Is American public education a form of child abuse?


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I am always amazed how people get really quiet when you take an issue from a "macro" view, and the political dogma of what you believe in, to a more specific view of a person and family. It suddenly no longer becomes a talking point, but a choice you have to make...... is he/me abusing his child? If yes, should the state take my child away? Or is there some grey area in my views? That is a tough one, huh? All of the sudden it isn't just a "political " thing, but real people involved. With details. With specific beliefs of what is, or isn't abuse. The "abuse" and the "system is broke" then becomes just..... everybody who isn't me sucks..... instead of dealing with the reality. Anybody can play that game. I learned it in a debate class I took in college.

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The moral of the story? Well, in my opinion school and learning are not necessarily connected. Many people go through school learning almost nothing and many people learn quite a bit without the help of school. No one can make you learn, if you have the desire to learn, you'll find a way, especially given the wealth of resources available to kids today through the internet. What I find both depressing and amazing is that schools today seem to be killing the natural instinct for kids to WANT to learn and turning it into a horrible chore that is to be avoided. To me, that is the real abuse and it is what caused the blatant anti-intellectualism you see in America today.

I can agree with you. Both my parents were teachers and I grew up hearing every injustice the education system caused and how worthless public education was. I hated school, it was boring, worthless and convinced me of the stupidity opeople can reach at times. (I hated school cliques.) The only reason I stayed in school was because the same parents decreed it was good for me. I admit I learned a lot about manipulation. I always skipped classes and somehow kept a 3.7 GPA to appease my parents, lol. I did however discover a love of stories and drawing. What else was there to do in class? I am now working on becoming a game artist, I guess school did have a purpose. ;)

P.S. My only detention, and pink slip from school was once in elementary when I shared half my snickers (mom packed lunch) with a friend outside. Get that. The reasoning was I shouldn't make other feel bad by what I was given and thy weren't.

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P.S. My only detention, and pink slip from school was once in elementary when I shared half my snickers (mom packed lunch) with a friend outside. Get that. The reasoning was I shouldn't make other feel bad by what I was given and thy weren't.

What the heck? Was your teacher wearing a Che T-shirt and love beads at the time? Posted Image

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Wow I am so lucky. i don't like all that goes on in our school but we are so


to live where we do a small district. We have under 400 students total.



our teachers are also parents some grew up here and came back. We have great sports programs, choir, and band. We also have a very active 4H. The school has its problems and we keep our school board jumping but we all work together. I have

home schooled

and will again if necessary. Our state does yearly testing and and has lots of support for



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To the parent who homeschools makeup is not such a big thing , full contact sports with boys teaches them to be tough . I am not so agreeing on the sex issue but I can understand how you feel the way you do. For girls I think they need to understand sex isn't the answer, and sadly means less to young men than it does for those girls . Its something you can't take back ok now I'll get off my soap box . :}

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