Faith knocking experience


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Aphrodite, I'm sorry to hear of Rob's nan's passing, and to hear that you didn't make it to the funeral.

I hope that your journey to her Memorial will be more successful, and hope that you and Rob will pull together to comfort each other at this time..

All the best,

Michele xx

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Additionally, almost everyone on the list already knows I am an atheist, including Aphrodite. The way you phrased your comment made it sound as if I were consciously taking advantage of the vulnerable Aphrodite to bring he to the "dark side."

Frankly, you've not only insulted me, but Aphrodite as well. She is no wilting flower unable to take care of herself. She is articulate and very assertive. She is fully aware I’m an atheist, and I’m sure she isn’t going to be swayed by me one way or another. So you have no worries about me seeking to weaken anything about Aphrodite!

Elphaba you are right. I was not offended atall, I appreciated the wider perspective.

And I most definitely make my own decisions, based independantly of anything on this board. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even Christ's prayer was not answered in the manner he desired/requested. Nevertheless, his will was swallowed up in the will of the Father. These kind of tests are our mini Gethsemane(s). Can we pass our Abrahamic tests? See Abraham 3 we are here to see if we will do all that has been commanded of us, even if it is enduring a car break down. We were totally out debt once when the prophet told us to be wise. While at a GC PH meeting my son fell on the carpet, broke his arm on the growth joint. It cost us $6K with bills from the hospital, ER, anathesialogist (sp), surgeon, and on. This was 24 years ago. Yes things happen to us (remember the earth was cursed FOR OUR SAKE). Please put it all in eternal perspective and don't give up on prayer. Lately, I have had a marvelous revelation regarding prayer. If it ain't working for ya, then change the manner, the time, the preparation, the listening, and the place you pray. I promise one day you will feel a bit embarrassed if you give up on Him and he is right there all the while.


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