even destroy mormonisme and ended up as really good and faithful members.:eek:

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