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Everything posted by pam

  1. Always hard to judge weather in Utah. You could be 80 degrees one day and snow the next. But I'm happy to announce that for the weekend will be in the low 80's. Hooray!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!
  2. This is such a difficult subject. There are pros and cons to both sides. All comes down to what is ethical and if it is done correctly. There are reasons I am for it. I'd done much reading on stem cell research and how it could relate to those with Alzheimers. To be able to regrow or replace some of the brain cells that cause this horrible disease is completely amazing. Won't happen with my father who is too far along. Nancy Reagan has been a big supporter of this of course with her husband President Reagan. I just wish this had been approved years ago when so barely new. Atrify of brain cells that could be replaced would help so many people and hopefully put an end to the sufferring that not only the patient goes through but the entire family as well. It's not a "patient" disease it's one that affects the entire family. But only if this is done in a completely ethical manner. I would not want several lives taken for the sake of one in this way. Of course this is just my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
  3. One of these days Ben we will have the opportunity to meet. We've been friends "online" for 9 years and have driven (even stopping at Jamba Juice right down the street) through each other's cities yet always seem to miss each other. Others I have "met" online I would probably never want to meet. I have met quite a few in person from ldstalk. Some good experiences some bad. The internet can be a good and a bad place as everyone knows. Just need to be careful out there.
  4. Yeh what is his position on it. I have my own opinion of stem cell research. Just curious what Orin Hatch's is. Okay I just "googled" Orrin Hatch and Stem Cell Research. Everything I can find states he is all for stem cell research.
  5. I've known Pale for 7 years now. Be quiet Pale. Thought I would be nice in here. hahahahaha
  6. I have two favorites. Oh Holy Night. The version by Josh Groban just gives me chills. I also love "Mary Did you Know? The version by Donny Osmond
  7. pam

    Today's Music

    I as well am trying to bring my teenagers up to listen to good wholesome music. I've learned to appreciate alot of the music they listen to today and vice versa. However, even with the guidance I provide I find them listening to music that I find beyond the standards I have tried to give them. Most of the time they are singing along and when asked if they know what the words are...they don't. They just like the beat. Once aware of the words they then have to make their own decision as to whether to listen to it. I can't monitor 24 hours a day.