Finding Meaning in Our Lives


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Here's an excerpt from my blog at Grace for Grace.

In college, I skimmed through the book by Victor Frankl entitled “Man’s Search for Meaning.” Recently I decided to read it again and spend a little more time digesting the concepts....Frankl describes what happened when he arrived. First, they took all of his belongings, which only consisted of a suitcase, coat, etc. and disposed of them. Next, they stripped the prisoners down to nothing and then shaved them completely naked. Very humiliating.

As I was reading this I had a thought about who we as human beings really are. How would I view myself if I had a similar situation? ...

Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of someone who went through this when he was stripped down to nothing and whipped, beaten, and hung on the cross....

For the full post, visit: Grace for Grace

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Back when I considered myself an agnostic, I found a copy of Dr. Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning, lying on a mall bench. I decided to read it. It had a profound impact on me and from that point on I became a generic believer. I would recommend it to anyone struggling to find some greater purpose in life to hold onto.

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I also loved the book. It amazes me how human nature is. While some would lay on their cots moaning their lives away, Frankl noted those that would share their one slice of bread with those suffering the most. We truly do determine whether we will be victims or heroes in any circumstance we may find ourselves in.

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