Even if I wanted to be a Member it will never happen...


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Kona if you actually don't want to join the church and don't want to aim for the Celestial Kingdom of course that choice is yours. No-one can force it on you. Heavenly Father won't try to force it on you - Satan had that idea but it was rejected. It sounds to me like you are using the living together bit as an excuse for doing or not doing something which you have already made a decision about anyway, so that you can blame someone else for your choice if it turns out to be a wrong one. (be that the church or the SS)

Putting that aside for a moment though, people have come up with various suggestions on here for how you can improve your present situation if you really wanted to so that you and your girlfriend would be better off financially even if you didn't decide to join the church. You just seem to dismiss every suggestion out of hand.

You can't afford to start a business - by that a assume you can't afford the premises etc but you are able to repair bikes and say you enjoy doing that so why not just offer your services for doing that and either call on people in their homes or get them to bring their bike to your home? Build up an on call repair man type business. What would that cost?

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I heard this story years ago and I will probably butcher it. A man came to Socrates telling him he wanted knowledge and asked him how to get it. Socrates pushed him under the water for a good while and after he let the man up, he said, "When you want knowledge as much as you want air, you will get it."

Maybe it wasn't even Socrates. Maybe it was someone else in the story. But it made an impression on me.

If you want something bad enough, you find a way to do it no matter how hard it is. No blaming anyone else. Just do it. My husband wanted to marry me more than anything in this world. We were both penniless, but he joined the Air Force - something he never wanted to do but knew it would support us, give us health insurance, etc.

I wanted to stay home with my kids, so I sacrificed by going with less. We don't have cable or a cell phone. I make a lot of dinners from scratch, we rarely go to the movies, and sometimes things are very tight. But I refused to let anyone tell me that I couldn't afford to stay home. I wasn't going to let someone else raise my kids. Our futon is broken and falling into the wall. We put a blanket behind it to stop it from ruining it. Our 10 year old mattress has a spring poking out of it. And we live in a two bedroom apartment with three kids. We wanted children and were willing to do whatever it took to have them and for me to stay home. That was our dream. We would like a house, but we wanted kids more. We will continue to struggle and eventually we will have our house. We will have to want it bad enough though. :) We are both talented, skilled, and intelligent and I know we can figure out a way to reach our goals.

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I heard this story years ago and I will probably butcher it. A man came to Socrates telling him he wanted knowledge and asked him how to get it. Socrates pushed him under the water for a good while and after he let the man up, he said, "When you want knowledge as much as you want air, you will get it."

Maybe it wasn't even Socrates. Maybe it was someone else in the story. But it made an impression on me.

If you want something bad enough, you find a way to do it no matter how hard it is. No blaming anyone else. Just do it. My husband wanted to marry me more than anything in this world. We were both penniless, but he joined the Air Force - something he never wanted to do but knew it would support us, give us health insurance, etc.

I wanted to stay home with my kids, so I sacrificed by going with less. We don't have cable or a cell phone. I make a lot of dinners from scratch, we rarely go to the movies, and sometimes things are very tight. But I refused to let anyone tell me that I couldn't afford to stay home. I wasn't going to let someone else raise my kids. Our futon is broken and falling into the wall. We put a blanket behind it to stop it from ruining it. Our 10 year old mattress has a spring poking out of it. And we live in a two bedroom apartment with three kids. We wanted children and were willing to do whatever it took to have them and for me to stay home. That was our dream. We would like a house, but we wanted kids more. We will continue to struggle and eventually we will have our house. We will have to want it bad enough though. :) We are both talented, skilled, and intelligent and I know we can figure out a way to reach our goals.

Have you tried Freecycle? The Freecycle Network see if there is a group in your area. I haven't gotten anything from it yet, but I sure have freecycled a lot of things! Too bad you aren't here, there is a futon frame just listed, along with a bunch of kids clothes and a sofa.

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First of all I would like to apoligize for linking to a anti-Mormon site. Although that site had many questions I would love to see answered it was against the rules.

I'm still struggling with a few LDS teachings.

I really am having a very hard time believing that Joseph Smith was a prophet. From what I've read in both LDS teachings and non-LDS teachings and from what my gut tells me I think Joseph was a wise man but no prophet.

Are we allowed to discuss Temple Endowments? I've read the transcript of the Endowment film and have a few questions. I understand if discussing that topic is not allowed.

I understand the Church requires 10% of your income. I'm not down with that. Any Church that requires you to pay to be in good standing isn't a good thing to be into.

I have other issues I will bring up later. :)

By the way I'm having a hard time reading my scriptures. Every time I pick up my scriptures a strong spirit of sleepiness overcomes me.

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Guest Seraphim

First of all I would like to apoligize for linking to a anti-Mormon site. Although that site had many questions I would love to see answered it was against the rules.

I'm still struggling with a few LDS teachings.

I really am having a very hard time believing that Joseph Smith was a prophet. From what I've read in both LDS teachings and non-LDS teachings and from what my gut tells me I think Joseph was a wise man but no prophet.

Are we allowed to discuss Temple Endowments? I've read the transcript of the Endowment film and have a few questions. I understand if discussing that topic is not allowed.

I understand the Church requires 10% of your income. I'm not down with that. Any Church that requires you to pay to be in good standing isn't a good thing to be into.

I have other issues I will bring up later. :)

By the way I'm having a hard time reading my scriptures. Every time I pick up my scriptures a strong spirit of sleepiness overcomes me.

You knew better than to link to an anti-Mormon site and no, you may not discuss temple content.

Thread closed. Your issue here has been thoroughly addressed.


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