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Everything posted by KosherXMorg

  1. As a LDS, would you not believe they are projecting their witness of the Book of Mormon onto the issue of church veracity if they joined that other church?
  2. If a missionary from another Book of Mormon believing church goes into a country and teaches the Book of Mormon and asks the people he teaches to pray about it will G-d withhold that witness because they aren't LDS? If G-d does give them that witness (He cannot lie) and as far as these people know that missionary and that church were THE ones that had the Book of Mormon wouldn't they naturally assume that THAT church is the "true church"?
  3. "Unencumbered by the gospel"?? Have you been reading my other posts? I'm more strict in my observance of YHWH's laws then I was when I was LDS. BTW, you don't have to be LDS to believe in the Book of Mormon, take for example... (in the process of updating their homepage) The Church of Jesus Christ CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST RESTORED 1830 The Church of Christ - "The Church with the Elijah Message" Zion Heritage International etc...etc...etc...
  4. The amazing thing is I've never read a shred of "anti-junk". My research has been from purely pro-Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, Restoration of the Gospel materials and it still led me out of the LDS church.
  5. The above picture is what I essentially picture Jesus looking like. Do a comparison of the above picture with the Shroud of Turin.
  6. The girl your referring to did finally agree to a pregnancy test and it came back negative so they proceeded to test her 5 more times each time with the same result, but good 'ole CPS still thinks she's pregnant.
  7. Elphaba- That you are fairly out of touch with the situation is obvious from your post full of stereotypes and rumormongering from angry FLDS apostates. If the moderators allow I would like to post articles giving the other side of the story.
  8. I think this is a joke that is going completely over my head but if it isn't... No, my name is not Richard.
  9. Family baptized when I was 7 1/2, served a mission, no longer LDS, but I know the Book of Mormon is true.
  10. Are you willing to look at things that support it or have you already made up your mind? Cumorah? Do you think the final battle took place in upstate New York? If you have already made up you mind just let me know I won't bother you again.
  11. Well, the Catholic churches started out on the right foundation, perhaps I should look past the human errors in intervening years and join up with them?
  12. I'll tell you what I tell everybody I speak to in your situation... Don't give up on the Book of Mormon, there are other churches out there that believe in the Book of Mormon that are honest about history and acknowledge man's fingerprints on a lot of things, and despite ingrained thinking to the contrary it is very easy to be a Book of Mormon believer but not a "Mormon". God bless, write me anytime.
  13. I find it disturbing that people place plural marriage downslope from homosexual acts. The courts have done far worse then this article implies... it has declared "good" acts of sodomy clearly against scriptural teachings and has declared "evil" a marriage practice acceptable under biblical law all the while completely disregarding the Constitution of the US by trampling on rights of citizen of individual states to govern themselves as sovereigns within a republic. No the situation we already have is far worse then this article implies, but for a host of different reasons. May Elohim have mercy on us all.
  14. ba·sic Audio Help /ˈbeɪsɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[bey-sik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or forming a base; fundamental: a basic principle; the basic ingredient. Your not making it any better by saying it's the basic reason. What you are saying is the fundamental reason or the basis for people leaving is desire to follow the world and indulge in the lusts of the flesh.
  15. I think you are misunderstanding the tone of the conversation. Nobody here is mad or angry that they need to "take a breath", and no one here has said they aren't sinners. I'm just gently objecting to the broad generalization about people who leave the LDS fold. Again, I'm not saying I don't have sin in my life (we all do), but sin or the desire for looser standards of behavior is not the reason I walked away from the LDS church. My decision was purely theological in nature.
  16. So the church's scriptures wouldn't seem to be advocating Uncle-niece marriage. A a careful examination of YHWH's law concerning marriage shows no prohibition against such a marriage, so the verse would be totally appropriate in it's original published form.
  17. The Book of Mormon teaches that those who do not know the law are not condemned by that law. Being accountable for finding out whether what you are being taught is a true concept, so I can't completely agree with your 2nd sentence.
  18. I completely agree. That is why I have studied to show myself approved and like the Bareans in the New Testament examined the scriptures to see if what I have been taught is true.
  19. A person is only condemned if it is indeed a true principle and they know it's a true principle.
  20. My leaving the church is only sin if what you teach is correct. If their is error in your doctrines and scriptural interpretation then my leaving was acceptable. And I do not fit Mr. McCokie's description because I did not leave because of the praise of the world, because I wanted to indulge in my private sins or enjoy the lusts of the flesh. Now this one will get me in trouble, oh well... IF BRM was the one recieving revelation to valuable to be presented to the unprepared masses of the LDS church, why did YHWH take him at a relatively young age for an apostles. Seems YHWH moved him out of his place so he couldn't become church president, which the LDS normally reserve for those men who could potentially "lead the church astray". Are you saying he would've led the church astray with true principles?
  21. And my "studying to understand and live G-d's law better" is exactly what led me away from the LDS church. I didn't walk away because of a desire to indulge in my sins or that I was offended by some church leader or member. When I began my study leaving the LDS church was the furthest thing from my intentions.
  22. Seventh-Day Adventist are modeling right before our eyes what a Word of Wisdom diet should look like.
  23. And you'll get his opinion on it. What if he counseled you to stop eating meat in the winter months? Most of them will say.. don't drink, don't smoke or do drugs, don't drink coffee or caffeinated tea, and pray about the rest.
  24. Actually there is ample evidence that either James was the so-called "President" or that there was no one head and they all had equal say and that anyone of them could be the persuasive vote in council. James was the one who gave the final voice in the famous Jerusalem Council concerning the responsibilities of the newly converted gentiles. There is no concrete evidence that Peter was ever the "President" of the church except interpretation of a couple scriptural passages.
  25. :) Even in your sincere effort to be diplomatic you asking why people "rebel" against any organization or institution, shows that deep inside you believe it is about an attitude problem on the part of the person leaving and doesn't have anything to do with just general disagreements in terms of doctrine, history, or scriptural interpretation... Main Entry: 3re·bel Pronunciation: ri-primarystressbel Function: verb Inflected Form(s): re·belled; re·bel·ling 1 : to be against or fight against authority and especially the authority of one's government 2 : to feel or show anger or strong dislike I don't fight against the church, nor am I angry at it, nor do I dislike it. I just have fundamental disagreements with scriptural and doctrinal interpretation. But I feel that way about all the churches of the Restoration and admit there are things I most likely am wrong about. We are all Branches of the one tree organized April 6th, 1830, but because of pride and rebellion we have been scattered.