Surrogate Mothers


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Just so you all know I am the SIL and I love being pregnant. I even like labor once I get the epidural:). I just had a baby with a major heart defect that will cost thousands of dollars. Yes family is helping out but it still has put a strain on everything. The first time I was going to do it was to cover medical bills the second time to adopt because we want more children but the risk is high for another child with the CHD and not sure on the third time. It was just I can see myself being pregnant 3 more times and then I would be done. Yes I did check with my Bishop and it is strongly discouraged so we are not going to be doing it.

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I am currently and "Intended Mother". After reading everyone's opinion, I can see there is little understanding about surrogacy. My husband & I, (Married 17 years in temple) took "My" egg and "His" sperm. Working through an amazing agency, we found a surrogate who is: Married 15 years, two of her own children, stable, and she went through a gammet of tests on all levels to qualify as a surrogate. She is kind, loving, motherly, and is thrilled to go through this journey with us. We are NOW expecting a little girl! We are increasing our family, bringing a spirit into a righteous home, with two loving parents, and extended family. Why are we as mormons so critical, and judgemental on the issue of surrgocacy when we virtually don't know anything about it?

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I am currently and "Intended Mother" via surrogacy. My husband & I (married 17 years in the temple) used "My" egg, and "His" sperm. We found an amazing agency, and met an amazing woman who is a proven surrogate. I am looking for any other mormon intended mother or surrogate to chat with. We are having a GIRL!

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Hi britalena!

I am a hopeful "IM". My husband and I tired earlier this year but the Surro was not pregnant. Would be THRILLED to communicate with someone who understands the process.

I agree with you comments- I do not think people understand surrogacy or the position of the church in regard to surrogacy and sealings. I think traditional surrogacy is not encouraged because of the prolific issues that arose from Abraham using Hagart as a surrogate, then Sarah becoming pregnant. It is the argument that is as old as time- and very cloudy indeed.

Like you, and unlike Abraham and Hagar, we used our own eggs and sperm, so the anticipated child is genetically our's. As for sealings, I guess I don't care. Does it matter to who's covenant the child is born "under"? Our surro is an LDS friend who is sealed to her husband just as my husband and I are sealed. We are earthly parents, and hope to be eternal parents- but any child or children we have will be sealed to another in marriage. As long as everyone is eventually endowed, I don't think it matters which "seal" is key- the point is the child- like non-members- are sealed to an eternal family with Heavenly Father at the head. It seems like unrighteous dominion or just feels funny to assume a child has to be sealed to me-- as an earthly mother, my job would be to rasie the child to have their own testimony and make thier own path to eternal life- not to be the train in which the child hitches a ride to heaven.

We wrote a letter to the First presidency to ask for guidence as well- as it is strongly discouraged in the priesthood handbook. For us, the reply was encouraging and a beautiful witness. We are sad that we were not pregnant- our surrogate and her husband were also very sad as well and offered to go for it again. With all of these blessings, how can I be unhappy?

Anyway- the whole point is- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are going to be an earthly Mom!!! When are you due? Are you preparing to breast feed??



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